Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Collectionis Devotions for the Alta in Taeo Volumes , B Dr Willymoti.

1. HE Peculiar Us and Signification of







vingia ait the Advantages that Nature and Education could give hi in His sirst an tender ears of Childhood,


Learn in g, Patience, and Humilit underwhom he was obseru' t have madem Onderi ut Proficience, bove any of his CG- temporaries, in the Liberal Aris an scientes.

mademiat for Disputations an Contentions, but for the productionis Works for the Bene fit os human Libe, altogether .irren In


sior that En sent imisve into France, in the Retinue o Sir Amyas fatilet, then design'd Ambasiador in ordinar to the P encis Κing By whom he Was, after a While, hel fit to e sent ac into England with a Message to the taeen. hic Affair having perforna 'd, o without Thanli froni Her Majesty, e returia'. a secon. Time into France, illi Intention noto see England again for omeaears. Durinthi Travel in France, his ather, the ord-Κeeper, ted Ieavin Oas I have ear of knowin Per- sons a considerable Sum os Money, collected illi Intention to have made a Purchaseo Lan for the se of this his youngest Son who was the only one uia provided for after his Father' Death , and tho he had the least Partis his ather' Estate, he had a principat hare in his Affectioni ut his Purchase hein design'Donly hiis his athe was a- Iive, an not accomplis 'd, there came Dogrea terciliare olim than his ingle Pari, and Portio of the Mone dividable amon sive Brethren whicli a the Cause of his li- vin in sonae Stratis and Necessities in his

Brother in height of Wit, ut inferiour tollim


him in the nowledge of the Liberal Aris

Affection, the Tino eing the sole Mette ID


such Keetness, Pleas antry, and Generosityos Spirit, that he was much revere an lo-ved by the Seniors, and oun Gentiemen of themouse. But notinithitandin that he stuc to the Profession of the Laru for his Livehhood, and Subsistence, et in his ear an AD section, he was carrie more to Political Αris, and Places of State , sor hicli, is Her Roya Majest had then pleas'd, he was singulari Quali fed. In his oungeraears he36in' himself illi thos that studie the Service and Fortunes of that oble, but un- fortunate Northy the Ear of Hsex, homhe serv'd, to the ut most of his Hower, as avrivate, an mos salthsul Counsellor and indeavour' to instit into hi sala andio nou rabie Ad vice, ill in the end the arIheark'nha to the Counseis of certain acta In violent Persons, urrie himself into

mi Bh th, an ingenuous Qualifications, gave him, bove ther of his Profession asseas and re Accesso Couri, an consequently to the Queen's Pres ence , ho ouchissas e to discour se in in private, and with great Familiarity, ,heneve it a convenient not ni about atters of his rofession, and Laπ-Business, ut also bout thearduous Affair of the State of the ingdom in hoste An siners, froni Time to Time, he