장음표시 사용
De Augmentis Scientiarim. Lib. 2. Cap.
T GETR is a Partis Learn in g, in
s est ne Hyio . THE tria est an properest Partition of
u ere a visibi Hist0rys for it gives an mage of Actions ascis the were present, as Historydoes fractions in Nature a the are thalis, past. Allisme o Parabolicat, is Typical Hiliory, hichiring do vin the Intellectualato Sense. A for Narratiυ Poetry, orci Dyou pleas et cali it Heroicat, That so ou understandit of the alter, o of the Verse seem tob rat sed fronam most nobi Foundation, and whicli akes much for the Dignit o Man's Nature. For the Sensiable orld hein inserior in Dignit to the Rationa Soul, his Poetr seem to give tomum a Nature hat Histor dentes it; an to satis sy the indwith the Shadorus at eas of hings, hereth Substanc cannot he had. For is the Matteri throught y considered, a strong Argument may b dra n froni foetr , that amore illustrious Magnitude i Things, a more Persect
perfect ood ne sis, an a more ea uti fui ariety pleas es the ou of an, than inhalcitcan any a find in mee Nature, since the Fall. heresore seeing the Acts and Evenis, whicli are the Subjecti true History, are noto that Amplitude a to content the oui ilissam Poetr is ready at and to ei gn Acts Greater and more Heroical Seeing true History propound the Successes of Actions in no is proportionabie to the erit of Vir-
tu and Vice , Poetr correct it, and exhibiis Issues and Fortunes more agreeable to Deseri, and more according to the Laruis Providen ce.
and venis more ordinar an les inter-changed, sitiates the in o Man Poeti chears and restes hes the same, chant in Thingsrare, and neXpected an fuit os alternative Variations. So that Poetr serves and contribute no oni tomeli Ihr, ut also to Magnanimit an Morali ty. Wherefore it may seem, and with Reason tos, o partak of a
even in very rude Times, and with barbarous Nations, here ther earnin has stood wholi excluded. DRAMATICA L Poet , hos Theateris the orid, is of excellent se, is it ereno abused For both the Instruction and Corruptior of the Theater may be great: ut the Corruption in his in abound the Discipline is altogether neglacted inmur Time ;neverthelesse, although in Modern Common-wealthg the Actionis the Theaterie esleem ediu as a Matte wholly ludicrous, uniessperchance it dra to much roin the Satyr, and Bite , et the Care os the Antients was, that i mould instruct the Mind of en to Virtue Nay, is Men, and great Philosophers have look'dipon it as a K indis Musical in il of the Mind. Anil certaini it ismost true, and a it ere a Secretis mature, that the Mind of Men re more ope to Affections and Impression Congregate, than Solitary. BUT Poeti γ Parabolicat, excelis the est, and seems tolera sacred and venerable Thing especiali seein Religio it self mahes se osten os iis Service, and by it Ministrylio id a Divine Commerce illi Men. et even his also is found o have been adultera ted by the Levit an Indulgence of en Uit a bout Allegories. An Lucis of ambiguo us
Wheres ore ali hings in those Ages, ruere fullos Fabies, and Parabies, an AEnigma 's, and Similitude os ali oris. Heiace the Symbolsos P thagoras , he AEnigma's of Sphinx the Fabies cs and the like Further more, therapothegms of the ancient Sages expresseda bin generali by Similitudes Hence
Menenisis Agrippa amongst the Romans a Nation in that Age by no mean Learn ed represse a Seditiora by a Fabie. In fine, as Hieroglyphiclis ere efore Letters, o Parabies ere hesore Arguments. An Leve atthis Da and ver, there is, and ath been muchiis and Vigo i in Parabies ; ecause
2mple so pat. BUT there remalias et another Use of Poetr Parabolicat opposite in a manne to
Mysteries of Religion, Policy, and Philosophy, a re involv'd in Fabies and Parabies. BUT hetherabere e any mystical Sensecouched unde the ancient Fabies of the Poet 8, may admit sonae Do vht An Lindeedra confesse, for my pari, that I incline to this opinion, that many of the abies of the Ancient Poetsi ad a Myster infused into them. Noris it an Argument illi me, to passi Iudgment
But contrari Nise, sincerit is manifesti clear, that the writ ings, hicli recite these abies, of at the ritings o Men, ex to sacred
Vrit, are the moit ancient and that the Fa-bles them selves a re far more ancient than They for the a re recited by thos Uri ters, a credi ted an received essere, no asin vented by them thev seem tot lihe a neraritie Air, hic horona the Tradition oficiore ancient Nations fel in to the lutes of the Grecians Andaecause hais everiathbeen hi therio attempted for the Interpretationos these Parabies, amel by unshil fulmen, no learn ed beyonii common Places, give Us no Satisfaction at ali Me have thought good
bies, in the Number of Descients. AND e mill anne an Example or i Noof this Gork No that it is a luter per-haps of such Monaeiar, ut o Leel up my
the Antient Parabies, in Things Naturai.
in the Universe, accor linguo ibo able o Pan.
scribed Universa Nature unde the Personis Pan. His Origina the leave oubt- fui. ordo messa he was the Sonis Mercum: Other gi velim a far different Rind of Birth; for the say, That ali Penelope Iuliorchadio do illi her, frona hicli promiscuous Act Pan the common Offspring descended. Andfro in his alter Account, o doubi, sonae of the oderias entit ted his ancient able by
the a me of Penelope , a Thin frequent anaong them, hen the transfer old Fictionsto ounge Person and ames , and that ma
abo ut inara The Savrs also, and elder hanthey the Siloni Uere of his Train He ad Powe also to strihemen illi Terrors, and those speciali va in and superstitious, hich
os Pan there a non mentioned, or at least
the reputed Father of a certa in Uench, calPd Iambe, that illi merr Tales a Won toenteria in Strangers, and ho was thought by
struttingis it ruere illi the Secret an Mysteries of Nature. The Parabie stem to ethis: