De antiquis legibus liber. Cronica maiorum et vicecomitum Londoniarum et quedam, gue contingebant temporibus illis ab anno mclxxviii an annum mcclxxiv; cum appendice

발행: 1846년

분량: 558페이지


분류: 미분류


ho had diod on tho fifth day of August, 37 Edw. III. and that William

i aristi os Dunlisborae, had beon gi ven to tho abbo os tho Holy Trinity os Caen, by Κing Villiam tho Conqueror and his wise Mallida, tho Dundera, by this chartor, of Whicli acopy has boon insertod in the cartilla , a IIS. in the Bibliotheque du Rot at Paris, ii. 5650,

sol. 17, recto. Quisqos sancte Dei ecclesie quamlibet suarum rerum portionem in beneficium attribuit, in celesti rogno a summo Rotributore sibi nequaquam diffidimus remunerari. Quapropter ego Willelmus Anglorum Rex et Νοrmannorum atque Cenomannorum princeps et uxor mea, Matii dis Regina, Balduini Flandronsium ducis filia, neptisque Henrici Franchorum illustrissimi Regis, damus et imperpetuum concedimus ecclesie Sancte Trinitatis, quam pro salute animarum nostrarum in territorio Cadomi coedificavimus, hos inha- scriptos manerios cum omnibus appenditiis suis ita quidem solutos et quietos sicut erant die qua Edwardus Rex vivus et mortuus fuit; scissicet, Felestede in comitatu de Essessa, Hantoniam et Penneberiam in comitatu do Gloucestra, Tarentam in comitatu de Dorseth. Hanc itaque cartulam et nostra et episcoporum ae magnatum nostrorum auctoritate confirmamus anno ab incarnatione Domini M' lxxxii', indictione v ', ea videlicet conditione ut si quis temerario ausu persistendo aliquid surripere temptaverit, anathema factus, orthodoxorum communitate careat iramque Dei omnipotentis incurrat. Si bnum Willelmi Anglorum Regis. Si bitum Comitis Roberti Moritonii. Si bnum Lansranei Archiepiscopi. Sigrimum Matii dis Regino. Si l num Roberti Comitis filii Rogis. Si i num Gausredi episcopi Constantionsis. Si linum Willelmi Comitis filii Rogis. Si ibitum Walchelini episcopi. Si bnum Henrici filii R0gis. Sig -num Willoimi do Braiosa. Si bnum Stigandi episcopi. Si bnum Alani Comitis. Si bnum Willelmi de Varenna. Sig -num Henrici de Feriores. Si ibitum Edwardi Vicecomitis. Sig -num Hugonis de Portu. Si f-num Rogerii Bigot. Sigrimum Hugonis Comitis de Cestra. Sig -num Rogerii Comitis de Montogomerii. In Dona dar, Gloucestrescire, under Terra IEcclesiae Monialium do Cadomo, thesemanora aro mentioned ; in Cirecestro hundred, Ecclesia Monialium Sanoto Trinitatis de Cadomo tenet de Rege Penneberie-in Langetreu hundred. Ipsa ecclesia tenet Hantone. Goda comitissa tenuit T. R. E. Nailsworth is not montioned, but it was pareol os themanor os Hampion, as me learn Dom this eschoat. Horsi0y, the paristi in whioli it is sit uate, had been gi ven to tho abboy os St. Martin os Troam, of the foundation of Rogerdo Montgomery, Eari os Salop, by William tho Conqueror, whieli had also been a manorholoning to Goda, the sister os Κing Edward. CAMD. SOC. Υ


Inquisitio capta apud Lincolniam dio Jovis proximo ante sestum sancti Petri ad vincula, anno rogni Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum sexto,

per Sacramentum, &c. Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod non est

ad dampnum domini Regis nec aliorum, si idem Dominus Rex concessit Willelmo Bardolf chivaler, quod ipso Willelmus dare possit et assignare manerium de Reshynton cum pertinentiis, simul cum mediotate advocationi Socelesto riusdem, Thome filio ejusdem Willelmi et Avicio uxori ejus, et heredibus de corporibus ipsius Thomo et Avicie exeuntibus, ita tamen quod si iidem Thomas et Avicia sine horodibus de corporibus eorum exeuntibus obierint, tunc predictum manerium cum pertinentiis ad profatum Willoimum et heredes suos revertatur, habendum es tenendum sibi es heredibus suis imperpetuum. Quod quidem manerium tenetur de Domino Rogo in capite per servicium militare et non de aliis. Item dicunt quod remanseant

in manus dicti Willelmi inaneria de Catthorp si Wostburgh in comitatu predicto, que tenentur de Domino Rege. Item remaneat in manus dicti Willoimi manerium de Filiingliam in eodem comitatu, quod tenetur de domina Iohanna, Principissa Wallio. -

