Chronicon Adæ de Usk, A.D. 1377-1421

발행: 1904년

분량: 396페이지


분류: 미분류


account of the origi of this eremony: Les apes sondent cetusage fur e qu'on trouve dans te secon livre de Machabees, aucta pitre v. oesi est dit que Judas Machabee etant pret a combathre Nicanor, generat de Parme d'Antiochus, Boi de Syrie, ut uno visionsi laquollo it tui sembloit voleste grand retre Onias, quoique mori, qui prioit Die pota te euplo Juis, et te Prophete Jeremi qui present i au meme Iudas ne epe doree, en tu digant e paroles: Reqois cette ainte epe que Diei te donne et ave laquelle tu detruiras te adversatres de mon peupte Israel. V The cap as usuallysent O Ome prince or captain distinguished by his ea sor hochurch. Pius II sent a mord an caprio Louis XL

Rom. X. 18.

R Theso tW nigurrim barbati V seem to have been Ethiopians. Marco Polo ed. ulu 2nd edit. 1875 h. 421 in his account of Abash, or Abyssinia thus refers to the customis branding The Christians in this country bear three mark on theriacea ne hom the forehendio the iddie of the nose, an one On ither cheeli These marksare made With aio iron, an sorin part of thei baptism for after



unde tho profession of the ordor os aint Benediet, hoservo God wit tho greatos devoviness, hic mas of oldsumcisintly ondo sed ii possessions renis, and ther profits an in his monaster nono ut virgins os nobis biri mors an ars on to e received But noW, Wi to the burnings, Apollings, and ther missortunos hichhave been caused by the wars hic raged in hos paris, or thermise this fame monaster hat comerio sue mant

tha tho aro baptigod it mater, these three mata are made, Iarib as a token of gentilily, and parti a the completion of their baptism. There are ais Jem in the counto, and these bear Womarhs, ne On ither cheeli and the Saracens have ut ne to it, o the forehead extending halisandoWn the Ose. ' Colonelaule, in his learne note pon the passage, reser to the early mentionb Matthe Paris, unde the ear 1237, of the practice among the Jacobite Christians os brandin thei children o the larehead besore baptism. t appears also o have been the custo in Abyssini and ther paris of Africario cauterige the temples of children, to inure them against olds Ariosto, referring to the emperor of Ethiopia has: Gli , 'io non pigito errore, in questo loco Ove a battesmo loro sano ii uoco. Sali, the traveller, mentions that mos of the eopte os Dixa hada rosa brande on the reast, right arm o foretiead; hic heexplain a a mar of attachment to the ancient metropolitan hiarcho Axum. An in Marino Sanudo it is state that 40me of the Jacobiles an Syrians ho ad rosses brande on them sat this mas dono for the destructio os the pagans, and ut o reverenee to tho Holy Bood.


1 Cor. X. 24. The Monte Testaccio an artificiat mound of som Sige, mensuringi circumference at the base bout hal a mile, siluate nea the Tiber, to the out of the Aventine. It was the rubbish-hea of the Romana, hic begando accumulate, it is thought about the egimning of the empire. It consist almos entiret of brohen potiery, chleis of vesseis sed in tho importationi producis fro the pro- Vince an mostly hom Spain. The Moining landin stages ere Pparenti cleare periodicali of rohen or aste esseis, hichwere discliarge on to this site.


races alae them a priZOS.



A. D. 1404. Ope alias bear in his haud a ros, os great price, cun


the Deo passage of tigrim and of provision an abovo ali that for tho palae apostolio to Romo ' An horosorho himsol and ali ho cardinals hol in thei haud Whito


me gressus o Italia se rogeto,' a silver coin os foues 'danari. It was on this coin that the Englis groat o laurpence a based in 1351. Innocent VII Was a Neapolitan. It a nos pepper that was exchange belween Darius and Alexander. dam, as usual knows ninhalf the story. The abletellarus that Darius sent to Alexander som sesam Aeed, as typicat Ofthe multitude of his troops Alexander replied that the ee Wasnumerous but fasteless, and as typical of his omitroops, sent mustardsee to Darius, horiounxit Amali but pungent.


ho distributos consecratod Agnus Dei' os,hit Waς an A. D. H04.

Cahes of ma stamped wit the Agnus Dei. Thesbason in hic the Agnus Dei mere place and presented totho popo for distribution Chaque pape la premiere anne de sonpontificat, et puis de septinns e sep ans, a coutume la semaine dans 1'octavo de aque de beni solennellement les Agnus Dei, qui sonide petita ain de cire lanche ronds, tantisoit eu elliptique ouovales, moules en forme de medailles, ii iis a d'un cote la figure de Jesus-Christ ressuscite, oule Aous celle 'un agnea qui ienti'etendard d la Croix, et de l'autre part ii, a surde revers queique saint en demi-reliet, qui est ordinatrement Oile patron particulier dupape regnant, a saVOir elui qui porte O nom de bapteme, o celui pou teque i a te plus de devotion, et donici croi l'intercession plus emcace aupres de Dieu.V-Tableau de la Gur de Rome 355. Archbisho Scrope and Thomas Mowbray, ear marshallan earl



in thoradath o Bonifac IX. on the 1st October, 1404, and the subsequent electionis Innocent VII. Ladisias king of Naples, hoha be tende Boniface, reconcile the Roman to the nem pontis but Wit an ulterior viem to his W advantage. Quarrellin re commence in the nexi ear On the n August, 1405, tho citigens attempte to res possession of the Ponte Molle ro the papaltroops, ut the were repulse With loss. Negotiations ere then opened, and o the t of the montes deputatio of the Romans malle o the pope. O their Way ac the wer dec0yed by the

POpe's nephe , Ludovico marquisis Ancona into the hospital of an Spirito, an eleve of them ere massacred. The eopte rose, and Innocent fled fro Rome on the evening of the fame day.-Creighton,