Roberti Grosseteste episcopi quondam lincolniensis Epistolæ: Edited by Henry ...

발행: 1861년

분량: 622페이지


분류: 미분류


immediate consequence.

In Smissi' Catalogue of ΜSS. in or Cathedra there is mentione ones M. 25 , enthled, me Resignatione Roberti Grosseteste. 'It is οὐ insortunates missing. Ieame mendis gesta in methat ii man, ovi a dictum omine


the olson a serpents. e mas equali strict in his invostigatio into the conduct f the parochial clemy Ib. p. 823. summoning the riest to e present at his sermonsto the eopte in Ver SeVere against incontinence,

punishin ali transgressors by 0priving them theis


clero, and diministi otii tho wealth an influendo of the monasteries, aris is very angry illi the bishop


tiis equat; and statin that the truth os his lottormus prejudice very one in his favoni'. 'sor lio is considere a rea philosopher, thoroughly learned in Latin au Greeli, ealous for justice, a reade in theolog in the schoois, a reache to the eople, love of hastity, and a persecutor os Simonisis.'


. 866.

formis excommunication, eOl. 2436. Bardney' romane mines the Pope demandis subsid stom England; Grosseteste resuses this, and is citedio Rome, vhitheroe oes, an is there excommunicated. Η appellis to the se caelos et summi Judicis ar- em,' an retum to England. Tanne states that the ope evennamexa successor testiis bishopricli, one Alberi, ne of his nuncios.


His ealth, as far a est he old ii oni incidentalnofices in Adam de Marisco' letters seems t have been generalty good though the alter mentions hisbein troi Ied illi a severo iseas in his yes p. 348). e deseribes bim a Lyons in J245, us


Almost very hronicier vliolias mentione it ames a disserent da Ar his death. The solioWingare the principat. Annal. sinton as.





p. 249. Gaseoigne ad accos to them While here, as he has frequentlynientioned. In his Theolagica Dio-tionaryy V. Fides, he quotes Grosse- teste in expositione sua propria et propria manu scripta,' o St. Paul isties, Iuliich he rapealis of boing in ille possession os the linorites; et est illo liber in Gibraria conventus, sed non in libraria studentium. Duae enim sunt ibidem librariae inter Fratres minores Oxonia'. 'Dj0jtjgod by