장음표시 사용
i nius hau b00n praetis0d illio by Clusentius or isse by Oppianidus q). ut at the evidonee sinis to an alternative supposition, vin that both ere uitly, and that luontius v0rbribui his rival Thi theor derives additional support rom a passage in the Verrines, in Whicli th orator distincti stat0s that Statonus ad talion a rib from both pros0cutor and 0fendant: inventus est enator qui cum isdem esset, in eodem iudicio et ab eo pecuniam acciperet quam iudicibus disideret et ab
accusatore ut reum condemnarent, Verr. i. 39.
Gutta, pilius, Falcula, inquilius, Scaevola, and
3 his a b a at intorprotation of the word iisod in 78Stαieni sententi condemnatum videbant.' Cp. g 74, here it appoars that 16 votes ero sede foracquitiat, in addition to that of Staienus.
Tho aequitiat o Fidiuulanius Falcula, ou fh other
g 69, quemadmodum eae ipso O ppianico p98te est auditum.
misera 92). Similari Bulbus, on his tria for
i Verr. 38, ii 4 33 There is, in deed, a passage in theprosunt sp000h in hiuli ho ut it in a atror light tum sero illa iudiei senatori non fals invidia, sed era atque insigni tur'itudine notat atque operta dedecore et infamia, defensioni loeum nullum reliquisent. 6l. ut this may hau b0011 00aus h sol that it was his inf0r0s t uphold the haraeter of th tribunal Whicli ad in condomuing
Remi subselliis ad rostr detulit, g 111.
Just. Inst. iv. 18, 5 Digest 48 1, 1. Sulla ad Ombodio in this statuto a Leae Semproni passed by C. Gracchus in B. O. 124, and dirooted against judiciat corruption on the pars of senators; ne quis iudicio cireumveniretur,4 151, here se note. the quaestio inter sicαrios, g 147. ho usual oxplanationos his phras scp. inter tererios deferre, cousare, defendere is that there Wasio substantive to expres murder, correspondinito vene scium, peculαtus, to , and that, ascit a impossibi to saysicae, orie sie deferre the Ahor phraso inter siccirios deferre anilotho analogous ornas more employed for,hat Would avo oon, at fuit longili, ita deferre ut nomen alicuius inter sieαrios deferαtur. I has uoti suggested hoW0vor see r. avssetf' noto 114 213, that inter alearios may bo a quasi-loca designation, in tho Assassination Ourt': p. inter alearios, Cat. ., in thosichto-mahor' streot' and inter Onαrios, Liv xxxv. 1, in hocarΡenter Atroes, or in the timber marhet.'