장음표시 사용
Dear ROSE, TRIN. COLL. May Io, l824. Μost Of the above inscriptions Uere copi edtowarda the end of 18 9, by Prosessor Reuvens of Gyden. His transcripi, which had been made in a seW hours, and under everydisad vantage, was test With me to be compared with the originals and then printed. I have put dots under the imperfeci or indistinet letters, and placed within bracheta those whicli are absolutetyuncertain. Where I hesitate between two or more, I have putthe more probabie in the line, und the offers above. ΝΟ. I. See Class V. Inscr. l. p. 313. ΝΟ. II. was brought froin Athens by the Rev. Η. V. Ellioli and tho Rev. E. B. Ellioli, Fellows Os the College. See the engraving, Tab. LHI. The naine Euthycritus occurs in Lysias, C. Pancleonem, and among the Archons, Olymp. cx III. I. ΝΟ. III. Engraved in Ainsworiu's Μonumenta Vetustatis Kemplana, Pari I. p. 43. and thence copied by Μuratori, p. 1O89.