
발행: 1872년

분량: 122페이지


분류: 미분류


potius Inocybes '), thorosoro my inserenco is that it is Saser to revert at least pro tem. J to the name Agaricus hypoXanthu8, PloK., and disseuer it entirely DOm Ag. 8torea. One other question has b0011 raised, and it is that whieli I do not at present seu my Way to accepi, that this is a formos Agaricus lacrymabundus, Fr. I have nos recogniZed the

It is noteWorthy that ait thesu Dur species are characterige i ashaving a Strong odour as os putrid fisti or cucumber. Perhaps it maybe assumed that the odour is the samo, Whatevor it may be salilio resemble. In the neXt place, three are res erred to Nolanea andone to Naucoria. I am not dispos sed to place much reliance uponthe presence of one in Naucoria as evid0nce. It is not easy to

Pileus Submembranaceous, conic then campanulate, obtuse,

Pileus submembranaceous, conic then campanulate then conveX,


It must be observed that the only one os these forms Whichdeparis from the type in any seature Which Would Warrant specificdistinetion is the last, Whicli is the only truly aberrant form, in virtve of the robust stem, papillate pileus, and emarginate illS. Is I might venturo an opinion, based on the belles that Ag. cucumis is uot reatly a good Naucoria, but rather a Nolanea, Ishould suggest that Agaricuε nigripes, piscisdor 8, and cucumis are varieties of one species, cali it by Whatever name Fou pleaSe, and that Ag. piceus has distinctive features Whicli might Warrant iis retention as a fairly-good species. At any rate, it is an open question, Which meriis investigation in the light of these sugges


species under the name of Ag. viridis, but as far as Britisti Fungiare concernod, I Dei satisfied that W0 have only the one species, Whicli is linown to us as Agaricus odorus. arid, is there is another species, Whicli Fries himself had nover feen, it is notthor that ofWithoring nor Bolion, and 8hould havs no placo in tho Britisti list,eXcepi as SynonymouS With Agaricus odorus. As far as France is concerned, Dr. Quelet does nos recogniZe two species, and I amstrongly os opinion that at least tho tWo referendus to Withuringand Bolion, under Ag. viridis, Should be transferred to Agaricus odorus, io Whicli, in my opinion, they alone bulong. As this communication Will be interpretud in sonae sense aS a

confession os sin, a litile justification of that visis may bo Dundporhaps in tho admission that Ι seel very suspieious of havingsallon into error With rogard to Ag. Collybia tuberosus and Ag. cirrhatus. It is at least probable that thu colour os tubor is only a question os age, and that What I have figured as tWo species, arereatly but one, and that one Agaricus tuberosus, Whil St Ag. cirrhatus has not been figured at all. It may bo that the palo tuber is characteristic of Ag. tuberosus, and that the blaeli tuberbelongs to Ag. racemosus. Since the conviction os fonte error has

invadod mo I have had no opportunity os collecting and examining

specimens so as to arrive at a definite conclusion; under any eircumstances it seems that no tuber reatly belonga to Ag. cirrhatus, for some meight must be given to the remarii made by Fries under the lalter species, in his se Monographia': Tuber radicatu in hac

Specie numquam adeSt.'

Moreover, in this place I cannot resist the impression, althoughI havo endoavoured to vi0W their differen ces impartially, that Ag.

to mere varieties, as to definite species. It is not my intention to pronounce any dictum on What Should bo the limits of species orvarietius, nor do I thinti it of So much consequence, although in this casu I may be permitted to reserve a dolabi, Whicli I do notthiuli is moroly an individual opinion. I sought tho most characteristic specimens for illustration, and yet I cannot recognigea found speci sic disserenue. Perhaps it Would bo considerod rath 0r hqrotical in uis to doubtin the fame manner Ag. Leptoto procerus and Ag. Leptota rachodes, but the larger the num bur os specimens Iexamine the more are my doubis Strengthened as to their specific



