The works of John Fothergill, M.D. ...

발행: 1783년

분량: 435페이지


분류: 미분류


cough, a considerable time ; and this apparently Dom the good effects observabie from their ope

This induced me to mahe trial of the remedi in question, as haVing these particular advan Mages. The medicine is almost tastelest, is in quantity very smali, and may be given in the mostonsuspected vehicle ; no inconsiderable benefiis, where we have,to do with lach patientsias aremost exposed to this terribie distemper. It is, Undoubtedly, more antiphlogistic than either of the medicines above mentioned, is tessirritating in generat, yet operates Witti equat Certainty, and, Perhaps, more energy. It is a powerful diaphoretic; the good effectis of whicli, in this case, have been atre ady mentioned. One thing, howeVer, may be necesiary to Observe, in respect to the preparation Ι have de scribed. It has been hin ted to me, that it willnot long preserve iis emcacy ; and this decay is supposed to arisse froin the tartar being robbedos iis acid by the absorbent powder. This, is

quantity at Once, to keep it persedi . , taking care especially, that the emetie be prepared by a viil sul hand. I have purposely omitted any reflections onthe nature of this diseasse, or particular descriptions of iis progressi, any farther than as theygere connected with the history of this medi-


cine, as I know your design is rather to collectmatters of faeh than to bulld systems. I would noti hoWeveri be understood to sup- pose, that this medicine mill alone complete thecure of the whooping-cough, at ali times, and under ali circumstances: Ι know it will not; and that this, as weli as every other medicine, is usesul or othemist, just as it is indicated. Cantharides, the bara, musi, casor, and many other medicines, have doubilest been of great use in Particular cases, and may be in peculiar epide-mic constitutions. I



OBSERVAT 1 odi s

SOON after Dr. Storci 's account of the clauia Was publimed, I had severat opportu nities of trying it in the disorders sor whicli it was so strongly recommended; but, With many others of the Faculty, Ι had too great caUse tolament, that a specific remedy sor cancerous complainis Was stili undiscovcred. Nevertheless it appeared to be a medicine os great efiicacy; and though it by no means an-.swered my wimes in the cure os cancers and CanceroUS tUmo ars, yet it seemed stili Corthy os sarther triais, has proVed beneficiat in various obstinate complainis, and though I cannot produce one inliance of a cancer cured by the cicuta, yet I can recollect severat in Whicli thes alias have been mitigated sor a time, the progress checked, and the dis charge changed for theo Froin the Medicat Observations and Inquiries, vol. iii.


better in respeet to colour, sineli, and consist

The folio ing case may perhaps deserve a place here, as one proos of these eme fis :A gentieman, frona one of our South American colonies, naid ille-aged, healthy, temperate, and active, had a Wart- like substance greW Up onone side of his nose, not far frona the inner can-Ibus ; and as I remember from an accidental injury. It gave him no pain, neverthelest he frequently ende avolared to pluch it off; by whichit grem fore and uneast. A practitioner there, promising him a certain and speedy cure, applied charotics, and increased the mischi es. Being thus dis appotnted of a Cure, and thedisse ase every day increastag, he came to Englandin the summer of I763. The ulcer had, bythis time, destroyed the tegUments almost round the orbit, and eat deep into the Upper si de of thesochel. The globe of the eye remained, butwholly uselesse in respe et to vision, and almost without motion, the muscies being destroyed The pains were acute both in the globe itself, and paris surrounding, Whicli mere exquisitelytender, and the ichorous dis charge Was extrem elysoetid. He had long been under the necesJty of taking large doses of laudanum to procure semeremission from patia during the nighis.

This in a se dars tessened his pain, and thes quantity


stances required. He is stili living, and stili continues to make use of the hemioc ; and thoughthe ulcer yet spreads, and mos probably wili dowhils he lives, yet iis progress has been remarkably RoW, compared With iis advances bes rethe use of this medicine; iis aspect is more Lindly, the discli arge of a better consisterice, and the stench, while he talaes the medicine, is somuch diminissaed, that those who have occasionto be near hina can eastly distinguisa when he istaking the hem c . Various attempis Were made With the cscuta externalty, in infusions, decoctions, and solutions of the extrael in different liquids and different proportions ; but they ali gave more or lessi patia, and lest an uneasy sti Tness round the edges of

