장음표시 사용
In the work of that barbaria artis Hogarili, thasubject hicli assord such playsi spori to the civilised Frencliman is stigmatised as a Dars ut Crime, andis visite by a hasti retribution. The Englisli
besore him, an indulges in no flights of fancy. Hespealis his md ut qui te honestly like a thorough Briton He oves horses, dogs, rive an fiet Sporis
gone. What favori in his 'dear prisone spirit illi impassione grape ' hat a bouque I li is
pound of the lightest os ali odies, hydrogen, and
the rightest he concentrate in the di amond, Carbon and these in the Same proportio a fuga lΜoreover, this etherealii and acidi Mne, hat ema caliciis genius, neve exceed a forty-thousandilipartis the wines the elevatin powers of the fragrant Burgundies are suppose to e more due to this essenC than to iis amount of alcohol. Thacheray,
Jerem Taylor, Charies Lamb, id ulter SydneySmith, Rushin, ach have the felicit os a specific
warde to im, ut he hadis mos heen scent soreverythinii the hape of personalit' We nee do titile more than allude to the singulis purit an good aste manifeste in verythin he
Ce. O go ver his sive volumes of Pictures of Lis an Character is notini a holesonae PleaSUTC
Froin the wonderfui fidelit with whichae rendered the Cabmen andiamin os London, e might SuppoSehe had them into his roomo sit olim a studies. He neve did his h liked actions belle than states. He a perpetuali takin notes of aliae saw. Withthis, and with his own vivid memor and bright inform- in spirit, he id it ad One hin W may be Par- done sor aliudin to as illustrative of his art. His
stilli trace in her. mature Cometines an mollierlycharms. Much of his helches and their dramati potnt are persona experience, as in vir Briggs has a late of his House, and the ConsequenCeS. He a not, scindeed might be expected What is calleda funny man. Such a man was Alberi mitti, hose absolute levit an lannines beCanae ponderOUS,SeriouS, and dreary the rackling of thoria unde thepo Leech ad melanchol in his nature, Speciallyin his alter ears, hen the train f inCeSSant Productio and wor made his fine organisation supersensitive an apprehensive os comm erit. It was