De antiquis legibus liber. Cronica maiorum et vicecomitum Londoniarum et quedam, gue contingebant temporibus illis ab anno mclxxviii an annum mcclxxiv; cum appendice

발행: 1846년

분량: 558페이지


분류: 미분류





ASSisa Venit recognoscere si una virgata terre cum pertinentiis in Porcingessit libera olemosina portitistis ad capsellam de Porcinges, que est Johannis de Brancestor, an laicum feodum Petri filii Honrici majoris Londoniarum sitISabello uxoris ejus. Juratores dicunt quod ost laicum Dodum Potri et Ysabelle.


bow and arroWs, and tho an estors of the Mayor had hold by the samo sor- vico of the ancostors of the Lord the Κing. Ιt had also the naino of Vation at Sione, and was a paristi in the demery of Hertford, archoaconryos Huntingdon, and diocose of Lincoln, having the Aureli undor ino invocation of St. Mary and St. Andre . There appears to have been anciently a chantry in this church, dedicatsed to St. Μ y, and known by the name ofWhomsted, and there mere lands and tenemenis in tho parishes of St. SMinin and St. Mary Abellurch in London subjected to the customaryrender of sive marks annualty to the support of the chantor or custos of this chapol, Whose presentation was in tho gift of tho Lords of tho Manor. At the timo Whon the furvey of the county of Surrey Was made for in-

in those torrus: ecclesiam de Edinione cum capella omnium Sanctorum otomnibus aliis pertinentiis suis ex concessione et presentatione Bartholomoide Κaisneto. In qua videlicet capella omnium Sanctorum Reginaltas do Edinione jus patronatus quandoque sibi vendicaverat, ipsamque postea coram nobis et pluribus aliis Deo et Ecclesiae prescriptae Canonicisque ibidem Deo servientibus in perpetuam elemosinam concessit, ita quod ipse vel heredes sui nichil in ea juris de cetero modis aliquibus poterunt vendicare.



Subsoquontor otiam idom Reginaldus momoratam capsellam coram Herberto Cantuarionsi Archidiacono set aliis viris discrotis et honestis, quos ad faciendum dostinaverimus hoc, in occlesia boatae Mariae de Suwerta sopedietis canonicis concessit eamque super majus altare per cultellum plicatum, velut in memoriale perpetuum, eisdem astantibus, optulit, seque id ipsum fecisse statim coram nobis confossus est. Richard, Archdeacon of Polliers, Was

toris do Bermondsoy et monachis ibidem servientibus xvi. solidos redditus de tenemento de Edinione cum corpore Isabelle uxoris suo, filio Bartholomes do Chosneto, ibidem sepulta. Testibus Henrico Maiore Londoniarum, patre

ninor by tho Κing in this form ; Johannes Dei gratia, etc. Sciatis nos

dedisse concessisse et presenti carta nostra confirmasse Potro filio Henrici

tunc Majoris Londoniarum custodiam tocius terro ot horodum Isa bello do Chasney, que fuit uxor ejusdem Petri, scilicet, Margarete ot Johanne filiarum seorumdem Petri et Isabelle set maritagia illarum, ita quod possit Oas maritare ubi non disparagientur et quod ipse non inplacitotur de aliquo tenemento quod ad predictas heredes pertineat, quamdiu fuerint in custodia


sua nisi coram nobis vel capitali justiciario nostro. Quare otc. Testibus

G alfrido) filio Petri comite Essoxio tunc justiciario Anglie, W illelmo)Marescallo comite Penbroc, W illesino) comito Arundolli, Willelmo do Braosa, Willelmo Briworro, Hugono de Nevilla, Reginaldo do Cornhulle,

