장음표시 사용
is this copy of a chartor of the Lady Isabella Bardois boaring dato at
pareol os tho inheritando os tho junior branch of the great familγ os Warren, men
RusLington is a pari in in tho hundred os Flaxwell, paris of Κestoxen, Lincoln, and withiis hami eis os Digby and Leasingliam, now parishes, was parcet of the barony of Shelford, as also Rowston and Braneeweli named in the extent. Fit lingliam, a paristi in tho hundred of Asia coe, paris of Lindser, West riding, Was attho time os the furvo os Donios lay the land of the Saxon Col quan ; and in 1108 Robert de Haia held in Figlingaham si x carrucates and si x bovatos, to whom this estate had been granted astor the docease os iis previ ous tonant. of his son Richard de Hai a Doun Bardois held ono linight s seo in 1168, and had two sons, Doun Bardoli and Τhomas Bardois. The fidit nainod gave to the Premonstratonsi an abbu os Blanchelando, in the dioceso os Coutances, os the Dundation os Riehard de Haia, in 1154, on the day os the dedication os the new chureli, 14th Jan. 1185, an annual rentos Murmarlis os silvor out os his manor os Fili ingliam, and assigiis this rent in this mannor ; namoly, si x bovatos os the land of hisdem ne in the sanae vili, Och bovato os nino acres of arabie land, and three os meadoW, together With two tosis in the noriti pari os tho viil ; and other si x bovates, with the villains upon them. His brother, Thomas Bardois, who marriod Rosa, daughter of RalphHanselyn, heiress os Ralph Hanselyn, her grand&ther, test issus a son, Doun or Dodo, theheir to his tither and unete, who was os ago in 1193, whon ho paid a fine to have livery os his Honour. The inherit ance of Richard do Haia, by doseont throum the families os Can ville and Long pee, camo to Heno do Lacy, Eari os Lincoln, in right os marriage With Margaret Longospho. The inquest on tho doeoaso os William Bardois, fallier os Hughnardois, ISth Edw. I., describes this manor as hold of tho Eari os Lincoln by the serviceos one linight s fies, and tho sum total os the extent to amount to xi li. X s. v d. Ob., WhOSeheir, Hugh, was then os tho age of thii ty years and more. Τho chureli of Fili ingliam, dedicat to St. Andre , rendorod annualty ten in illings to the church of Cameringliam, whieli ho been an alien priory, subject to Blancheland. Strumpinaw is a paristi in tho hundred os Blofiold, com. Norsoth; and in the 1 th yearos Edward I., 1276, Sir Stephen do Strumpshaw and Margarot his Wiso conveyod thonianor os Strumpstia , Willi lands in Rodliam and Tunstat, and the advo on os St. Peter s church in Nortli Birlingliam, astor the dec se of the furvivor, io William Lord Bardois and Juliana his wiso. On the doeoaso os William Lord Bardois the jury, upon the inquest talion at Strumpshaw on Wodnesdu noxi astor the Circumcision ofilio Lord in the year os the rei gn os Κing Edward xviii., 4th Jan. , 1290, declarod that me asor aid Juliana, his mise, had beon in suli and pineosui solsin os this manor, together With hor asor aid hi banil, up to the dar os the dec se os tho aforesaid William, and that the asor aid manor was held os Sir Jolin de Wauton by tho service os hals an ounce of silli yearly, or si xpeneo on the seast of St. Miehaol. Sum os the extent xlx K. iiii s. viii d. Upon the inquest talion astor hor decease at Cantley, 23rd Edw. I., 1295, the jury Dund that Alle also held laniis in the fame vili os the Bi inop os Norvi teli, and os Sir Roberi de
BurstWia in Holdornosse, one of tho chios mansions os the lords of Holdor-nesse, and then bulonging to tho ero , after ino taceaso of Isabella de Fortibus, Countsess of Aumalo and Devon, Lady of Holdornesso and of the Iste of Wicti, by rsason of tho Oxtinction of the line of iis ancient Iords inher perSon. Omnibus Christi fidolibus hoc profons scriptum visuris vel audituriSISabella, quondam ux0r Hugonis Bardias salutem in domino. Noveritis
me Concessisse, remisisse, relaxasse et omnino quietum clamasse pro me et
heredibus meis imp0rpotuum Oxcolloniissimo principi Domino Edwardo Dei gratia Regi Anglie illustri totum jus ut clamium, quo habui vel aliquo modo habere potui in maneriis M Wattona in comitatu Hertfordis, Hadingtona in comitatu Surreio, set Eml0sworth in comitatu Suthhantonio, et eorum pertinentiis quo sunt de hereditate inoa et de prodicto Rege tenentur in capite, que quidem manseria in manu sejusdem domini Rogis per mortem prefati Hugonis, quondam viri mei, existant. In cujus rei testimonium huic scripto Sigillum meum apposui. Hiis restibus, venerabili patre W altero) Coventrensi et Lychfolitansi Episeopo, Dominis Henrico do Lacy Lincolnie et Hunfrido do Boliun Hor ordie set Essexto comitibus, Johanno Lovel de Tichomersit, Johanne de Forrariis, Edmundo de Malolacii, set Eustachio do Haccho militibus, si aliis Domini Rogis prodicti fidelibus tunc ibi pressentibus. Datum apud Brustwyh xxi' dio monsis Novembris, anno regni domini Regis prodicti triccsimo tertio 21 Nov. 1304.)μ Et memorandum quod profata Isabella vonit in Cancellaria Rogis apud
Eboracum vicesimo sexto die Novembris, et recognovit scriptum predictum et omnia in eo contenta in forma supradicta.
