장음표시 사용
35 ρουσι καιροις ηγησάμενος εὐσεβες καὶ μεγαλοπρεπες υπάρ-36 χειν εαυτεμ την προσηκουσαν τῆς πατριδος ἡμων ποιό σασθαι 37 φροντιδα, αρχαέας νήσου καὶ ἱερας υπαρχουσης, εἶναί σεαυτεμ 38 πλουτου παντ- κρειττονα πολεως σωτοριαν καὶ τον παρά
No. IX. The imperfeci letters AC. Over Π Arit AC at thoside os the stone, are evidently the remains of n Ani AC srst puta littio too high, and then ineant to be effaced, wlien the graverhad put the word in the proper place. The har botween NAn l AC ntid NAClKPATOYC is so in the original, and evidently Dom
not the case. The notch at the bottom apparently received th water-Pipe. The characters are very like those Engraved in Mus. Veron. P. 4 I.
I had intended io subjoin a selection of inscriptions frona thepa pers os my anitatile and weli informed relation Mr. E. Tupper; but on examination it appears. that every thing of any in porta nee has been anticipated by Clarhe, Dod ell, Walpole, or Others, excepi a long decree of than ks by the peopte os Salamis to Theodotus, son os Eustrophus, gyinnasiarch ; and severat si om Carthaea. The sormer was taken by my Diend Dom so bad a copy,
and Brondstedi. The boustrophedon p. El. was uot secta by Mr. I up per himself, hut coinin unicated to him initii abo ut illi rir inore, by Rebela es an Atheni an, who gives no account of the Original, excepi that itwas una placa di marmo. Ι Cannot hel p suspecting that insteados HoΔol ille stone has HoΔor i. c. μου. Respecting theother, P. Silo. Ι am onabled by the kiiadness of Mr. N. I. Hankes,to give you some insormation. That gentieman saw a stone at Agio Sarandi, resembling Mr. I up pers, i. e. Gropius 's draWing, and with characters upon it apparently ancient: hut this Was in the dusk of the evening. and he could not see to read them. He does not remember to have heard any thing which would warrant a suspicion os largery against Gropius. The reading of the lalter pari is deplorably uncertain. Perhaps,
YOu mention p. V. the oracle in Herodotus I. 47. as given by Muratori Dom sonte traveller's papers. He had it frum Cyriacus Anconitanus, No. I98. quoted by Wesseling. This is probably one instance in Whicli the editor's delinquencies have been laid to the charge os Cyriacus, and have brought his veracity in question. Masset Art. Crit. Lap. p. 56. He certainly does seem to Say,
that he saw the original at Delphi; Ibidem justa buxtaJ antiquissimam quercum in medio amphitheatri ad magnum et marmoreum lapidem. And why may not the Oracle have been talion om Horodotus and put up as an ornamenta inscription, publicor private' 8 The two srst lines, espectat ly, might have semedas a motio lar fisty things; und the editor, or an interniediate scribe, might very weli lancy that Cyriacus had omitted the rest, as belug extant in well known hooks. One thing is evidoni, that κρατειρη ota χελωνm, line 3. came stom the printed
P. I 6. The Leucadian inscription is so wretchedly copled, that sonte license must be gi ven to conjecture. The sense Memsto have been something os this sori;
line, συνηρωευν, as stated in the Classical Journal, No. XLVI. p. 377. I cannot recolleci.
NO. x Llit. Froin the Propontis. Presented by Μr. Spencer Smith.
Basis et statua 52 . M. Boherius Prol. vii. βουλη αὐτο πιτωρ 120. Bovis pretium 13 I.
Callias Prol. xvii. Calydonius aper 2G. App. III. Capituli III.
Capitella antarum 173. Cavi menses 142. Ceeropium I 47. Ceramicus 106. 114. Xαλκωματα statuis vel murisam xa 3I. Charilesia 295. Choregia 301. Columnae I 0. Consonantes aspiratae ProL xxiii. - duplices Prol. xxvi.
Corona 175. Crepido 192. Cymatium III. 190.
Duo nomina ejusdem Personae 320. Duodecim Deorum ara 25 I. E E triplicem vicem olim sustinebat Prol. xix.