장음표시 사용
But particularly in his Hylor I promise η'se' a persed an siti μ' i iece, specialist in
artes, was ahen illi an extraordinary De-sire t se hi m. An meeting With an Opis portunit forcit, he he was come into his Chamber, being theia through,eahness, confine to his Bed, e saluted hi in in a Stile alitile of the grandest at his Lord bi hisd
ing, I forbear o mention thenari ecause hisis a Thing common to thermen os Note, together inith him.
ab les dis abis uices of the Bod and
uigemis humanum ingeniosuperaυit, et os Resinaei sellas, exortus uti AEthereus Sol.
mave eard that it is a Rule among thea Conventuat os sevem Order in the o mi Church, to laut them selves prat a certain Time of the Iear, not ni fro the Worid in generat, ut rom the Member of their own Fraternity, and to passe Way severat Days by thenaseives, in seitlingaccountshetinee thei Maher and their in Souis, in cancelling nrepente Crimes, an re-newing thei Contracts of Obedience so the future buch state Times for particular Acts of Devotion, o the exercise of certain religious uties have been enjoin'din ali civit overninent, Whatever Deit theywormipped, or hateve Religio the professed That hicli a b done at alla tmes, is osten totali neglecte an sor-gotiens
gotten, unies fixe an determine to sonte Time more than another and theresere, tho'
severat uties may be uitable to ever Dayo our Lives, the are most lihel tot perinform'd is stine Days are more particularly set par for the Practice of them Our Churchias accordingi institu ted severat Sea- sons os Devotion, hen Time, Custom,ire
ive in a uti fui Submission to ait the Doctrines of evealed Religion. I
mal in his aper ni instanc Sir
nes of Genius, an Compassis nowledge, di Honou to his ge an Country Icould almos say, to human Nature it selfΗe possess' at nce ali thos extraordinaryd alent whicli ere divide amongst the eates Authors of Antiquity. He ad thes ound distinit, comprehehensive nowledgeo Arasotis, with at the ea utila Lighis, Graces, and Embellistament of Cicero Onedoes no lino π hicho admire mos in his Wri tings, the Strength o Reason, orce of Stile, o Brighines of Imagination. This Author has remarhed in severat Paris of his Works that a thorough Insight into Philosoph mahes a good Believer, and that a mattering in it naturali produces fuch, Race of despicabie In fideis, a thelitile profligate riters of this present Age, whom 1 must confesso Phave alway accuse to in self, noto much for their Want of aith a thei Want of Learning.
the ork of this extraordinar Man, a Prayer of his own composing, hicli sortii Elevation o Thought, and reaines of Expression laenas ather the Devotion ofa Ange than aman. His principat auliseem to have been the Excesse of that Vir- tue hicli covers a multitude os aulis.