Chronicon Adæ de Usk, A.D. 1377-1421

발행: 1904년

분량: 396페이지


분류: 미분류



29 180: eheade a Bristol 43, 203. Deveriti livingitve by the popet Adami Usk, 77, 246. Diest Adam os Usk passes through, 74, 242. Ddon: Adam of Ush passes through, 104 283.

Dougias, Archibald, eari: ahenprisoner at Homildon ill 85, 256 Mahes par in the battis of Shremsbury 83, 253. D Bois, terre, bisho of Acqs: confirm the acts of the parti mentis 1397, 18, 163. Dunbar, George, ear os and of March transfer his allegiancet England 65, 231 present attho batile of Shrowsbury, 82, 252. Dymoch, Margaret her right to the ossice of champion, 35 188, 189.

188 his petitio for the ossice, 35 188.

Easter: ieremonios ut Rome, 98,

York absolved for hare in thocommission o regency, 12, 13, 56. Εdward the confessor belisin his stirine ring spontaneously, 55, 218.

Northumberland dodgef there,106, 287. Egypt stor of the soldamos Babylon, 102, 103 280 281. Eltham: Henry IV and the Greela

Excommunication, generia: Cere-

Exeter, duke os see Holland John. Falaiae siege of 131, 317. False prophet D ut Rome, 95, 26, 221. Feriby, William executed, 42, 198.



negotiates for the surrender of

sermon in partiament onmen IV.' election, 32, 18, ossiciates at his coronation 34, 187 his temporalities restored 37, 192; confera livings o Adam fish, 40, 195 sermoni the suppressionis rebellion against Heno

28, 178, 179.

France: preparations sor War With, 44, 205 question On queen Isiu-


Germany Iris missionaries o,101 279 festival in memor Ofking Arthur, 106, 286.

his election, 9, 223 Verse On, and ceremontes 59, 223, 224. Me Ruperi, count-palatine. Sigismund.

dition in his id, 85, 255 holdspartiaments 86, 257 his sonGrissit dolante and captured, 103, 282 and dies in the Tomer, 104, 282 capturo of his family, 119, 297, 298 his deat and secret buriat 129 313.

34, 188 suit for tho Hastingsarms, 58, 3, 221, 29; talion

Glendower 103, 282. Gr0y, si Thomas, O Helon: ne ofa deputation to receive Richard



tho aris of March, 19, 20, 22, 166, 167.

125, 307 inhabitant replaced by nglis settiers 126, 307; Englis tosses in the lege, 126,

307, 308 verse on it capture,129 313 revictualled 130, 314. Harlech: si E. Mortimer be- sieged, and dies at 77, 247. Hastings,adWard, baron fuit With

ear of Mundet, 14, 158 madeduhe of Hereford, 17, 162 his quarret,ith the duk of Norsoth, 23, 24, 170, 171 the duel, 24, 171; his display, ibid. banished, ibid.;

172 prophecies appliedri him, 24, 25, 172, 173; his adge, 25,

173 clands at Ravenspur, 25, 174; marches to Bristol ibid. through Hereford, etc. t Chester 25, 26, 175, 176 proclamation to pareth count of hester 25, 175; reviems his army, 27, 176 entera Chester, ibid.; ahes Richaia II. prisoner at lint an removes

him o hoster 28, 178, 179;

deputationi London citigens tohim, 28, 179 marches to London, 29, 179; imprisons Richar in the Tomer, ibid. questioni his right to tho crown by descent, 30 182 claim the crown andis enthroned 33, 186 fixos theda of his coronation, an summon is ne partiament, ibid.;

mahes nights of the Bath, 33, 187 his coronation ibid. his Worda to the champion 34, 188; Richard's greyhound follows him,



ibid. omen at his coronation, ibid. Henry, prince of Wales, a te arda

Henr V. imprisone in Trimcasile, 29, 180 return to Eng-land an bring si W. Bagotu prisoner, ibid. made a linighto tho Bath, 33, 187 bears asmord at the coronationis HenryIV. 34, 187 made prince of Wales, 36, 37, 190 191 and duhoo Cornwall, 37, 191; confersa preben o Adam of sh, 45, 206 receives the surrender os Conma casile, 61 226 his bapilago alien by Glendower 70, 237 presunt ut the executiono a eis prisoner, ibid. his

accessio an coronation 120, 298, 299 tormin his coronationday, 20, 299 issues a generalpardon, ibid. holds a partiament, ibid. devices for aising money, ibid. embassies between

England an France, 120 300; represse the ollard rising 121, 30 issues a genera Pardon, 124, 305 his religious Oundations ibid. levies privateloans 124, 130, 33, 305, 306, 316, 20 fallure of embassyrio

