장음표시 사용
Normandy conquered by Henry V.,
Northumberland earlis: See Perey,
Orleans, Charies, duk of madeprisone at Agincouri 126, 309. Orleans, ouis duhe of OppOSesthe ear of orthumberland in France 105, 284 murdered, 105, 285. Orsini Paolo, papa commander: sent to retiove Rome 100, 22 T. Ostia Adam ofUsh escapes through, 99, 277. Ostia, cardinal os se Accia juoli, Angelo. Oxford the consederate ord smarch through, 6, 14, riois 7, 147 executions 42, 198 the universit resist the visitation
Palma ceremon os, ut Rome 97, 273.
Panteg the livin transferre to Matthema Hoel 40, 195. Paris Adam of Us there 104, 117 283 295.
sacted in 4 9-17, 18, 24, 32, 36,
39, 5, 120 123 124, 126 129, 130, 131, 142, 152 163, 171, 172, 185 190 191 194, 256, 299, 303, 304, 305, 309, 314, 316, 317.
Perigord, count of seiged by the French, 64, 230. Perigord, Archambaud, count Os: comes to England 64, 230. Persia, son of the in of see
See Benedic XIII. Boniface IX. Gregor XII. Innocent VII. J0hn XXIII. Martin V. Porismouth: Henry V. there,in his Wayrio invade France, 125 307. Powix join Glendomer and is ham
Prelates no to tali par in criminal proceedings in partiament,
11, 154 appoint siro. Percythei procior 12, 155 theirright in collations 60 224.
bu , 26, 175. Prices rise of price of Wheat 70, 238.
Prodigies 37, 1, 55 75, 191 197, 218 243. Prophecies: in Bridlingtom and
Merlin, etc. 8, 24, 25, 28, 9, 149 171 172, 173, 179, 194. Proviris Adam in is passes through, 104 283.
36, 190. Repyngdon, Philip abbo of Lei-cester On a mission to Nun eaton,
controi of the commissionis re
destroys hene manor, an satis sor reland ibid. return by Bristol ibid. marries sabella o France, ibid. his secret de .signs, ibid. hold a partiament,
he negotiates for surrender at ConWay, itid.; ahen prisone at
ibid. commission to advis Onhis deposition 29, 181 visited by Adam os Us in the Tomer, 30 182 his lamentation ibid.;
questionis to his right of succession ibid. his abdication required, 31, 32, 184 deposed in partiament 32, 18, his abdic
Ireland ibid. remove fro the Tomer 37, 191 his dream about the ear of Arundel 39, 193;ane dote of his greyhound 40, 41 196 rising in his favour 41,197 his death, 42 199 various accounts of it 199 note omen sat his coronation, 42 200 com-
conclave for electionis the pope,
sion o Innocent VII. 99, 276; occupied by Ladisias of Naples, ibid. submits to the ope, I 00, 277 adisias retires, ibid. Innocent returns in state 100, 278. Rome church of it evit state 55
56, 77, 78 89 218 219, 246, 247,
261. Rome empire os claimed by the Greelis, 96 272. Rose ceremon of the, at ome,
90, 262. St. Pol do Leon: Adam os Ushescapes thither, 117 296.
Salisbury, si John: ehended, 6, 146. Saltwood asile Roger Walden's good seiged there 38, 192. Saracens their corsairs 78, 4, 248, 254. Savo palaeae burni, 2, 138. Samire, William burnicis aleretic, 58,222. Seliis in the churcha vi effecis,
55 56, 218 219. Scolland fora reported 17, 162;
shiriclaimed in right of 34, 188.
sor a plo against Henr V. 125, 807.
Sedes stercoraria : eremonymi, ut
Londoners, 28, 179. Serie, William: execute so thomurder of the duhe of Gloucester,
marches through, 26, 175; Thomas resibur made abbot, ibid. Henr IV carries thither
his eis prisoners, 47, 208; deseat the Percys there, 82, 3. 252, 253. Sisina Adam os Usipasses through, 75, 103, 243, 28 1.
Ladisias of Naples, 27, 246 visits England 130, 314 his laudato
47, 70, 71, 84 208, 237, 239, 254.
anichancellor Opens partiament th a sermon, 9, 152.
Stassord, Edmund de ear of Staf- lard made a linight of the Bath, 33, 187.
Susa Adam os Ush passes through, 103, 281.
Richard II. 42, 199. Talbos, Gilbert, baron deseated by tho Freneti 131, 317.
126,127, 129, 130, 131, 133, 164, 205 225, 299, 305, 306, 309, 310,
13, 153, 157 his death at Calais,
Adami Ush, 59, 22, his death, 85, 256.
made a notary by cardinat Pileus, 3, 139 an extraordinarii canon
celebrates mas a Coddington, 27, 176 sit on a commissioni advisein Richard II. 's deposition 29, 181 visit hi in tho
serves in an inqui ut Nuneuton,
an auditor, ibid.; receives various benefices hom the ope,
dream ab0ut Boniface IX. 88, 259 and o Innocent VII.'selection, 89 261 present at
posed a bisho oscit David's, 2, 265 persecuted by his neruies, ibid. petitions the pope on behalfofis prio , 93, 268 assist at ceremontes ut Rome 92 95, 266, 271 present in Rome duringinsurrection, 99, 276 escapes to
t Bruges 103, 104, 281 283; robbed, 104 283 travel throno
France, Normandy, and Brittany, and practises as acia Ter here, ibid. los of his benefices, ibid.; Warne noto enter England , ibid. further incurs Henry IV.'sanger fortiolding communicationwith the earli Northumberland, 105 284 mahes a declarationo his conduci, at aris, e fore Lancaster hingi arma 117 295 chased a sua, ibid. his visionan escape to t. Pol de Leon, 117 296 celebratus mas in thechape of ain Thelia there, ibid. land a Barmout in Wales, ibid.; iscapes o P00l,
ibid. referene to his presenestat Henr IV.' coronation 119,
resereno to the surrender of hi
Venico the duk of Norsol dies there 24, 171 lor Fitz-Walter dies there 78, 248 salse prophetat 96, 271.
death, ibid. Vienna cause of the Schotten-klosterat 101, 279. Visconti Bernabo uncte os thedulae of Milan, 76, 245. Visconti Galeaggo tither of theduhei Milan, 76, 245. Visconti, ian-Galeaggo, duhe os Milan at War 75, 243 comet foret ellin his death, ibid. de- fuat the em peror Ruperi, 75,244 falles Bologna an Padua, and dies 76, 244 his character, ibid. Visconti, Giovanni archbisho of Milan, 76, 245. Viterbo: Adam os a passes through, 75, 24, Innocens VII. tahes refuge there, 99, 276; Adam eseapes thither, 99, 277. Via distas, in os Polandri dolaatstho Teutonicanights 106, 286. Walden, Roger, archbisho ofCanterburr imprisoned, 28, 179 deprived 37, 38, 192 sues sorgrace 38 193 hi good character, ibid. prophec concerning
71, 238, 239 ' harries Ruthin, 71, 239 his letters to collandandra reland 72, 73, 239-241 ho
tho duhe of avaria, emperor elech, ibid.Westminster great councit ut 69, 237. Westminster abbey mon accus edo treason, 16, 161 search for
miraculous in ging of the eliso the Confessor' tomb, 55, 218. Vesim inster, abbot of se Colchester, illiam do. Westminster hali reconciliationos Richard II. and the consederate ord in , 5, 143, 144;