Rushington, an extensive paristi in tho hundred of Flaxwell, paris of Κ tovon, Lineolninire, is describod in Domesdu under the heading Τerra GoisDedi Alselin, Laxowello Wapentacha, by the namo os Reschinione, and at that time was in tho joint tonum os Goisseed Alsel in and his nephew Ralph, favo si x bovates os land , whicli Drogo de Misere, La Beuvriere, canton de Bethune, arrondissement de Bethuno, departe- metit du Pas do Calais, held. Attached to it were three beremiclis, Ammieli, Branse-meli, and Εvedon, and an extensive solio. Τhe Priory os Haverholmo was Within thelimiis os this paristi, on an istand of 300 acros, formed by two branchos os tho Steasordriver, and having been relinquished by the Cistercian monks os the abber of Fountains,



and the earliost writs of diem clausit sextremum, sent to the escheators, beardate at Wos inster 4th February following. Purguant to such Writ an

who repatred to Loiath Parti, Alexander Bishop os Lindoin, by ohartor, in the rear 1139, bestowed this site upon a monastery os the ordor os Semprinoam ; at whicli date theparisti mas of the joint tenuro os Ralph Hansol in and Roberi de Calet, to whom the Bishopgave a mill in exeliange sor their shares. The inheritanos of the former descended toDaon, Doun, or Dodo Bardois, husband of Beatrix do Warron, doeoased prior to tho dateor theso Lottera Closo, addressed to the Sheriffs of Lincolnshiro, Essex, and Nottino , noti hing the Κing s grant of the custody of tho land whioli had been that of Daon Bardois to Roberi do Viponi during ploasure, froni Lexinton, Laxion, cona. Notis. γ23rd day os Fobruary 1205, and in savour os whoso widow wo have these Letters Closeos tho 12th os Marcii solioWing. Rex Roborto de Veteriponte, etc. Precipimus tibi, quod sine dilatione facias habere Beatrici, quo fuit uxor Daonis Bardulfi, Riskintonam cum portinentiis, quod fuit predicti

Daonis, pro rationabili dote sua, quo eam contingit de libero tenemento, quod fuit ipsius Daonis, quondam Viri sui, nisi predictum manerium excedat tereiam partem locius terre, quo fuit sepedicti Daonis. Τ este Simone do Pateshilla apud Notingliam xiii. die Marcii. per eundem. Sub eadem sorma scribitur Vicecomiti Lincolnie. On the elevonin year of the rei gn of Κing Johia, this ento is on the Pipe Riat, under Norsolo ot Sudsole. Beatricia filia Willelmi de Warroiana, reddit compotum de M. M.M. st o marcis reddendis infra iiii. annos pro habendis terris et tenementis que fuerunt patris sui, sit que ei hereditarie descendunt, et pro habenda rationabili dote sua, que eam contingit de tenomentis que ruerunt Douia Bardoifi, quondam viri sui, et quod non distringatur ad se maritandum, et quod debita quo pater suus Regi debuit, reddantur de communibus catallis que suerunt tam patris sui quam Mili sentio uxoris patris sui, diu qua pater suus obiit. Her fallier, William de Warron, gavo to the Canotis of Soutlawark, togother With his body, si xu acres os land in the pari in os Foot s Cru, in tho hundred of Ruxl , Κent, called Wadeland, sor ino fouis os his sather Reginald and of his mollior Alicia, and of Wise Beatrix, and of Reginald their son, and of Beatrix and Isabella tholadaughtera. Τhis grant was confirmed by his davgliter and heirem, by this chartor. Ego Beatrix, filia Willielmi de Warenna, post mortem viri mei, Douni Bardulfi, dum ossem in viduitato mea, concessi et confirmavi donationem, quam pater meus Willielmus de Warenna socii canonicis de Suthwerke pro salute avi mei Roginaldi de Warenna et Alicio avio meo, et patris mei Willielmi et matris mee Beatricis, et fratris mei Reginaldi, cujus corpus ibi requiescit, et Isabelle sororis meo, et mee, de IX. aeris terre in Fortiscrea, vi g. in Wadeland, cum pertinentiis suis, &c. As priniost in tho Monasticon, vol. ii. p. 85, this charior is a manifest corruption os theoriginal, and salsely hoad sed Carta Beatricis, uxoris eiusdem Willelmi. Joan, Princess os Wales, was the widow of Edward the Blaeli Prince.