Conquer Normandy, 131, 17;treat os Troyes 132, 319 madiries atharine of France, ibid.; return to England ibid. levies loans an prepares sor his last campaign in France, 133, 320.



ibid. Innocent VII. pope his election, 88, 260 his hous sacked ibid.; Adam os Usk' vision respecting

Romans submit to im ibid. ;he re-enter Rome in state , 100, 278. Se uiso Migliorati, Cosimo


64, 230 Thomas of Lanc ter, lori lieuienant, sent gainst

tho Irish, 71, 238 Glendower's lotior to tho ord of Ireland, 73, 241 Oris missionarios in Germany 101, 279 traditionifthe origi of the Scot and their occupatio of Ireland 101 102,279, 280 Iris in Englandis dered homo, 120 131, 299, 316.

Isabella, daughter of Charies VI of France: marrie to Richard ΙΙ., 9, 151 questions concerning herdomer, 48-54, 209-217 leaves London 63, 228, 229 restored totho French, 69, 236. Istip Simon, archbishomo Canter-


Jerusalem reported destructionis,

62, 227. Jesus Christ prophecies of his birth, 110, 288.

JeWs: thei ceremon ut the papalcoronation, 91, 264 gam ut Rome at thei cost 95, 270. Joan, ope her image a Rome, 90, 263. Joan o Kent, princes of Wales:

her mediation it Richard ΙΙ., 5, 143, 144.

os Brittany marrie to Hen IV. 85, 255. Joh th Baptist his ea at Amiens 104 283. Joh XXIII., pope deposed 125,

306. See also Cossa, Balthasar. John, in o France questions concernin his ransom 50-53, 212 216.

qu0ted 39 45, 46, 194, 206, 207.

19, 165. Kemsing the livingsivendo Adam of Usk, 40, 195. Kent Iach Stram's rising in 1, 137.



through, 103, 282.

Lateran the ceremontes M, On thecoronation o Innocent IL, 90,263. Latimur, William, baron: bearithe

tion 34, 187. Launde the prior of hanged 84, 255. Logh, sir Piers de beheaded, 27, 177. Leicester partiament hel there,123 303, 304.



Liveries statuto against irregularus os 39, 194. Llanbadock one-πed bo ut 41,197. Llanbister Adam os Us receives the proben Do the pope 77, 246. Llancnyo monster calf at 41,197. Llandass: eae in the diocese 70, 237 the archdeacono conserred

Loans 124, 130, 133, 306, 316,

820. Lollarda prevalence of thei h0xe8y, 3, 4. 140, 141; numberssiain, 4, 141; troubles in London, bid. risinii London, 4, 121, 142, 300, 301. Lombard merchant in London: restrictions, 55, 217. Lombardy : narchnin 75, 94, 243, 269. London: tot unde Jac Stram,



128 129, 133, 311 312, 319.

tion to the isti oprie, 92, 265;

adoption os the se of Sarum, 124 305. Louis of avaria, son os the sempero Ruperi proposais for his marriage, 9, 23; marries Blanch of Laneaster 85, 256. Lucerne : dam O Us passes

92, 266.

Man iste of the ear of WarWichbanished thither, 17, 161. Manuel IL, Palaeologus, Gree em- peror visit England 56, 7, 219, 20: his ress ibid. at Eltham, ibid.

March, countes of se Mortimer,

Martin V., popae his election, 131, 317, 318. Matthe n Hoel receives thelivingi Panteg, 40, 195. Maudeleyn Richarda executed 42, 198. Merio uncto os Constantino the Great 97, 272. Merionethshiro supporis lendo mer 71, 239. Meae Thomas, bishopi Carlisto: beare os a mussage to archbishopΑrundel, 11, 15, imprisonod and deprived 43, 204 ishomin partibus, ibid. Mersiliam : Adam os Us presented

Minorites orsre Diars executions

of 84 255. Mona, Guyde, bishopis St. David's: proposed translation to London, 92, 265. Moncalieri: dam o Us passes through, 103, 281. MOnhsWood, ear Ush: Griffth Glendomer capture there 103, 282.



his sureties, 45 206. Montacute, Thomas de ear of Salisbury made governo OfNormandy, and carries o themar, 133, 319. Montferrat, arquisate of Adam

land 22 168 his deat and epitaph, ibid. deat of hisdaughter Philippa 54 55, 217.

Mortimer, Edmund fifth ear of March his count of Vister attached by the ear of Orkney,

brohe, 23, 24, 170,171 the duel, 24, 171 exiled ibid.; dies at
