장음표시 사용
Τh Word cum filio suo primogenito V micti more strictly mean
A.D. 1401. At this time, about Michaelmas, a quarte Os hest oti a Sudden rose in price homone oble o tWO, an in ome
on aint Martin's da st Ith November '. The commons os Cardigan, ein pardone their lives,
the so of the uirerer I hink however, that the prince of Walesis referre to Henr Was in ales in the early part of October. On of the ordinances passe on the 22n March, 1401, was that the defendes of the casties in Orthyales hould e hept in repair for three years a the expense of the elfh. Thomas lantagenet, create ear of Albemari an duhe os Clarene in 1411, a stat at the batile of auge 1421. e Wasappotnted lieutonant of reland in the summer of 1401 and lande at Dublinin the 13t November, an remained in the count 40 tWO
The date of a propose truce, to lustrior Raear.
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Who a electe emperor sent a solemn embassy to tho
A. D. 1402. O uniODS, the Ope conferre on me the writer os his