Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


gen e toruard his Servant S, ho made a coris



this Nation, I have ver prayed unio Thee, that it might have the irs and the lalter Rain and that it might stretch her Branches to theraeas, and to the Floods. The State and read of heroo and Op- presse have been rectous in mine Eyes.

Gardens, ut I have found The in by


Belides m innumerable ins I confess before Thee, that I am a Debior o Theu' b the gractous aiant of th Gisis and


of the Discredits of LEARNING,


themistraces an diis credits, hicli Ignorance has east pon tri ut Ignorance, unde se-Vera Forms, appearin an dii coverin itsel semetimes in the ea os Divines, ome- times in the Arrogance of Politicians, and semetimes in the Error of earned Menthemselves.

s the 'umber of thos Things, hic are

e through ain Philosophy. Further, That

learne is Times inclinetio Athesm. Finalty, Tha the contemplatio of Secondia es δε- rogates rom the Authorit of the Pirsi Catife.


any an a se plain ly that these Mendo ut observe an considet, that the Κnoο- ledge hicli occasion' the Fall, was notthat pure an primitive nowledge of Nature, by the Light of hieli, an ave Names to ther Creatures in Paradisse, asthey ere brought efore hi in accordingto thei Proprieties , ut that proud noW


I Fohen suchae the Capacit of the indo Maia, it is manifest that there is no Danisger frum the Quantit of no inledg ho large


plied to ou orun articular, eget it herweali ears, o Vas Desii res, heu, and Ottit then, aris es that ex tion, a id ro Ubi e