Roborto de Veteri ponto, Henrico de Bernovalle. Datum per manum Simonis propositi Beveriaci et Wollensis archidiaconi apud Μerlaberga x die Decembris anno etc. quinto. This chartor is sntored on ino Rotl of Chartors, and is thoro proceded by an onroliment of another charter in these rems ; Johannes Dei gratia etc. Sciatis nos concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse Henrico filio Ailwini Majori Londoniarum omnes rationabiles donationes suas quas fecit assensu heredum suorum de terris et tenementis suis, quibuscunque eas fecerit, sicut

cario quas ipse inde eis fecit rationabilitor restantur. Tostibus G alfrido)filio Petri comite Essexto, comito W illotmo) Marescallo, W illelmo)comito Arundelli, Willelmo do Braosa, Roberto de Veteri ponte, P etro) do Stokos, Gaufrido de Luci. Datum per manum S imonis) propositi Bevor-laei et archidiaconi Wollensis apud Mari ergam xi die Decembris anno etc. quinto. Margaret, the oldest daughtor and cohoir of Isabolla de Cheney, Wasmarried to Resph do Cloro, who in hon right held tho manor of Grotham, intho hundred of Alion, com. Hanis; and Joan, the second daurator and coheir, was married to Ralph Le Parmentior, a sedeant of the Privy Chamber of the Κing, and whose summe indicates that he was a citigon of London

Cornhulle etc. Mandamus vobis quod sino dilatione faciatis habero Radulfo Parmentario, SerVienti nostro, plenariam salsinam terro quo fuit Potri filii Majoris Londoniarum, quam habuit cum uxore sua. Teste meipso apud Waltham xxx' die Octobris anno regni nostri nono. Resph Le Parmentior was in ossico in I 204, when the Κing wroto hom Northmpton on tho 7th dayos August to tho Troas er and Chamberlatiis to pay to his Chamborlain ofLondon fixi n macts, owing to him for green cloths and for Wr pers and



the persons of the retinue of Savary de Μauleon, whom he had sent tostem on this account. In tho monili of September he had roturned toNiori, for on the bach of the fifth membrans of the Lotters Close of tho8in yoar of Κing Jolin We read, Nomina militum et servientium prisonum, quos Athodus de Thomtona et Willelmus de Coleman et Rogorus de Warno- forda tradiderunt Radulfo Parmentario apud Niortum in vigilia Sancti Lamberti anno etc. viii. I 6 Sept. 1206 ; among Whom gere these sive

ictis, Reginald de Livery, Gassur I 'Hormite, Robert de Nevilo, Peterdo Piri and GeoMey de Burgo, tWο provosis of Anfers and three ser-j0ants-at- ms. This ento is on the Itoli of Luttors Parent of tho 8in ofJolin 1207, memb. 2, in dorso, Littere iste liberato erant in camera Domini Rogis Radulfo Parmentario apud Craneburn vi' die Aprilis, referring to Lottors Patent of William Eari os Devon, binding himself to paymont of his wholo dobt to tho Κing on the feast of St. Mehaes in tho ninin yoar of his rei gn; and on the Ι2th of the fame monili he was the solo witness to tWo



had ovon to Ralph Lo Parmontior, his se eant, the liouso which was that of Hon Buchard in Winchoster, and commanding him to cause Seisin thoreos to bo mado to the messonger of Ralph, the bearer of these presenis, and datod Dom Lambest. Tho Rotl of Lottors Close of tho 9st yoar of Κing Jolin contains severat entries as to the performanes of his dulios inattendance upon the Κing down to tho month of April 1208, on tho Tinday of Whicli a Leiter Closo was sent to tho Barons of tho Exchoquer DomGuildford through Ralph Lo Parmentier. Os tho regnat years in Succession up to the Ι4st year of Κing Jolin there aro no Rotis of Lottors Close preserved, and Dom the following ent on stat Rod it would seem that hohad diod without issus in tho intervat: Rex Hugoni de Nevilla, etc. Mandamus vobis quod statim visis litteris istis haboro faciatis Wiliolino Scissori nostro domum cum pertinontiis quo fuit Radulfi Parmentarii in