' Pursitant to a writ to Robori de Loxl , oschoator of the lord tho Κing, in thocounb os Surrey, with the Κing s teste at Wostminster, 11m Feb. 2 Ric. II. 1379, an inquisition was talien besore him at Crordon on Satur lay, 7th day or MV solioWing, onMhieli tho jurora declared that it Was not to lota or projudice of the lord tho Κing, or os othera, should the Κing concede to William Bardoli, os Wirmeg0ye, licenco to grant hismanor os Addington, With the appurienanees, to William Waleote, sor me term of his liso,to liold os tho Κing and his heim, by the servi eo due and accustomod, with remainder astor tho decociso os the asoresaid William Walcote to William, son of the Morosaid William Bardois, and to tho heira i uing os tho body of tho aforesaid William, son of William, and in case os his death without imus remainder over to tho hoirs of tho aforesaid William Dardois, to bo held os the lord tho Κing and his heira by the said servies. Et dicunt quod manerium predictum tenetur de domino Rege in capite per servicium serjenterie coquine, qualiter et quo modo ignorant. Valuo 663. 8d. No Other lands in tho cound IIoneo the i in ling os the jury at his deceaso was owing to this matior being thus alienated in his liset imo, with reversion to his rounger son, William Bardoli.



Ist and 2nd of March, as to his tenure of the minor of Stowe, Fincham,Caniely, Strumpeshara, uWynbergh, and Wormegay, and of a rent of 20s. 8d. in Tilnsy, and on each we have this finding, ot dicunt quod idom Willelmus obiit die luno proximo ante festum Purificationis Beato Marte ultimo proterito, et quod Thomas de Bardois filius Husdsm Willotini, ost heres ejus propinquior, sed de etate ejus ignorant quia natus fuit in comitatu Sussexie.' A laurin inquisition was taken at Ithotelestiale, in Sussoth, on Saturday the seast of St. Wynwaley, 3rd March, as to his minor of Ilketoshais, held of the Κing in chises, with tho samo finding and ignoranco as to the age of the heir. Besoro Jolin de Coton, oschoator Athe county of Lincola, an inquisition was inhen at Cathorp, on Wodnesdaytho last day of February, as to his tentare of Cathorp manor, mi in iis mem-bors, Freston, Normanton, Sustrine, Willuctby, Hambeh, and a mototy of

Ancaster, unde lxx s. Solvuntur per annum ad auxilium Vicecomitis Lincolnio; item solvuntur fratri Brimo de Gray, fratri ordinis Sancti Johannista Jorusalem in Anglia, viginti libre argenti annuatim sibi concusso per dominum Willoimum Bardois militem ad torminum vito dicti Briani lieoneia domini Regis inde optenta. Et dicunt quod prefatus Willoimus Bardoismilos obiit seisitus in dominico suo ut de feodo de tribus Rodis militum, modiolato unius feodi, et sexta parte unius feodi militis, in Normanton, Willuctby, Sustroc, Thurieby juxta Briane, SWatton, Helprinctam, et Byhyr; as also of Westborough manor, With iis members, Dodington, Stokhingo, Stubton, and Gladwynthorpe, out of Whicli 203. were oming totho Prior of Sholford ; os a molety of the advoWson of the church of Wost borough, aud three knicti's sees in Westborough, Gladwinthorp, Doding- thorp, Stubion and Claypol. Anoster inquisition vas ta hen at Lincolit,on Saturday noxi besore the feast of St. Gregory the Popo, I 0th Mareli, ag to his tenure of the minor of Rushington, With iis membors of Digby, Dirington, AmWyke, LeSingliam, Roxham, Donesby and Brauncewell,

whieli contains a recitat of the feosinent made on occasion of his son's

marriago in the fixis year of Ric. II. above noticed, and also this findiligin rospect to the minor of Fillingliam ; Item dicunt quod dictus Wiliola mug Bardois diu antequam obiit seossavit Johannem dii Greno clericum, Johannom de Clay clericum, et Willelmum de Walcote, in manorio do Ffynctam cum pertinentiis Sibi habendo et assignatis suis, quod quidominanorium tenetur de domino Thoma comite Cestrie, ut de manerio do


