Roberti Grosseteste episcopi quondam lincolniensis Epistolæ: Edited by Henry ...

발행: 1861년

분량: 622페이지


분류: 미분류




Os the 26thii Januar 1857, themaster of the olis submitte to the reasur a proposa se the publicationo materiat for themistor of this Count Domine Invasio of the Romans to the Reigni Henry VIII. The Masteris the Rod suggested that these materials shouldi selected sor publicatio unde competent editors

He proposed that eata chronicie or historical documentio be edited should e reare in the fame, in is the editor ere engagedis anaditioirinceps and for his pussos the mos correct textishould e formed stom an accurate collationis the best ΜSS. To rende the or more generassyrusQui themaster of the os suggeste stat the editor hoci give an account of the 88. employed by him, of thei age and thei peculiarities that he inould add to the wor a briefaccount of the lis an times of the author, and a


The works t be publislied in octavo, Separalely, asthe were finished the whiae responsibilit of the askrestingopon the editorg, ho ere to e chose by the Μaster of the Itolis illi the sanctionis the Treas y. The Lord os Hermajesty' Treasu , aster a caresulconsideration os the subjeci, expressed thei opinion in a Treasu minute, dated Februar 9, 1857 that the planrecommende by the aster of the olls was ellcalculate so the accomptishment of this important national object in an effectuat an satisfactor manner, Wisti a reason te time, and provided prope attention bepai t economy, in mining the etailed arrangemenis,

The expressed thei approbation of the proposia thateach chronicle and historica documentishould e edited

in such a manne acto represent,ith ali possibi correct-nesithe texti ea h writer, derived froni a collationis thebest 8S., and that no notes houldie added, exceptsuch as ere illustrative of the various readings. Theysuggested hoWever, that the pres aceri each work should

contain, in addition to the particular proposed by the Master of the Bolis, a biographical account of the author, soriar as authenti materiai existed so that purpose, anda estimate of his historica credibilitrandisalve.





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