and a successor chosen in the person of Ro r Fitet Alan, as we learn hom

mentier, que est in custodia vestra. Et in hujus rei tostimonio has littoras nostras palantes vobis mittimus. Teste Willelmo Briwerro apud Wostmonasterium v dio Octobris.' On the samo day tho Κing sunt his Lotters Clois With tho fame toste to the Μayor and Sheriri of London, et oining thom stat immodialely upon viow of his letters they talio into tho Κing's hand ali tho lands and renis, Min their appurienances, which Henry Fita AylWin, lato Mayor of London, had in London on tho day on whicli ho diud, and that they mard them meli. Et habere faciatis sine dilatione Willelmo



the persons of the retinue of Savary de Mauleon, whom ho had sunt tostem on this account. In tho monili of Septombor he had roturned toNiori, for on the bach of the fifth membrans of the Lotters Close of tho8in yoar of Κing JAn We read, Nomina militum et servientium prisonum, quos Aurotas do Thomsona et Willelmus de Coleman et Rogorus de Wamo- forda tradiderunt Radulfo Parmentario apud Niortum in vigilia Sancti Lamborti anno etc. viii. 16 Sept. 1206 ; among Whom were theso sive


had givon to Ralph Lo Parmentior, his se dant, tho house which was thatos Hon Buchard in Winchester, and commanding him to cause SeiSin thoreos to bo mado to the messongor of Resph, the bearer of these presenis, and datod Dom Lambeth. Tho Rotl of Lotters Closo of tho 9in yoar of Κing Jolin contains severat entries as to the performando of his dulios inattendanco iapon the Κing down to tho monili of April 1208, on tho Tinday of Whicli a Loiter Closo was sent to tho Barons of tho Exchoquor DomGuildford through Ralph Lo Parmentior. of the regnat years in SucceS-sion up to the 14st year of Κing Jolin there aro no Rotis of Lottors Close preserved, and Dom the following ent on stat Roti it would seem that he had diod without issus in tho intervat: Rox Hugoni de Nevilla, etc. Mandamus vobis quod statim visis littoris istis haboro faciatis Willoimo Scissori nostro domum cum pertinontiis quo fuit Radulfi Parmentarii in

and a successor chosen in the person of Roger Fitet Alan, as we learn hom

mentier, que est in custodia vestra. Et in hujus rei tostimonio has littoras nostras patentes vobis mittimus. Teste Willelmo Briwerro apud Wostmonasterium v dio Octobris.' On the samo day tho Κing sent his Lotters Clois With tho fame testo to the Μayor and Sheriri of London, eirioining thom that immodiatoly upon viow of his letters they talio into tho Κing's hand ali ino tanti and renis, Min thoir appurinnances, which Henry Fita AylWin, lato Mayor of London, had in London on tho day on whicli ho died, and that they mard them meli. Et habere faciatis sine dilatione Willelmo



on another membrans of the fame Rolt wo read, Rox Vicecomiti Nor-folchio, etc. et custodibus excaetarum suarum in eodem Comitatu, etc.

Procipimus vobis quod faciatis hab0ro Willesino Amilliin omnia catallaque fuerunt in manu nostra in terra Radulfi Parmentarii in Ballia vestra. Tosto G alfrido) filio Potri comito Essexto apud Wostmonasterium v die Novembris. Coram Baronibus de Scaccario.VIn the fame form Was it inition to tho Shoriss of Surrey and to thoΚeopers of the Eschoats and to tho Shoriss of Sussox. Thρ land in No olhwhicli bolongod lo Ralph Lo Parmentior in right of his Miso had namo Scrot y, a paristi in the hundred of East Flogg, whicli at tho timo of thosurvoy in 1086 was of the fies of William de Boaufos, Bishop of Thetford, and had bdon held by his prodocossors, Actast and Almar. The grant of this manor to Bartholomow de Choney Will havo boon subsoquent to II 65, 14 Hen. II., as this name is not mention0d in tho Carta of the Bishop of Norwich of that date ; iis subsoquont tenuro is thus sol down in that invaluabio record, the Testa de Nevili, under tho heading, Do escaelis et serjantiis in Comitatu No oleis: Hundredum de Estflega. Domina δε-hanna que fuit uxor Radulfi Pelliparii, ost de donatione domini Regis, et est