Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


TM E hir Generation o Pan is such,

that th Grecians seem to havea ear soni ething of the Hebrem Mysteries, eithe by Intercourse illi the Egyptians, or ne a orother for it relates to the State of the Worid, no in iis mee Production, utras eX-

sed, and made subjectri Death and Corruption, after the ali of Adam. For that State Was, and remain to this Day the Offspring of God, and Sin. For the Sin os Adam as a Kind of Contumest, since e dore to like

God Anytherefore this three-fold Account concerning the Productionis an may even

as to Things and Time For this an a rueno belloid an comprehend him took Be- ginnin froni the word of God by the intermediate means os conjused alter, whichyet was created by God ind the steat in in os Prevarication, and thereb Corruptiora. TH Desinies, o Fates of Things maywel be reporte and thought the Sister of tho Nature of Thing for the Chalias of Natura Cause draru long illi them the e ginning o Things, the Durations the Di Dsolutions the Depressions the Eminences the Labours the Felicities, and in fine, hals ever Fates an happen uiato Things; so that

thes Chain is Nature, and the Threa of the


spread forti, are infinite theserare collected into Species, and thos many an Vario et Again, Species is into Generais, and thesealso ascend in are contracted into more universa Generalities , so that a tength Naturema seem tot contracted into an Unit ascit


MOREO VER Pan' Beard is si id ob exceedin long hecause the Rays of Hea- veni Bodies, and especiali the Sun, operate and pteroe farthes of ali , so that they have perscctly turn'd, and subdued, and fili 'd withthei Spirit, not only the Sur face of the Earth, ut the inne Paris also, o so me Distance. An this of the Beard is the more elegant, ecause the Sun himself, he his higheriat is hallo vied illi a Cloud, and his Beatus rea out in the o Ner looks a li



NATUR E alio is excellenti describu

P orni, ecause of the Difference of Superior a d Inferior Bodies. For hos es, hecause osthei Beauty, and Equatit and Constanc ofMotion, and thei Dominion also ver the Earth, and earthly Thing are deservedi represented unde a Human Figure Human Nature participatinvo Orde and Dominion: But Theses,aecause of thei Disorder, an irregu lar otions , as also because the are mostly governed by the Heavenly Bodies; may wellie contented illi the Figure of a Brute Creature Again, his a me Description of the Biformiod relates to the Participatio ofSpecies: For no Species of Nature seems tobe simple, ut participati laxas it ruere, and compo unded of Tino. For a Maniat somethitigi a Brute, a Brute ometh in os a Plant, a Plant somethingis an in animate Body, and ait Things in dee are Bisorna, and compo undedi a Superior and Inferior Spe

scend For the oat is a mountin Animal, and love to e lyranging pota oclis an Precipices : Ando in is done also, and in a Wondet ful


Colour a boui the Superficies, hicli is ascit were thema ille os a Thi=E.

THE Oifice of Pan an e by nothings livelit se forti an represented a byliis bella themotos Huniers. For Very Natura Action, na even otion and Progression is nothin eis but Huntiirg. Fororis an Sciences have their ortis, and Human Couns is hei Ends, hicli theyhunt after , and ali Natural Thing hunt ei-ther their ood, in orde to preserV Orthei Deligh and Pleasii re in orde to perfectthei Nature , and this in a most discern ingand sagaciou manner. Virg. Ecl. 2. 63. Toroa leaena lupumsequetim duplis ipse capellam, Plorentem Cytisum sequitur lasciva capella. The greed L ones the of purfuer, The of the tu, theridianton ad the Brore ete.

Count Iubabaίant in generat, ecause Menos his Condition live more agreeibly to Nature , herea in Cities and Couris matureis corrupted by to timch Ar and Dress in i , much a that of the Poet ab 'Utiove malidis


is verisied, po the Account of thos Deli-

Cacies, a tomature aisse.

tains , ecause in Mounta in and igh laces, Natur laycher self most ope to the Eyeo Contemplation. In that an is Messenger of the ori, nexta Mercur that is a most Divine Allegor sincem ex to the ord of God the very nage of the worid, proclaim sthe Divine Porue and wis dona As sing the sacre Poet, V. ix. I. The mavens declareth Glor os God, and the Firmament Dems his Handy- orsi.

is Iouis : For the Dariings of the Universe,are the ouis of Living Creatures. e su et calle thei Leari or Commander, sincethe ali folio Nature a their uide , and with infinite ariety, every one of them, af ter the Fashionis his Country doth lea pranddance illi incessant otio about her. TH Satur an Sileni are perpetuatly of his r in that is Youth, and id Age , foros ali natural Things, there is a meri y, and


and Humours of both these Agctoto a true Contemplative, suci a Democritus mayperchanc seem a s ridiculo us an deform'd asa Satyr, o a SilemIs. AG to the Panio Terrors, they hold fortha ery Wis Instruction. For Nature athim planted in il livin Creatures a Fear and Dread tending to the reservation o their Lis an diein g, an to the hunning and rem pelling of the Invasio of evit Things, Ne-verthelesse, the sam Nature linows notioruto Lee a Mean, ut alWays intermiXes ain

ciali in hard an dan gerous, an adverse Times. Nor oes his Superstition rei gn on-l in the Vulgar, ut rom the opinions of the Vulgar so metimes realis ut pon is Men too inso much as Epicurus is his ther Disco urses abo ut ille God had been ans Nero able spatie divinely rin tbe Gori, Ibs M arcis not profane , ut to any the opiniona of the Vulgar to the ous, is profane in-


A to the Audacior suos in Pan, and his Combat, et on Chalisnge, it Cupid ; the Meanin is, That alter an is no Inclination and De sire t dissolve and thro bach the orid again into iis ancient Chao , didno the powerful Agreement of hings signi sed by os o Cupid restra in and Lee pin Orde his Malice an Violence Theres ore t was a appy Turn or en, and the Worid that Pan was orste and conquer'din that Confict. TO the sanae pur posse is his Havipering

Typhon in a P et , ecause howlaever aitandisnwonte Tu mors in Nature this Typhon imporis may so metimes appen, WhCther the Seas in ell, o the Cloud sineti orthe arti sinetis, or an Thin else , et Nature in tangi es and restra in in an neYtrica-hle Tot the Exuberances an Insolen cies of fuch- like Budies, and iis them down a itwere illi an Adamantine Chain. I that thie din os Ceres, is attribu tedio this God, and that, as he was Hunt in

but is dented to the est of the Gods, thoughthey ought her earnestly, and id nothingelle It carries illi it a very true and wi se Admonition that is that we expectio the

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