Chronicon Adæ de Usk, A.D. 1377-1421

발행: 1904년

분량: 396페이지


분류: 미분류


Richard sitford, translate Domaehichestor 1395 died 1407. S


A. D. 1404. to the prstis o God and that I might do more usosul


io divido it an it is se apar to the cardinals for theelectio of the futuro ope an it must be hut and walled in o ali fides, so that, exceptin aramali Wicket forentrauco hic is close u after the have gone in itshali remat strongi guarded. and therein is a mall

been calle in by the eoplo, and was marching on the cil Whenthe conclave mei. The cardinals hastene to mali the electionbelare his arrivul. This seem to have been the custom of the times. At a laterperio a guard Was set ove the hous of the pope eleel.


Cremontes et Gutumes Religieuses Amsterd. 1723). Interestin particular of the coronation o Innocent VIII , in 1484, are ive byBurchard Diurium Florent. 1854), hic may b compared illithe narrative in ur 0Xt Burchar himself, a chamberlain Persorme th cstremon os lightin an extinguishing the fom. Asa later time this simple emblem of the gloria mundi V was changedlar a more elaborate ne the fragments of to givin place ominiatur modet os casties and palaces made of that materiai. Parto the eremontes ere, Omever, omitte in Innocent' coronationfor the followin reason. I appears that is the ope rod in stateu to the Lateran the eoplo claime both hors and baldacchino. T resist this claim, andri avoid the rudenes of the croWd Innocent dismounted ea St. Clement' church and was thene carrie in chair But this ni made matters orsae for the pressure of thecrom Was a great that his bearers, ahin a rus to carr him through, ere Wept right into the church so that pontificis receptio in ostio sive porticu Lateranensi et ejus locatio in sedustercoraria accinctio pecuniarum fieri non potuerunt,' and the rocession reachod the high altar in ludicrous confusion. The ceremon of the aedes stercoraria, V Wit the meaning givent it in his and ther chronicies is discussed by the editor fBurchard' Diar 48 sqq.), Wh quotes rom various authoritiest sho that the nam aros fro the verse chanted by the cardinals,as the raised the pope lao the chair in hic he a sente Withintho portico of the church Suscitat de pulvere egenum et de stercore erigit pauperem V Ps cxij. 7ὶ and thati an obvious confusion thechair bocam in the popular min sedes probatoria. For an account of Ope Ioan whom mur chronicier, curiousty



inus cloarod,hilo it Was ein gatheredisp. No Proj0i eo that ΓWas present an seruod in that great solemnity, as also I did in the coronationis hing Η0nry tho lauri o England an in the confirmatio of the empiro

enough, calis Agnes), se Burchard's Dia , 82 sqq. Niem, ho mascontemporar Wit Adam fish, states in his Historio sui temporis that her imago stood in the street betWeen the church oscit Clementand the Coliseum. 2 Cor. V. 17. This curious custom is fraced bach to the tWelfth centuo, hen, o Innocent II. akin refugo in France an entering Paris, the Jem presente him it a copy of thei tam CD onies, etc. I. pl. i. 13. Burchard 47 says that in his time tho ceremon took place at homonte Giordano, ut formeri nea the casti os Sant' Angelo Dom hence, hoWever, the Jem mere rive by the insulis of theseople. In later times Cermontes, etc. I. t. d. 59 the cenemas remove to the Coliseum.


btundered Count Ugo algani, a tori di Roma ella eronicadi Adamo da Usk, 1880, has found a certain count Manopello, of the Orsini faction: ut his identit wit Malepella' must remain

S ais Burchard 81), unde dat os 1486, has the lalloming :- Feria secunda, 25 mensis Decembris, est Nativitatis Domini Dei Salvatoris Nostri Jesu Christi, Papa processionaliter venit subbaldachino ad basilicam S. Petri, praelatis et Cardinalibus post crucem

praecedentibus. Dominus inulphus clericus Camerae ad sinistram Crucis ensem cum pileo portavit super altare majus in cornu epistolae, ubi per totum missam mansit. Qua finita, Sanctissimus Dominus Noster, sedens in sede solii, comiti Tondillae ante se genuflexo tradidit gladium cum capello, dicens sine libro Accipe gladium, et sis defensor inde et anetae Romanae Ecclesiae, in nomine Patri8, etc., quem ille accipiens osculatus est manum, deinde pedem Pasne, et dedit eum uni ex suis militibus, qui eum continuo ante PSum