More important, perhaps, is the conclusion I am to announce osa Search after Ag. gangrenosus, Fr. , and although I stili considerit in Some SenSe an Open question, I cannot divest myself of the suspicion that We, in this istand at any rate, have only Ag. semitatis to Whicli ali specimens and draWings of the supp0Sed Ag. gangrenosus Ahould be referred. A glance at the description as Woli asthe figures of Ag. 8emitatis strongly suggest Tricholoma, and uot Collybia, With the gilis sinuate or emarginate. POSSibly, utSO, Ag. Tr.) immundus is only a pale form os Ag. semitatis. All of thom agree in turning blacti When bruised, or old, and ali of them sit uidos right be placed in the fame section os Pricholoma. Whatever e may say, the subject is at least Worthy os fui ther investigation.

figures of Hygrophorus laetus in his se Icones,V no one Will contendthat Hygr. Houghtoni can be maintained as distinet. I must profeSS, alSO, great Scepticism With regard to Bolbitius Boltoni and Bolbitius vitellinus, at least is the right species have been Dundand figurod in the Illustrations. Vos course there are causes alWays at Work in Such cases Whichrender some of the plates in the Illustrations V sar more satisfactory than others. The sirst volume, sor instance, before tholithographers bucame accustomed to that particular hind of Work, there Was a deficiency in tho mechanical Work of printing Whichsubsequently disappeared. The eye does not become accustomedio the nice distinctions in the tone os colour Without experience, and thore Wero dissiculties at sirst in geliing Sosiness, and pre- venting exaggeration of the bright tinis. These dimouities dis-appeared entirely by the time iue arrived at Cortinarius, Whicli is about tho best period artisticolly of the Work. Be that as it may, sonae plates Will alWays be open to dis satisfaction, Whil si othersmust frankly be conceded to bo the best illustrations os given



vili not enter hero iapon the discussion, and Only repeat my conviction that the two plates are accurate in their representation oftho tWo species; thores ore I have no doubi, in the coui se of time, my antagonist Wili succumb. Is hu is one of the first to rat se dotabis, and pertinacious in insisting on them, he is also most

magnanimouS in renouncing them as Soon as he discovers that theycannot be maintained.

late friend M. J. Berheley, Whose memory We ali revere Pl. 104, can be reseri ed to that species at all, it must be a very remote form. It may be os interest to stato that Borkeloy has more than Once expressed his conviction to me, that os ali the


subgonera os Agaricus he considered Clito be as the most pugetlingand dissiduit. Again I venture to disso ut froin the Father os Englisti Mycology, in that Ι have grave dolabis Whether his figures of Ag. Collybia aceroatus Pl. 267) represent the true species. As to Ay. Collybiiij balaninus, B., and Marasmius erythropus, Fr. , I must continue to holii to the opinion that they aru by nomeans identicat is you obtain Specimens Whicli are authentic and compare them. The Ag. Myceno eaecisus, figured on Platu 148, is a fine species and an interesting one, but I could not insist upon iis being referred to Ag. Eaecisus, of LaSch; perhaps it is a neW and

distinci specieS.

in colour, but it is a salthsul copy. Ali I can say of Ag. Pleurotus ostreatus is that I rogard it asa most variabie specieS, and I hardly dare venture to name ali thoso-callod species Whicli I should characterige as some os iis


prooia os Dr. Cooke's illustrations could not be corrected by looking into a dictionary for the spelling os a Word, or into a herbarium for a specimen os a plant; a delicate tint nos rendered qui tocorrectly here, the omission os a letter there, a name Wholly mis- placed, and the faci overtooked. HOW could ali thusu bo avoldod ΤBosidos ali this liability to error due to the mero productiori of the

work, there are errors that haVe crepi into Our nomenclaturo, and

tradition, oWing to the method in Whicli namus are somelimes assigned to specimens. Fungi are for the most pari putrescent in a very rapid manner ; they are Seldom in a condition to bu profit- ably studi ed some Weelis aster they have been gathered, at onu's luisuro, With description and plates at one'S Side. There Were nofigures in existence of a great many before Dr. Cooku's, but thuy


minute Spore S. PExilexinium coxuscans, Fr. S. V. S. 510, Saco. Syll. 298 l.



S. hieracii, me. se Mass. On Hieracium pilosella. Tunbridge Relis.