장음표시 사용
Astor tho schis of thiri years duration, hic distractud Christendom, thereaeing somelimes Dur, Aometimes three, Ometimes Wo opes Sitting, Otto di Colotina, a nobi os Rome and a Ghibellino cardina deacon of thotitio os ain Georgo in tho Velabrum, a b ali ho cardinat an prociors of the severat nations, it inoto Bemich; ut more drive of by the earl of Northumberland Thoearl of Dougias also attemptedioxburo. ΑtIouques, o the 1st August. Caen a besiege and carrio byassauit on the 4t September. Falais was besiege Do the beginning of December, 1417, and surrenderedin therand Janua , 1418. Gilbert, baron Talbot ted a raid into tho Colentina ut o his retur he was attache at the ford of St. Clement, at tho mout of the river Viro, andiaret escaped Wit the lossifiearly ali his men. Se the Chronique de Normandie, printe at the en os the Gesta Henrici Quinti, p. 180. He was rought elare partiamen o the 14t December, and was condemne and executed in St. Giles' Fieldsin the fame day.
on ordinance a passed, t November, for the due promotionos graduates, in orde to encourage hos Who, for the advancementos learning by constant study had continue in the universities and hadiro nil in academical life .-G00dWin Hist. Hen. V. 171.
Tho rost of Adam's texi consist ratheris notes than consecutive history. Hereae repeata the invasionis France, undae does o again in the nexi paragraPh.
Se Foedera, . 96, and Proc. an Ord. Prio Guncii, ij. 280, sordocuments respecting enlareement of loans.
Henr embatae for the last timerio Francein the 10t June, 1421. Adam herelare rote the last mord of his chronicie eforo that date.
tur peccata per populos diτino jussu eaeeitatos, beginning, Remittuntur peccata per Dei verbum.' Adam' closing ord of discontent are Ver significant.
Acciaduoli, Angelo, cardines of Ostia: irowns Innocent VII. 90,262. Acqs. bishop is D se, mi Bois,
Ancona, audovico marquis it: massacres Romam mitigens 99, 276. Anglegey Humphrey, dulio os Gloucester dies there 29, 180. An o Bohemia negotiations sorher arriage, 3, 139; marries
Richard ΙΙ. 3, 140 her death, 9, 150. Aquitaino the auphin an his brother made duhe of 56, 19; invadod by the French, ibid. Aquitaine, marshal os the marshalos Brittan so called, 85, 255. Aragon the dauctior of tho hingrofused in marriage by Richard II., 9, 151 arma of used by Innocent VII. 98, 100, 274, 278 embas domeno V. 125, 307.
Oins the dauphin 132, 319. Arras Adam os Us passes through, 104 283. Αrthgallo, hingis Brittan Richard II compare Withaim, 29, 180. Arthur, in os Britain festivalsi Germany in his honour 106, 286.
Asti Adamissis passes through, 103, 281.
tion 34, 187 specia pardon, 39, 194 his death, 61 226.
307 his figlit,it the rench, 129 313.
referencesto him 125 306. Benediction: ceremony O at Rome, 97, 273. Bergavenny rio of the villeins,
os abuses of indulgences, etc., 76, 245 receives an emba8Sysrom the supporter os Bene-
diei XIII. 87, 259 his ingerunddeath, 88, 259 his sim ony, ibid.;
88, 259, 260 his funeral, 89, 261. Bonn Adam os Usipasses through, 74, 242.
of Nohthumborland af, 105 284. Branding baptismay 93, 267. Breisach: Adam os Us passes through, 74, 242.
Bridlington, John his prophecies quoted 8, 24, 25, 149, 171, 172, 173. Brie-Comt0-Robori Adam of Uskpasses through, 104 283. Bristot savcurabi tomyclisse, 3, 140 Richar II land there, 9, 151 Hon molingbrohe marches thither. 25, 174 executions at, ibid. lor Desponcer eheaded, 43 203 rio against axes, 2, 228; expedition against outh Wales 84 255. Britons Gree princes Warangian Dard descende li0m 97, 272. Brittany descent of reton onthsanglis coasi 85 255.
