장음표시 사용
the vestige of a repetition it a b the sametune, ut it is a ne variation. In nothin is his realisti poWer more seen than in hos delightsul record of his own olidays in Pimc . A geologistwil teli oti the exac structure of that roch in the Tay a Campsi Linn, here r. Briggue scar ing ut that liuge salmon in his arms, tenderly an sasely, asciscit ere his firSt-born. Ad his ea-
mahe the coloured drawings so that exhibition whichwas suci a splendi success bringin in early 65ooo. Nothing could induce him to do hat was
tis triglit, consummate flori er, an he en surthertha this, in avin printed in the Catalogue thesollowing ordS - These si etChes have no laim to e regarde or teste a finished pictures. Itis impossibi sor any one o no the fac bellerthan I do. The have no retension to a igher
manshi of the and that ad done o VCh, so rapidi an persecti in another style. The do
imagining realising submittin the how of thingsto the destres of the ind, and o ne ut thehighest ainter can aint likeriliat This is the me ossice of the master of at the idea aris, to evohe, asdid the risin sun o Memnon the fleepin beautyan music an melod of another' soul, o mahe
eve, an a sullis mirili at times this made it lihea theatre convulsed as ne an by the vis comica fone man. The aughter of speciat, osten familygroups brohe ut opposite ea hiraWing, sprea Contagiousi efferves in throughout luilin and waxingagain and again the waves of the ea. Fro his reSeme, pride, an niCety Leech could everte gotio O Whe any one Was in the oom he had anespecta horror of hein What he calle caugh and talhedisti enthusiastic eople. It is orti mentionin here, ascit hows his me literar turn a ahumourist an add greatly to the Completenes of his raWings and of his genius, that at the lanny, witty, and osten mos felicitous ille and wordings of
with the encit, and that ni ora mali locks that he had litti confiden e in his abilit to dra on large scale. The de originate With r. arh
hin os transparent colour hicli allowed the Coarselines of the enlargemen to ho through, so that the produCtion presente the appearance of indifferent lithographs, Egliti tinted. In a hori time, hoWever, he obtaine great maSter over i Colour, and instea os allowing the hic fati lines of brinters' in to rem ain o the Canuas, he by the Se O turpentine, remove the inh, particulari With regard to thelines of the face and figure Thesea re dre With his own an in a fine an delicate manner. Othis' adde a delicac o sinisti, particulari in
flesti colour, hici greatly enhance the value and beaut of his later ortis. To any one acquainted illi these helches, e ma mentio for illustrationos these remarks, o 6 in the Catalogue. his Wor present ali the incompletenes an crudityo his early style. The picture represent Piscatorseate On a ooden lance on a a morning in apeltin ShoWer of rain the lines neceSSar to ive the effect os a leaden atmosphere ein Ver numerou an Close. The works hicli illustrate his later style are est shown in os 36 and I. In the stamin of these helches e persiste in eaving
It is honourable to the regula ar of this country that man os iis best men early recogni sed in Leech a true brother. Millais an Elmore and thers ere his constant friends and we know that more than tu elue ears ago Si George Iai Veywishedo mali Leech an Thackera honorar member Oi
in and Curious for a student of manners to note thedifferen e between the two satirisis perhaps belWeen