De antiquis legibus liber. Cronica maiorum et vicecomitum Londoniarum et quedam, gue contingebant temporibus illis ab anno mclxxviii an annum mcclxxiv; cum appendice

발행: 1846년

분량: 558페이지


분류: 미분류


liam Bardolf died on tho last day of January, sin Ric. II., and that Thomas, sola of tho aforesaid William, is his nexi hoir, and was of the age of twentyyears on the sol th day of January last past. Besore Jolin Longovillo,



Enhale, usualty written Elme, and Newton, aro parishos in tho Iste os Ely, in the vicini of Wisbeach, and in the Testa de Nevill thero is this ento as to the tenuro in thoreim of Hen. III. Balde inus de Rosei tenet in Enhale, insimul cum terris suis in IIouiton, Creli, et Gydestem in com. Norsolcis feodum unius militis de Honoro de Wermegay. Baldewinus de Rosor tenet in Enhalo quartam partem feodi unius militis do

' Τho extensive paristi os Bradwell, in the hundred of Dongy, the most ancient inheritance of the fami ly os Bardois in England, had beon entiret y subinlauded at the dato osthis ento in the Τesta de Nevili. Willoimus, frater domini Regis Henrici, dedit Brade-welle per servicium unius militis Thome Bardulf, et Thomas Barduis dedit tres partes ville tribus filiabus suis in maritagio, scilicet, Roberto do Sancto Remigio, Willelmo Bacun, et Baldwino de Thoeni, et idem Thomas retinuit dimidium seodum militis, scilicet quartam partem quam Baldwinus de Thoeni et Τhomas de Bortaro tenent et quartam partem quam Simon Coeus tenet in eadem villa. Et quando Normanni amiserunt terras suas dominus Rex Johannes dedit partom Willelmi Bacun et partem Roberti do Sancto Remigio Thomo filio Bernardi, et postea dedit eas Alicio de Garpeiavilla, quo modo tenet per servicium militare. Thomas FitZ Bernard was hvsband of Alicia de Garpetivilla, daughter and heir os William de Garpenville and Albritha de Rumenei, who with thesamo Albritha had ali her inheritanee and the marshalsea os the Κing s birds, and this succession was confirmed to him by charter os Κing Jolin, dated at Woodstock, 18th duos March, 5th os Iolin, 1201. Mao, daughter and heir os Jolin do Orby, who had been the wi se of Sir Joliti de Roos of Helmstu, com. Ebor. chi valer, diod without issue 18th Ric. II. 139έ-5, when Maud, the wi se of Ralph Lord Cromewell, mother of Aricia Lady Bardois, was mund to be her cousin and one os two coheirs. William Lord Bardolphpresented Henio Croydon On the 26th June, 138έ, to the chureli of the Holy Trinity os Bradmeti juxta Mare, ut On the resignation os Guido Mone.



The chapel os St. Mao, in Walton, called Whemsted, was ot the presentation os the Lor is Bardois, and on the 18th Jan. 1375, William Lord Bardois presented John Disse-

' Porisiade, a paristi in the hundred os Fishemate, rape os Lewes, had been constitutedine principat seat os the honour, consisting os ten fiess in Sussex, Which was apportionedio Reginald de Warren, younger brother of William de Warren, third Eari of Surrey, andumn the decease of his son and heir William de Warren, this inheritance, together withthe barony of Wermegay, derived hom her grandmother, Alice de Wermogay, devolvedupon Boatrix, his Ont1 furvi ving child, thon the widow of Doun Bardois. Νot long aster o remamed Huberi de Burgh, the chamberlain os Κing Jolin, by whom ine had sons, who di ed in insaney, and was heraeis deceasod belare the closo of the year 1214, 16 Jolin. Ηer son by her fidit hvsband was os ago and in possession of his paternal inheritanos in the sol lowing year, but was, it Mems, compelled by his steΡ-sather to malio him a grant ortho capital manor os Portesiade, mi in iis appendant linighUs fees, which is enrolled on

de Burgh, Who never assumed the titie of earl, succeeded to his lands in England, and intho Testa de Nevili, under the heading Isti tenent de Honore Warrenne, que est in manu Petri de Sabaudia, me read Johannes de Burgo decem Roda militum in Portesiado de eodem Honore, omitting ali mention os tho mesne tenure of William Bardoli, whose representativo was Iolin Lord De la Warre at the time os the caption os this inquisition.