On tho Charior Roli 33 Edw. I. m. I. is tho sollowing copy of a charterhoadsed Pro Isabella quo fuit uxor Hugonis Bardolf et Wiliolino filio rius.
Rex Archiepiscopis, &c. salutem. Sciatis quod cum nos nuper per morioin Hugonis Bardois destincti, qui de nobis tenuit in capite, manerium de Walton cum pertinentiis in comitatu Hor ordie, manerium de Adyngtoneum pertinentiis in comitatu Surrete, et manerium de En esWorth cum per-
t insentiis in comitatu Suthhantonio, quo dictus Hugo tonuit dio quo obiit dolis ditate Isabelle uxoris suo, et quo do nobis tenentur in capite, simul cum aliis terris et tenomentis, quo fuerunt ipsius Hugonis die prodicto, capis erimus in manum nostrum, ac nos, dictis maneriis sic in manum nostram
existentibus, ceperimus homagium riusdem Isabolle de eisdem maneriis, ipsaque Isabella pser scriptum suum concesserit, remiserit et omnino quietum clamaverit pro se et heredibus suis imperpetuum nobis ot horodibus nostris totum jus et clamium quo habuit vel aliquo modo haboro potuit in maneriis supradictis: Nos, volentes fidem Isa bello ot Willelmo filio suo gratiam facere specialem, concessimus eidem Isabelle maneria predicta cum pertinentiis tenenda set habenda prelate Isabelle ad totam vitam suam adeo plene et integro, sicut in manum nostrum capta fuerunt, ita quod post mortem ipsius Isabelle maneria predicta cum perti notitiis romaneant prefato Viliolino hab0nda ot tonsenda sibi set heredibus suis de corpore suo l0gittime procreatis do nobis ot heredibus nostris per servicia inde debita et consu0ta imperpetuum. Et si idem Willelmus sine horodo de corpore suo l0gittime procreato obierit, tunc maneria illa cum pertinentiis ad rectos heredes ipsius Isabelle integre rovertantur tenenda de nobis et heredibus nostris por servicia prodicta imperpetuum. Quare volumus, Sc. sicut predictum est. Hiis
testibus, venerabili patre Waltoro Coventrensi si Lych0feldensi episcopo, Henrico de Lacy comite Lincolnio, Johanno de Britannia juniore, Amaneuo de la Bret, Hugone de Veser, Willoimo te rivasur, Willoimo do Itythor,
Roborto de la Wardo sonoscallo hospicii nostri. Datum per manum nOStrum apud Brustwyk xxviii' dio Novembris. Per ipsum Regem nunciantem
oscheator beyond Trent, reci ting the contents of the above charters of Isabolla Bardolf and of himself, and adding, Nos volontes Oidem Isa bello gratiam uberiorem facere in hac parte, vobis mandamus quod eidem Isabello omnia bona et catalla nostra in seisdom maneriis existentia, simul cum omnibus exitibus a predicto vicesimo primo die Novembris inde perceptis liberetis de dono nostro speciali. Toste Roge apud BrustWyk xxviii' dio
tho Potitions in Parii ament is one in this form: A nostre seignur te Rot se a son counsoli monstre Is ollo, quo fusi la seme Hugh Bardois, que come nadgaires que nostro Sol giturio Rot oit sui un bres seire saeias vers la dite Isabelle des tenemen3 en Emnosworth et Wa loton, dount ly o son pere e son ael unt este seisis pei sibi ement par los chartros Io Rot Hono et lo Rot Edward, Piere noue Seignur te Rot quo Ore est, et dount pleo pontunqoro devant Sire Heno te Scrope et ses compstignouias, Lieuienans notre Seignur loRoi, sit la dito Isa bello ad plede a jumement, tequel juggement ad pris delay ja par quatro