Bro lesby, in comitatu Lincolnie, et dicunt quod dicti Johannes, Johannos ot Willelmus dimiserunt dictum manserium do Fylyngliam cum pertinentiis Johanni de Wythomowih clerico, ad terminum vite Sue.' Iis value WasI3l. 6s. 4d. , and ille age of tho heir, Thomas Bardois is statod in both inquisitions at seventren years and more. Beforo Johii de Briggeford, oschentor of the counties of Nottinctam and Ducty, inquisition was takenat AylWeston, on Monday nexi buforo tho Rast of St. Cuthberi the Bishop, 19 March, When William Bardod of Wyrmogoy, chevaler, Was foundio limedita sei sed of 26s. of annual ront duo froni free tonanis in the soke of Ayl-Weston, in the countv of Derby, as parcol of tho Barony of Shelford, in thecounty of Nottingliam, et dicunt quod idom Willelmus habuit diu quo obiit servieta sex feodorum et dimidii et quarterii militis in soka predicta, pertinentia ad Baroniam predictam, et dicunt quod idom Willoimus obiit dis luno proximo ante festum Purificationis Beato Mario ultimo preterito, et quod Thomas filius pr0dicti Willelmi est heres ejus propinquior, et etatis XVii. --norum et amplius. ' A noster inquisition, of prerious date, talion at Shel-

Tho manor os Bratteiby, in me hundred of Lawriss, paris os Lindsey, Lincolnshire, is the fidit named in Dom day, among those boloning to Colsuain, and subsequently to Robori do Haia, the o er os Fili ingliam, and was apparently considered as the caput of this Honour. Nicholaa de Haia, tho heiress of this fami ly, was the wi se of Gerard de Camvili, whose tenure os this manor is thus set down in tho Tosta de Novili. Idem Girardus tenet de domino Rege seodum unius militis et quartam partem feodi unius militis in Fi lingliam, unde Donus Bardois, qui mortuus est, tenuit seodum unius militis de eo, et Willelmus filius Thome quartam partem feodi unius militis per idem servicium. Idem, Girardus tenet de domino Rego feodum unius militis in Kamerinoam et in Broteiby. Idom, Girardus habet illud in dominico. Tho heiress os the sa ly os Camuille, Idonea, was the wi se os William Longespo, who held this Honour 20th Hen. III. 1235, as weleam Dom the retums os the collectora of tho aid granted in that year to the Κing, whorendered accompi os the assessment in the county os Lincoln, paris of LindSey, namely, Iollan de Novili and William de Balliol ; iidem reddunt compotum do viii marcis pro Wiliolino Longa Spata de feodo Nicholae de Haia. Et debet xvi libras de remanente xvi seodorum de veteri seossamento. In the rei in os Edward the Τhird this Honour eschoatodio tho crown aster the docease of Mico de Lacy, the widow os Thomas Eari os Lancastor, in 1318 : hut tho statoment of tho jury that it Was held os Τhomas Eari os Chestor is apparentir erron us, uni s a son of that name had been born os Anno os Bohemia, tho fimi Wiso os Richard the Socond, who di ed an insant subsequent to this date, and besorome timo os iis erection into a Principali , Which was hereaster, according to an Aet os Parii ament, 21 st Ric. II. to serve as the appanage of the future heir apparent to the throne,


Shelford, exceptis x. marcis annui redditus cuidam Johanni Grene, persone

occlesie de Plomptori, a prefato Willelmo nuper concessis, percipiendis ad sta Pascho si sancti Mi haselis equaliter ad torminum vite dicti Johannis. To whicli maiior was bolonging a passage by boat across Trent, Worthyearly beyond reprises xlid.; and tho number of knighis' seos hold of his mototy of tho Barony of Shelford ars put down at tWenty-nine, and the age of tho hoir as above. Bolare Thomas Blythe, of Blytho, eschoator of the county of Lei estor, inquisition Was ta ken at Halioughton, on Thursda noxi bosore tho seast of tho Annunciation os Blossed Μury, 23rd March, asto his lanuro of ono tost and three carrucates of land, cum capitibus pratorum,' of the honour of riveresi, by military service, With this finding, asto his holr, quod Thomas Bardois miles ost filius set horos ipsius Willoimido uncti, set de etate octodpcem annorum in festo Natalis Domini ultimo preterito.'' These variaticos as to the da y of tho birili and the age of tho hoiraro os frequent occurrenoe in inquisitioiis, and froni subgoquont evidoneo itis corta in that he was at tho timo of his fathors doceasse in his sightoonthyear, and , as he WaS borii in Sussex, the date givon in the inquisitions in that counb is probably correet, in Whicli ho is stat ed to havo been born on


