장음표시 사용
stili made use of the fame contrivance to exhibit severat medicines in a liquid form, Whicli, withrespect to extemporaneous prescription, are some of the most untractabie in the Materia Medica. Expressed and essentiat olis, balsams, restias,
gummi-resins, res mous tinctures, pinguious animal substances, by the means os a vegetable mu- Cilage, are rendered to a certain degree misciblewith mater, and capable of being administered, in this form, as speedily and effectu ally, as by
means of the vitellum ovi, the common medium now in Use.
,8 Remaris On the precering Experiments.
bic; and whether simple agitation would not, in many instances, render the mixture lassiciently uniform to be exhibited Mithout disgust. With this vlew divers experiments were tried, by putting the severat ingredients mentionedinto a phial, and shahing them together. , Thisis ali that is meant, When the union is id to beperformed by agitation. And it appears frona severat of the experimenis, that this procest is ali that is neces Cary to mix severat liquids together, which have hi therio required much more labour by any other method, viz. expressed and distilled olis, the more liquid resins, and resinous
tinctures. There are however severat substances, Oia. the thich balsams, restias, and many Others, that cannot be treated in this manner. Thesewere firit rubbed with mucit age in a glassi ormarbie mortar, the other liquids then added, and, by rubbini them together, Were Weli mixed. This is ali that is intended when mention ip made os mixture by attrition. It will appear frona the preceding experimenis, that the mucilage of g. Arabic is, of ali othersyet tried, the most proper, and succeeds the most
this mucilage, and in s me cases even by the powder of g. Arabic alone, not only olis and resins, but even pinguious substances may be reduced to the sortia os an emulsion With Water. That though even a viscid syrup alone effects this union with dissiculty, yet an addition of sy-rup to the mucilage, renders the union more IO perseet.
Remaris on the precering Experimenu. 39
persedi. Ex P. VI. VII.) That the addition os a distilled spirituous liquor does not PreVent
That it preserves the substance it is thus united with, and cannot be in hagard of contracting the putrid rancidi ty that the yolli ofeggs, the medium hitherio most generalty used, is liable to. That camphire and mussi may thus be exhibited in a liquid form, with certainty in regaritto the dose ; Whereas nothing is more uncertainthan the present method os administering themin a liquid form; whicli, where the dose can boas certained, is osten the best. For camphire given in substance, either in pilis or bolus, uniess it is very cares ully mixed, will osten occasion great anxieties, frona the pungency os a large particle os camphire vellicat ingthe stomach. And the present julepum e cam
o Remiarti on Ibe precering Experimenti.
given in a liquid forna; for is the compounder
Bees waX, frona the difficulty of giving it in aliquid form, has hi therio been very litile used internalb ; though in palnsul diari liceas and dysen
teries, it seems to promise considerable benefit. From EX P. XXVII. it appears, hoWeVer, that
this substance likewise may be rendered miscitae vith water, by first mal ing the Bu rum Cerae Baleanum, and then dividing it farther by the
powder or naucllage of gum Arabic. Half an ounce of the wax so dissolved, with a pint os bar-ley-Water, a proper quantity of spirituous water, and a litile svrup, forins an emulsion that in thecases specifled may be giVen to adVantage. Sperma celi beat fine in a marbie mortar, withan equat quantity of the Arabic mucilage, fornis a sinooth paste, Which may be kept for use in this condition many days. It grows sonaewhat dryand hard by keeping, but contradis no apparent acrimony or rancidity. This paste eastly mixes with water by attrition, and spee lily forms an ii mogeneous milhy liquor. This method of manufacturing the Derma ceti for extemporaneoUSprescription, scenas the more WOrthy of notice,
Remaris On the precering Experiments. 4 I
as the prescriber is supplied with a medicine test disgustful, and with more expedition, by this
than by the usual means, and at the same time
The most common method os uniting olis and Walers at present, is, hy means of me volatile alcatine sali or spirit ; but there are many diseases in Whicli these are impropere oti is of-ten prescribed in nephritic cases; to give it Moneadds to the nausea whicli the disorder iiself produces ; here volatile spiriis are foretgn to the intention. The mucilage coincides With the generat design, and produces an emulsion both gratesul and salutary. Another circumstance that renders this methodos exhibiting olis preferable in many cases tolliat with volatile aikalies, is, that acids may beeasily and agreeably given at the same time. When Ι first began to use the mucilage sorthe purpose of mixing oil and Water, in orderio succeed the more effectually, I semetimes di rected a sim alter quantity of mucilage, and like-wise of the volatile, than Would, of themselves alone, be sussicient to unite the oti and water to-gether. But this, initead os promoting, pre- vented it entirely: the mucit age curdled; iis latent acid destroyed the alcati; and no Iastingunton could be obtained, even by long attrition. Hard calcareous waters likeWise render the mixture dissiculi, semetimes impraeticable. But acids have no such esieet; the tanton suc
et Remaris re the precediet Experiments.