Brocas, si Bernard executed 42, 198. Bruges Adam os Us arrives inere,
Burley, si Simon executed, 6, 146. Burneli, Huo baron: ne of the deputation to receive Richard II. 'ssurrender of the croWn, 31, 184.
casti ruine by GlendoWer 78,247. Caermarthen Richar II flees
os Exeter made captain, 23, 171;Ιsabella passes through, o herreturn to France, 69, 236. Cambridge, ear of se Planta- genet Richard.
Campania granted to the in os Napies 90, 262.
Carrara: Adam os Us passes through, 75, 242. Catherino os Lancaster, daughter of Joh o Gaunt marrie to the prince of the Asturias, 7, 147.
counci os Constance 124 304. Cenis, mont Adam os Us passes Over 103, 281. Chaptains regulationis thei stipends 124 305. Charies of Valois, dauphin desenistho duho o Clarunce ut Bauge, 132, 319. Charter-house lasting mon of 60, 225. Chartreuse, grande Adam of sh passes through, 104 283. Chaundior, John consecrated
Richar II a prisone there 28, 179 deputation o citigens of London sent thither, ibid. Chester, count of troops ruised
thero by the ear of Oxsord, 5, 144 tho ing' guard dramnsrom, 11, 23, 154, 169 thoir bad character 23, 169, 170 mado aduehy, 15, 160 Henr Boling-brohe marches thither 26, 175 it submits, ibid.; ad character of the inhabitanis, 26, 175, 176 ovento the prince of Wales 37, 191. CheFne, si Iolin speaher of tho
95, 271. Cirencester the earis of Salisburyan Kent hille there 42 197. Claro lordshi belongincto thoearl o March, 23, 169.
Clarendon, si Roger hanged 84, 255. Clergy resorms, 123 304 promotionis graduates 132, 318. Cierk, William execute formiam der 58 222. Clurmoni Adam of sh asses through, 104 283. Clitard Richard proposed Abisho of orcester, 64, 230, 231. Clyssord, ames leader of an X- pedition rom Bristo against Sout Wales 84 255. Cobham, John baron impenched, 18, 163 banishedri Jersey, 18, 164. Cobham, baron: se Oidcasile, ir
124 304. Cologne Adam of Us passes through, 74, 242. Colonna, Joh of his Ocher of papa ceremontes 100, 277. Colonna, Otto di electe pope asMartin V. 131, 317, 318. Columba, aint traditions os 101, 102, 279. Colvylle, si John, o Dale fuit for arms 63 229. Comot betohoning tho deat of tho duk of Milan, 75, 243. Como Adam of Us passes through, 75, 242. Conclavo of the cardinals described, 89 260. Consederato lorda deseat the earlo Oxsor at adcot-bridge, 6, 14, blochad the Tower, ibid. Connauot lordshi belonginito tho earl of March, 23, 169.
Constantine, emperor descent of
Oreo princes rom his family, 97, 272. Convocations of the clergy 44 58,
122 123 127, 129, 130, 131, 204,221, 302, 303, 304 310, 314 316,
317. ConWay casti negotiatio forRichard II.'s surrenderat, 28, 178,179; surprised by tho brothera Tudor, and retinen 61 226. Cor the earli March dies there,22 168. Corneto: Adam os S passes through, 99, 277. Cornwall, duch of given to the prince of Wales 37, 191. Coronation o Henry IV. 33, 187 of Innocent VII. 90, 262 of Henry V. 120, 299 of his queen Κatharine 132, 319.
Cossa, Balthasar, cardinal of St. Eustace, afterWarda pope John
71, 239. Decretals quoted 44 59, 133, 204, 223, 224, 320.
Delamere forest si P. de eo Warden 27, 177. De la oote, John, abbo of St. Albans: accused by the ear os Warmich, 16, 161. Do a Pole, Michael, sint ear os Sui thes flees an dies abroad, 6, 145. De la Polo Michael secon ear of Sufroth dies at the siego os Har- fleur, 126, 308.