os a fies in Freston, et dicunt quod omnia feoda prodicta sunt de feodo vocato Vescy, et pertinent manserio de Catthorp cum pertinentiis,' of which

the value Was unknown to the jurors. Appurtonant to the manor of

At tho timo os tho Survo under William the Conqueror tho land Os Robert de Vescycompri sed a manor in Helpringliam, wapentino of Aswardbum, of seven carrucates and threo bovatos. A manor in Canlio , having nineteon carrucates and two bovates in demesne, and twen wight carrucates and si x bovates os solio geldable. Land to as many

plouos, i. e. sorty-eight, to which mero adjacent thres hundreds, Fri eston, Normanton, and Wilioughby, and in it mero tWo churches and two primis, and hals a mili, Worth tenshil lings, and eight hundred and eighty acres of moadow. Land in Brandon and Rauceby was also soke os this manor, and a hali carrucato in Swayton mas a beremicli os the fame. A manor in Steveningo os si x bovates, With two salt-piis of two init lings and eight peneo, and a fishe , fel ding tWo hundred eeis and eighteen acres of meadom. Six bovatos and a hals os land in Heckington, in AsWardburn wapentake, was also soke os Cuthorp. In the Testa de Nevili sor Lincolnshiro, under Fooda Willelmi de Vescy, Weroad as sol lows :- Willelmus de Blohevili tenet unum seodum in Turioby, Willelmus de Latimer tenet tertiam partem unius feodi in Heckington. Cathom, Friston, Normanton, Somebroeli et dimidia Ancastra de seodo Willelmi de Vos . Johannes Coleman unum seodum in Cathorp. Radulphus filius Iohannis unum feodum in Normanton. JOllanus de Evemus unum seodum in Migheis. Rogorus de Burleg dimidium seodum in Sug- broch. Willelmus de Latimer nonam partem unius feodi in Bylar. Willelmus le timer duas partes unius seodi in Elpringliam. Willelmus te Latimer tenet terram suam in SWaneton, et quando scutagium est ad xl. solidos quolibet bovata dat viii. denarios. The two churches mentioned in Domestay Will havo been those at Caythorp and Norman-ton. Friesion is a hami et os Caythors ; Wilioughby and Sudbrolio are hami eis in thoricini os Ancaster. Thuri by near Boumo is in tho hundred os Ness, and Ηockington in that os As arilburn. Bicher is in the hundred of Κirion, and Swayton in that of AVe-lund. The Stevoninge of Domesday was in Bieliore hundred, and gives name to themanor of East Euening, in Smin hind. Tho heirem os William Lord Latimer, deceased 28 May, 4m Ric. II., was Eligabeth, the wiso os Jolin Lord Nevillo os Raby. Hamond- book was tho name os a drain extending Dom Spalding to Boston haven, and PM8ing through Bichor. CAMD. 8ΟC. S


Τhe capital manor Wostborough, in the hundrod os Loveden, paris os KesteVen, Lincolnshire, was held conjοintly by Geofrroy Alsol in and Ralph his nophew at the Suo , and at that time tho parishes of Doddington, Claypool, and Stubton, adjoining the parisbos Wostborough, were included in tho solis of this manor. In the rei gn os Henry the Third William Bardult hold in Wostborough, Dodington, Stuboton, and Parva ThorP, in chios of tho lord tho Κing, tho fiose of two linimis. Τho othor mototy was held by Robert de Evorinoam in demesne os the Κing in chios of the fies of Caux. Fenton is adjacentio St ton, in the samo hundred. Τho manor of Winwby is in the hundred of Y borough, paris of Lindso, Forth Riding, and in tho paristi is tho olia polo os Glandiord Brim ; Elinam is an aloining paristi. In the Τesta de Nevill wo have this ento under Wapontac de Jordeburgo, Wragby:- Gilbertus de Arcubus tenet in Ellisliam, V raby, si Κottolby laoda duorum militum do Roberto de Evorinoam, et idem Robortus de domino Rege in capite de conquestu. Itom Willelmus de Alneto, Walterus de Pertenu et domina do Drayna tenent in Ellesham, Wraby, sit Κetiel by feoda duorum militum do Domino Bardulso ot idem Bardulsus do domino Rege in capite de conquestu. V Kettiobyis a hami et in Bigby, adjacent to Wramby.