the fore. In a cancerotis affection Os the longiae, the extract of h loci procurad great relies; it abaled the stench and eased the patia: but the relies Was Only temporary, and at lengili it falled in E et assor ling


amor ling any ease, or retarding the progressi os

the fatal di sorder. It is not Very uncommon to perceive, in thesedi eadfui eviis, sonae abalement of the symp- tonas soon aster tal ing the cicuta, but the essedis are too seldom lasting. I have given it repeatedly in tumoUrs apparently of a Cancerous tendency; it has set dona

succeeded to my Wissies, in large ones especially; in s mali incipient hardnesses in the breast, and other paris, I thinti it has been os use. But the trials Ι have made of the medicine have not been confined to this classi os dis orders. In scrophulous distempers, Ι thinti it has been much more beneficiat than in the preceding: the first case in Whicli it Was givera, tiarned out so favourably, as to induce me to think of it with sonae partiality; and to use it freely, thoughI own not always Witti equat successi. Whenthe cicuta was introduced into publie notice byDr. Storch, the following case Was under my

A young gentieWoman os a thin habit, pale complexion, abOUt tWenty-eight years of age, had been afflicted at times, frona her infancy, with scrophulous complainis, severe ophthalmies, glandular sWellings, and Other concomitants of this dis ea se .

vianting ; the ablest of the Faculty had successively been consul ted, and many famed empirical medicines


medicines had likewise been made use of She had taken, under my directions, a decoction offars aparilla, the barii, mild mercuri ais, sea-Water, and other efficacious medicines, but Without


When a trial of the cicuta was thought os, melaboured under the acutest ophthainy me had everendured; her pulse s mali and se eble, her restand appetite diminimed, the menses in sinali quantities and pale, and CVery secretion irregular. The glands on each side the nec down to the clavicies, were Melled and hard, on one side par

ticularly. And such was her extreme sensibilityos light, that me sat constantly on her bed withinthicli stu T curtains, and the light Was excluded

quite ment off, the ,elling of the largest glandswas considerably reduced, that of the smallerdis persed, a better state of health returned than me had known for any tength of time rogether, and has continued si ever since. She persisted in the use of the extraei constantly sor more than


a year, and without perceiVing then or since any ill essedis stom it, in any respect. I have sinace given it in many other scrophUlous cases, and frequently With adVant age, to adulis es pecially; and indeed it is to them that I have for the most pari prescribed it, as chil-dren seldona can talie any quantity of pilis, and in any other forna it is dis ust ut, is long continued. I f the extract in any respect dis agrees, itis more difficult to learn this from child ren than adulls ; arad, When given to Children even in very

At the fame time that the cicuta was administered in the case above mentioned, I made trialos it in the following : A person os a thin and rather delicate habit, naturalty healthy, about the thirtieth year of her


rated, but alWays flowly and with great patia; now and then sonae of the largest assumed a lividhue, and continued long in that condition. The ulmost care Was talien in respeet to diei, both as to quantity and kind; me was extremelytemperate in respeet to liquors of any sori; and, is any errors Were committed, they arose fronatoo much exercise in her family, and too constant solicitude.

To describe ait the attempis that were madein order to mitigate these complaints, with their various successi, would be Uselesse, as they were

ineffectual: it may suffice to observe, that me followed the methods prescribe d sor her withun remitting diligence, but Without the destredes et. She was attached with a tedious depressed fe-

with smali steatomatous tumours, frona the bignessos half a pea to the sige of half a large walnui; the appearances in her face continuing the fame both in respeet to number as Weli as patia, whicli, in frosty weather, Was almost insupport- able. Though nothing cancerous could be suspected rom her parenis or her natural constitution, yetthe hard livid tubercles on her face, yielding tono method hi therio attempted, created se ars of their tending to mischies: and this put me on


the autumn , winter, and solioWing si ring. The good essedis sion became visibie in every respect. Her face greW clearer and beller thanit had been sor sonae years ; the immoderate dita

iemened, and me ei oys better health, by the use of this medicine singly, than siue has done sor se

verat years. When me finiis any return of hersormer complainis, sae constantly has recourse tothe extradi, whicli always gives her relies.

Permit me to mention a feW more cases, in