장음표시 사용
BUT Perseus, horulaeve furni sed illi Furces an Courage is to do et another Thingi specia Importance throughout thewhole Action, besore e enter the Lisis:
That is, o turn sub to the reae Nouthese reae are Treafons and reacherres.
Sister of War o mustano , ut hal Si-cters only, and inferior in Noblenes of Birth. For ars re generous, Treason bas and ignoble. Thei Description is elegant hoaryfroni thei Nativi ty, and like ld Women, by Reasse of tii ei continua Cares and Fears of Traytors. Their Strength before theybrea out into ope Rebellion consist ei theri an Oes, o in a ootb. For ver Faction, alienate froni a State, and propense to Trea- sun both Detes and Bites. Anythis D and Tootb is common ascit eres for hais everthe have earn ' and kno N, is hande in amanner, and runs frona ne to another. And
AND henil Things are et preparedand dispo sed for Nar That in the sirs Placemust be alien Care, hicli Perseus id tosin die disiis eping. For a Nise Underlahero War always almost attach the Enem un- prepared, and whenae is most secure. Last-ly, in the ver Actio an Heat of War, theloo in into Pallas herilas is particularly useful. For mos Men, e fore the anger,
l the State of the Enem ; ut in the very
Potnt of Dan ger the are ei ther amaZV and conlaunded illi ear, o in a ram mann er
Action, prospero usiy. carriedin and atchieved, deadens ali Motion in the Enemy, and stu-
two celebrated en Pentheus and Orpbeus aresaid o have been toria in iecesi certain distracted omena The ne, o getling up a Tree, ut o Curiosity, to ehol thei Ce Temontes , the ther, for playin sineet I and Rilfult upon his Harp. Andrior the At-chieve ments of this God they a re common lyconflaunde inith the Acts of Jrepiter. THIs able eem to pertinaclo Morali , inso much a Morat Philosoplay Grils nothinghelter. Under the Personis Bacchus here is
described the Fatur os Destre, or of the Passe
Goo Existing, so the Mother of De sire is Good Appearing. The ne, the lavi fulmi feo Iupiter, under hos Person the ou cf
is aster his manner: It is nur SV, and con-
ther especialty in the inferior Par thereo the Thub as it ere, and priclis, and gir is, and depresses the Mind, o as to lina de andium it Actions and Resolutions. Further, more aster it is confirm' by Consent an Time, andirealis out into AO , o that it has novi in a manne fulsiu' iit Months, an isfairly brought forti and oria, at sibi ordo me Time horue ver i is educated illi Proserpinae,
that is, it sese s oles an corners, nucis clara destine, and unde r-ground a it Nerea tintilthe erus ibi ames an Pesarie in lai asside, an improv' in B idness, it ei ther album es a the
THAT likeruis is an excellent Fiction,
That Bacchus clied, and came oram again. For Pastiora sonaetimes seem fas asseep, ande vera ead, ut there is no rusting of them,no though the were buries sor et there belur,lat ter an Opportunit offered, and they'liciis again. THE Inoention Ofth Vine is a is Parable , sor very Affection is ver ingenious and quic in indingi it that whicli nou times and herisae it And of al Things norunt Men, in is most o ersul, and efficacio Us to excite and indie Pastions of hat K ind oevero ein in a maniae the commonDicentiυe tomestres in generat.
AGA IN Passon or es ire is elegantly
represented a Subduer o Proet inces, and an Underlaher o infinite Expeditions. For it neve resis content illi, halcit has purcha- sed, ut in illi an infinite and insatiable Appetite illi coveis and apes asser more.
TIGERS. also stabis by Afections andare semetimes petit to thei Chariot Forwhen tace a Passion is frona goine a oot ad-vdnced tu ride in a Chariol, and has captiva- ted Reason, and lead her ascit ere in Triumph, it groru cruel, Iam anageabie, and
ferce against ali that illista nil or oppole
os hos deform' ridiculo us Daemons ab ut Bacchus his Chariol. For ver Vehemetri Pallion caulas in the Eyes, and in the very Face, and Gesture, certa in indecent, di sordei ly, apering and de forni V Motion so that the who in an Paction, as Anger, Arroga iace, LoVe, imay perhaps seem glorious and bravera thei orun yes, do et appea to
NEI THER is it an3 Monder, that Superstitiotis Rite Doubibe attributedio Bacchus, since every ad infection in false Religions,
Rabbi os mereticiis ath ut- done the Bacchanal of the Heathen , and thei Superstition ais have been nocles silood than fili hy. Nor is it a Wonder again that Bacchus lauuldbe thought to sen dies iness, eein ever Ab fection in the Exces, therein is a in offore hi 'dii action, and is it continue long and with an Thing of Violeuce, concludes many Times in Madnesse. A to the rendin and dis membring of Pentheas and Orpheus, in the Celebration fili Orgies of Bacchus, the Parable is lain since ever prevalent Affectio is very utra- genus agans, an a must deadi Enem totwo Things; ne hereos is, a curious En quir into the ther, hoe and boleso ne Admonition. Nor ill it vati, that the En quir is made, on lyrio contemplate and bello id,
like limbing a Tree, Without an Maligni tyos Miny No again that the Admonition begiven illi a reat dea of weetnes and Dexterit ; ut be that ascit ili, the Orgios canno bear ei ther a Pentheus, or an Orpbeus.
LAST LY That Confisu of the Persona o Iupiter and Bacchus may be weli transferr' to a Parable , seein nobi andriam susAtcbievemenis, and remarhable an glorious Meriis, procee so metimes frona Viriue, and right Reason and Magnanimit 'Pand somelimes again frona a latent Assection, and a idden Desii re, both quali affect in Glor and Re-nown , so that it is no eas to distinguissi tho Acts of Drondistis frum hos of Iupiter.