lo dit ploe peni. et la dito Isabolis de tout en ad netlement oste. Dount la diis Is olloprie, q ile pelisso estre restitui a les avant diis tenemen3 selon loy do terre et usago du rinume. Et que les justices en te ple et te proces devant eux pendaunt; stillent aujuggement, pour le droit noue Sei ur te Rot declarer et droite mire, si plostr ly soli. Responsio. Quoad primum articulum. Habeat breve in cancellaria ad communem legem. Et quoad secundum articulum. Habeat breve ad excitandum Justiciarios, &c. quod procedant ad judicium, &e. Et si dissicultas intersuit quare id facere non possint, hinc mittant Recordum et processum in Parii amento. Robori te Ewer mas Lord os Wa lington, of whicli paristi Enis orth is a hami et, Ple antly siluated olose to the soa, arid, as her son, Thomas Bardois, di od sol ged of thoso tenemenis, ard Edw. III., 1330, Isabella Bardolf will have had judgment in her savour.
and his holrs by tho sorvico aforesaid. It is ovident froni the age of Thomas Lord Bardois s0vorally stated on thoso inquisitions as of thirty years and more, os forty years and more, and fifty years and more, that her successor in theso manors Was her only furvi ving son and heir Thomas Lord
Bardois, and that oming to the doceasse of William Bardolf hor second sonwithout issue, such manors as had boon soluod upon him by the Rosmont of Κiug Edward I., revertod in Re to ths Lady Isabella Bardore, Whereiapon by fine, to whieli this Mastor Jamos do Μοhun, probably the son of her mollier by hor first hiisband, Jobii de Mohun, Was a party, . they Were reSetued 'apon her oldest Son, Who by the jurors of tho inquisition talion at Lewos is described in these Words, et dicunt quod predictus Thomas est filius et propinquior heres predicte Isabolle de sanguine, et est elatis triginta annorum ci amplius. On inquisitions os later dato, after the sui iure of tho malo issueos Isabella Lady Bardolf, tho chartor of Edward I. above recited was produced bofore the jurors, Who supposing that tho entati had talion effeci, theyfalsely describe this selder brother, Thomas Bardois to have di0d withoutissum and that William Bardois, his brother, len a son of the name of
Thomas Bardois Who Was the common incestor, at variance With tho sind-ings upon these contemporary inquisitions, inhen immediately after inodocease of the Lady Isabella Bardois. Thomas Lord Bardois marrised a lady of the name of Agnes, Whoseline e remalias unknown, and the assertion of the continuator of Μr.
Halselinus in Wragebi 4 carrucatas, et 5 bovatas, et tertiam partem unius bovate, under Jerburc wapentacha. In Domes lay, this manor in Yarborough wapentake is thus deseribed under Terra GoisDidi Alsolin. Manerium. In Waragebi habuit Tochi ii carrucat terre, et iii bovatas, et V partem unius bovate ad geldum. Τerra vii caruearum. Ibi nunc in dominio ii carrucae, et xvi villani, et xv bordarii habentes iiii carrucas. Ibi ecclesia et presbiter et o ac o Prati, et o acrae silve. Pastura per loca. Tempore Regis Edwardi valuit x libras, modo vi libras. Tailla xx solidi. Radulfus tenet de GoisDido. Soea. In Eleliam ii carucaue terre et ii bovatae ad geldum. In Chelelbi iii bovatae terrae et iii pars i bovate ad geldum. Terra vi carrucarum. Soea et inland in Waragebi. Ibi nunc in dominio i carruca, et xi sochmanni, et iiii villani, et viii bordarii cum ii carrucis, et cxiiii aerae prati. This Robert de Caux had apparently married tho daughter and heiress os Geohey Melin, and the barony descendod in moleties to each of these representatives os the two tenanis in Domesday. In tho Pipe ROll, 31 Hen. I. undor thelida ling Nova Placita et Novo Conventiones in Notingliamscira et Derbiescio, me read Radulfus Halselinus reddit compotum de ce marcis argenti et i marea auri pro relevationat erre patris sui ; and this Ralph will have been son os Geoso living in 1108, and was