To the Medicat Society in London. Gentiemen, HE tofis comulsi , or Chin-cough, is sortite most part so troubles me a diseasse, and semetimes sio fatilo hac every hint conducive toabate iis violence, and prevent the dangersarising storia it, Will, I doubi not, be acceptableto you and the public. I have sor some years made use of the following antimonial medicine, in the cure of this diseeasse, and of ten with so much benefit to the patient and satisfaction to myseis, as to induce meto mention it casualty to many of my physical ac-
From severat of these, I have received such G-vourable accounts of iis success, as to strengthenmy own opinion of iis efficacy; and to esteem it, though not a certain cure in ali cases, yet Per-haps as useful a medicine in this distemper, asany We are yet acquainted with. The composition is the sollowing :
Tartar. Emetic. gr. h. Accurate misceantAr.
The testaceous poWder, in this case, is not par ticularly designed sor any other use, than that osmahing the emetic tartar divisibi e into very smalidoses With precision, and without difficulty This proportion was fixed upon, as the whole is divisibie without a fraction; each grain of the poWder containing one-siXteenth pari os emeticrariar. Where a Very smali portion of this ig wanted, the bulla may easiily be increased by the
addition of me other, or the fame testace spoWder: Where more of the emetio tartar is
wanted, the quantity of the dose is then sum
One grain, One grain and an hali , or two gratias of this composition, may be added to sive or fixos any testaceous poWder, and given in a sim all*oonsul of milli and water, in the s renoon be- een brealis ast and dinner, to a child of a yearold: is this quantity does not prove sufficient toexcite vomiting, it saould be increassed the nexi
other, on these considerations, ziz.
empty, a straining, too great to be borne without detriment, might be occassione l. Was it given in the evening, the child would, perhaps, be robbed os tuo great a quantity of nutriment. Children's breakfatis are, for themost pari, suon digested; at least, so much nutriment is taken up in a mort time, as that muchinconveniency cannot ensue froin the lossi os ali
At night, When the sever is vehement, half the former dose of antimonial powder is given, witha few grains os nitre, and the pum. contradierU. c. This generalty procures an agreeable diaphorsis, and takes OF seme part of that moisture whichmight probably have otherwise in creased the irritation and oppression of the lungs. It is but seldom that physicians are consultedat the beginning of this diseasse, as, for the most pari, iis accest is stow, and gives but litile alarna, tili it becomes se evident, as to render it dissiculi to do any thing more than mitigate thesymptoms. But, in most cases, and in every stage of thedisease, I have chiefly trusted to this processi; sel dona having occasion eitheet to bieed, or to Use any other kind of evacuation, unless to procure a
s ol or. two daily, is the medicine above mentioned fatis in this respect. In this case a proper dose of magnesia, giVenat bed-time; With the antimoniai, seldom satis ofanswering Οur expectations. Sometimes no very
During this processi, they are directed to drinli asses milli, to eat sparingly of the lightest me ais, broth likewise, and milli in any shape. Quantity is strictly to be regarded ; for the more an lostener the stomach is filled, to the least destreeos oppression, the longer the distase continues, and with greater Violen Ce. The ablest of the faculty, and those of themost extensive experience, have Und, that toempty the stomach os iis contenis frequently hasbeen the means os afford ing most relies Oxy