장음표시 사용
PHASE GLEN, NEAR COCUBURNSPATH, Sest. 1865. The Scottisti Probationer, by James Brown D. D. A Worthyrecordis a manis rare genius- dea ere his prime '
I man is made to molarn, he also, oo sello l
Aristolle, ho says it is Some error in truti, O propriety, ut at the fame time either ainsul nor pernicioux and Cicero, ho defines it a that hich. Without impropriety, notes an expOSes an impropriety to Jean Paul, ho says it is the opposite of the sublime the infinitet great, an is there re licinfinitet Eltl andruant, ho givescit a the sudden Conversio into nothingi a long raised an hight y-Wrought expeCtation many have been the attempisto Unsphere the spirit of a johe an mahe it teli iis Secret; ut, agre With ou excellent and judicious hien Quinctilian, that iis ratio is a best anceps. There is a certain robus felicit about tu Hobbes'ssaying that 'it is a su mulo , or sense os emi
laughing-the muscies of expiration are in con ruisivemOUOment, more Orcies violent, an send ut the
A to the mental impression o the sensorium that set these erks agoing, and arches that nobi musCle, We, Matready said, thin i may be est to a specificsense of iis Wn, and that aughter is the effect and very Osten the ause of the aughabie, and thereire of itfel a definition hicli has the merit faeingselscontained. ut is it no wel that e re macteto laugh, that, stom therars fleepy gleam movin like sunshine ver an infant' Cheeh, to the Cheery and
is to his friends leadin them to lay nares sortim
i Wante in the village might e traced uti his
convivia crow It was drol to observe him resistinginternali and o the sintheleginning of his bravura; hoWrit always prevalled. How another friend huge, learned, and wise, hom aughter seiges an rends, is made desperate, an a times end in crashin his chair, an concludin his ursi on iis ruins, and on