장음표시 사용
Whieli in os fortitie Carmage, together With a prompt an prepare Resoluti 'on to vindicat hi in sel fro in Affronis, is impos dupon o memen by Accident an a ind of Inevitable Necessaty, v rea sola os o meruli atin herent in thei Perton or Fortune ; a ith appens in deform 'd Persens, and a lards, an in Person an Way disgrac'd , ponwhicli account, suci, en is they don' ruant Viriue, are common ly Successsul. A for the declaring of a Man'si' thatis a far different Thing roua the ollantat senos a Man' sol hereos, spake Jus no .
refuse notona in a manne requires a be
ner e se in a Leiter of Cicero' to Atticus,ho far fio a Dissembler Augusus Caesar
Sallus concurs in the fame Charge a -- de Guntenance, ut an immodes Mini: Maderit his entire Business, and endea voiar'db infinite Stratagems, id in his Desi res and Ambition deep, to reduce the Republici in
the mea timerio Anarch and Confusion to
e ver been efore he was neve the earer
commoni unsortunate are thos Couias eis,
whicli are covere in illi proseund Dissimulation land Tacitus seem to have been of the fame Sentiment in his alter, henae determines the Artifices of Simulation to e Wis domi an inferior Form in Comparisono Politica Art attributin Thus to Tiberius, Thesea Augulus csar For speax ingo Livia, he Dith thus , That De was a goo ICompostition os the Aris of herius bonae, an ithe Simulatio of her Son. For lare ly the
wea an suggisti Cunning an notareatly Politique. Aricio the bendin an fassi ioning of the Mindri, e must indeed en deavour init allour Mighr, that the in be made pliantand obedientes occasions and Opportunities, and that it be no an way stiis, o Refractoryto Nard them For nothiniis a grea termin- drance to Business, o to the stablishing of Men's Fortunes, than his Idem manebat, neque idem decebat That 8, when e continue the same, and follo thei orun Bent, tho' Occasion are chang'd Theresere Lm', whenae bring in Cato Major, a the X pert- est Archites of his Fortune, oes inelicio annex his, that he had Versatile ingenii , a Uit that he could command an turn a nyway Andience it comes to passe, that grave and solemn iis, and such a cannot Change,
The Architect of his Fortune. 39s
veterate Custona os Delaying, and Protractingthe War, hen themature of the war asal tered, and requirediris her AIeas ures Again, in ther the fame ea nesse proceed front Vant of Judgmentri When Men o no discern in time the Period of hings and Actions 'ut turn to late, hen the opportu
i selexa se . to serve fixamples to thexest. ΤΗ Fir Preceptris that this Architesct of his Fortune use his Line and Rule hillat ly, and appi it rightly That is that he accusio his Minyto estimate and rate the Price and Value o Things, in Proportio a theyconduce, more Orclest, o his particula Fortune and Ends , and that he do his substantially, and o superficially. Fur e halliin the Logica Pari ases may term it of
ons an Comparison, preserring Things of Shew and Sense besore Things of Substanceand Effect Sysomeriali in Love illi accessio Princes, ther With popula Fame and Applause, suppossing the are Things of great Purchase, hen in an Cases the are ut Matters of Enxy, Peril, and Impediment. Sofome measure Things according to the Labour
est, and mos happii accomplissi a Vork.
Sinem os mar re no ther, than the Sine sy Meti's Arms, that is, a Vatiant, Opulo us,
is notione that is the ineres of Fortu=ie, hut it is the Sinem and Stee o Men' Minds, Wit, Courage, Boldia ess, Resolution, Temper, Industry, and the ke. In the hird lac Iset down Reputation, hecause of the peremptOr Tides and Current iliath, inhicli is theyhe notoahen in thei due Time, a re et domvecovered , it heing Xtreme har to play an Aster-Game o Reputation. An in the last place I et dorun Honour, hic licis more easi lywoni an of the ther three, much moreb ali in Conjunction, than any of them canhe purchased by Honour. To conclude his Precepi, as there sorde and Priorit in Mat-ter, si is there in Time the reposterous placing whereo is ne of the commones Errors , hilement to thei End when theystould intend thei Beginnings: And do nottake Things in Order of Time a the comeon, ut arma them according to Greatneys, and ot ccordin to hi lance, o observing the good Precepi, uod nunc insat, agamuJ. Virg. Past. 9 66. Let tis indiu moT, Mother Son require anotheriau. Dryd. THEI cond recept is, ibat mr emare, homupo a sor os reatnes and Presumptionos Mind we Mage in alte suo di sicuit , and that me do tot Rom against the Stream. Fortouch in Men's Fortune, the Counse is excellent, Fatis