Gedeling, Worin yearly ten marks. Pursuant to an eighth writ of tho fame dato to William Bothe, escheator of the county of Lincolia, inquisition Was



tengis for insertion hero, and of whicli an ample account is containsed in iis lorat histor . Agnos Lady Bardois, after the doceasse of her firsi lius baiid, boca me inswi se of Sir Thomas Mortimor, knighi, who was impeached of hio troason in tho Parii ament bogun at Wos inster on Monday nexi after tho Rast of



R in J univorsis et singulis Admirallis, &c. ad quos &c. salutem. Supplicavit nobis Agnos Bardois Domina de WOrmegey, nuper uxor Thome Morty-mer, chevaler, quod, cum ipsa vota peregrinacionis versus urbes Rome et Colonie ac alias partes exteras pro Salute sua emiserit, velimus eidem Agneti ut ipsa Versus urbes et partes predictas in quocumque portu regni nostri Anglie, sibi placuerit, cum duodecim hominibus et duodecim equis in comitiva sua, ac

bonis, rebus et hornosiis suis transire et se extra regnum nostrum predictum, quousque peregrinacionem Suam predictam compleverit, absentare, necnon

eidem Agneti, quod ipsa trescentas libras pro expensis suis in hac parte mercatoribus Januo sive aliis personis quibuScumque infra regnum nostrum Anglie solvere, et eisdem mercatoribus sive aliis personis predictis quod ipsi litteras cambii sociis suis in partibus exteris commorantibus pro Summa illa eidem Agnoti in partibus illis solvenda bene facere Valeant, annuere gracioSe ; nos, Supplicationi predicte annuentes, licenciam illam tam prolato Agneti quam prodictis mercatoribus tenore presenciarum duximus concedendam. Et ideo vobis mandamus quod ipsam Agnetem cum hominibus, equis, ac bonis, rebus et hernesiis suis predictis ex quocumque portu regni nostri Anglis sibi placuerit versus urbes et partes predictaS ex causa predicta libero et absque impedimento aliquo transire permittatis, aliquibus mandatis sive ordinacionibus in contrarium factis non obstantibus, dum ta-mon eadem Agnes aut homines sui predicti aliqua nobis seu regno nostro Anglis projudicialia secum non deferant, nec iidem mercatores aut alie persone predicto aurum vel argentum in massa vel moneta versus partes exteras colore presentis licencie nostre non transmittant quovis modo. In cujus,


In tho Nomina Villarum for the counu os Buckinoam, 9 Edw. II. 1316, we read, in Hundredo do Aylesburr villo de Broughton cum Hul cole, villa una, Abbas de Mus-sondone et Walterus to Graiinter ; Astons Clintono, Willelmus de Monto Aeuto G sit Wendover Burgus, Robortus de Fenes ; and in Hundredo de Rysoberra Blodelawo, dominus Abbas de Bok-Harlewme. For the counu of Bedsord in Hundredo de Man-n liquod cum dimidio Hundredo de Stanebrugge sunt villo de Hoglitone Regis, Erione, V ylesnade ot Totemho sunt tres ville. Willelmus la Souche dominus. Birchemoro cum Wouboume Chapolo ost una villa. Willelmus la Zouche et Abbas de Wouburne. Dirchmoor Was originalty a parish, liaving a churoli dedicated to St. Ma , now destroyed, and tho chwelo os St. Mary Woburne Was within it, and had been appropriated to the Abbor os Woburne.' Tho manor os Crowebergh was parcol os the honour os Valoinos, as Wo learn Doni an


his ii , after Whose docease it was to revert to tho grantor and his heirs. Upon the decease of thoso parties, the manor With iis appurtenances liad

io the asoresaid Agnes in dower, sex assignatione cancellarie ejusdem domini