Roberti Grosseteste episcopi quondam lincolniensis Epistolæ: Edited by Henry ...

발행: 1861년

분량: 622페이지


분류: 미분류


permittin it ad been sent, it might at ne be

mas indignant at hi jurisdiction ein dented the


p. 93 i. p. 233.

Qt us Rot. Universisy, grantin to them, that in causis clerico-m. 6. A. ' rum I mutui dati nus receptis, aut saxationibusi seu locationibus domorum, aut equis conductis, Venditis, Ibid. Seu commendatis, seu annis et Victualibus ortum ha- bentibus, seu aliis quibuslibet rerum mobilium On-1244. Per dominum Roherium Lin-μ colniensem episcopum liberati sunt, quia nullus apparuit qui os directe convincere posset de crimine eloniae.' Tho. thes, p. 45. Does his mea that theysere acquitted sor mant of suffcient evidencessDj0jtjgod by


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Where the relates ero inen assembled.

Marisco ccxiii. p. 376 mention his honour lereception by the ope an cardinias, though tho dein arrived there e re him. Minos immediasely n his arrisia, Januar 15, Boniface's long delayed consecration



sus Profectus est decanus Lin- colnis pro se et capitulo, contra episcopum incolniae, et subse- cutus est episcopus sed decanus prior venit ad curiam.' Matti Par. SVS, p. 649, that the linopvent over, ut secretius propensiu que consulto domino Papa, de-- cideretur ipsa damnosa sis,' andatas that Oon aster heraean and some canon mit hi er sed.

omissilies p. 45. mentions theemon ovi a Ming the Chroniele calle Matthe of egimin-ster lassovs Paris, P. 3I8. The letter of Adam de Marisco,to hic allusion has been ab eady made, imiten immediatet O their arrisa a Mons mentions that the Pope had promise that the affairinould oon e sediled. Η adta: A mortalibus tamen dubius est A eventus belli,' and speis of the


cornua audaciae assumentem, contra episcopum Lim colniensem recalcitrare.

elaborately, and in alios ali, exceptis that he ope decide that an ath - the dea and canon onthei collatio ma noto bo exacted though in Were to exhibit obediene an revere e the pesntfascissue ero decide in savour of the Bishop. essiem to have been eli satisfie mitti the decision, oppe soro his mentionis in a lette to the provincia minister of the Franciscari in England, stat i ha been ove in his famur, and theresere HSO

