Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


The Architedii of his Fortune. Ailmore toleget in Men Constanc and Strengilio Resolution than Arrogance and Boasting; have been deservedi accounted Mund and healthlal, and no question, have found Placein rea Mind D to that Degree, that so me- times the caiscarce dissemble sucii Thoughis. For e se Augusus far Who compared with his Uncle, as rather different, than inferior; ut certaini a Person sonae inhal

Partis Kno in ledge also a b rechone a-mong the Descientsu Not ut that it si sedand frequente in Practice, abundanti morethan siti in D; butaecause Bootis concerning this Argument a re silent. Wherefore we ili recite sonae Headsis tu, and calicit, The Arobi-teros Fortune , or Aio trine concerning tDe Cousse of Liseio A ancement.

llandie a ne an unu sua Argument; inteachin Men o the may be Contriversos theiriwn Fortune ; a Doctrine, no doubi,

Purchas of a Fortune, a re ne ither lighter,


nor stiner no res dissiculi, than to the Purchas of Virtu Anxit is achard and severea Thing tolera true Politique, as orae trui Moral. aut the and ling of this Doctrine concern greatly the Honour o Learning For it is o specia Importance to the Credito Learning that Pragvi et D Men a lino , ibat Learn in is no a like sonae mali Bird, a the Larh, haesis Onta mount, and in g, and pleas her self, and noth in eis es lut fur ther, thatiae is a in o Hawhoather, that an both soa alost, and ver no and then inhen messees her Time stoop, and eigehe Prey Again. this Lind of Wis do relates to the Persectionis Learn in g, ecauseritis the true Rule os a perfect Inquir after Truth, That nothing e Iound in the labe in Matier, that halo no a Paralli in the Chri-salline Globe, robe Intelleres alia is that there be no an Thing in Belia Dan Action, that nould not be raru an collecte into Contemplation and Doctrine. And ye Learning oes no admire or esteem of this Architecture o Fortune, therinis than a a Work of an in serior Κind. Iorio an 's particular Fortune canae an End an way orth of his Being Na it osten appens that Meno excellent Virtu es abandon thel Fortune of their own Accord that the may have Leisure so more sublime Respect s.


NEVERTHELESS, Fortune, as siue is an

Instrument of Viriue, and of doin Good, deservesto e considere in her Place, an toliave ome Instructionsalven about her. UNT O this Doctrine appertain Precepis, sonae Summary and Principat , Other Scat-

ligence, purchas and procure totur elves Information tolaching the particula Persons, with whom e negotiate and have o do , s


LAST LY The Principies an Rules

whicli the have et down to thenaseives, and the like Further more Information is to beta ken not oni os Persons, ut o particular Actions also, hicli frona Time o Time reon Eoot, and acit e re pon the An vitri, horuthe are conducte an succeed by hose Endeavour the are further'y by homthe are opposed , and of What eight and Momen the a re and what a b their Conseque iace, and the like For the Kno*ledge of present Actions is both very materiali iacit self, and carries incit his also that Urithout it the Knowledgem Persens to is like tolevery decet timi and erronesus For en changewith the Actions : And are oneri hin g, hi lethe are en gaged and en vironed, illi Busin esse;

and another, in hemtheyac turn to thei Nature.


A for the Colanten ance, te no the antient Ad ag move us, Fronti iusia Ades tbere'sno Trijicio beatven to the Guntenanceri foralthough his Sayinima noti amisse, ou Ch- in the ut Nar an genera Compos ure of the Countena iace and Gesture; et there a re certain secret and more subtil otions and L bours of the Eyes, Face, Looks, and Beliavi

Tiberius e in sud dent mox 'd, and carried


pina, came a Step ut os his innate Simula

ill to a Friendri, semetimes pon eaknesso Mind that an no longe holdiu underiheme ight o Thought sonaetimes, a stly, upon ome ther Affectio an Pastion, theywil reveat an communicate their inmost Thought s. ut above ali it ound the indio the otio in and earches ali it Folds, .hen Simulation is attack'd by a Count eris Simulation , accordin to the pani bur


NEI THER are Deed iliemselves, tho' the be the lares Pledges of en' Minds, altogetheroo e trusted, ithout a diligentand judici ous Consideration, both of their Sige and Nature. For the quin is tuost trux Frariti resti it ses Credit in maller


positions and Natures, o thei End and Intentions And certain ly the weahe and more

gine, bat the in that ountrrare lihe to M. Certaint i is a frequent Error, and ver familiar illi mise Men, o measiare ther Menby the Mode of theiriwn Abilities and sona an Times to ver-thoo the Mark, by supposin Men to proiect an designa thenaseives de epe Ends, and to practis more subile Aris, than ver came in to their Heads hicli the Italian Proverb eleganti notes, sayin D. Thatthere is commoni te a Money, es Urim, UsHones , hau men recton pon heres oreis, areo dea with Men o a mean and shallo Capacity the Conjecture must e ta-ken froni the Propensions of thei Nature, rather than frona the End the may aim t. Furthermore, Princes also but upon a far

tures, an privat Person by thes Ends. For


For Princes bella at therio of Human De- si res have commoni no particular End propo unded to them se lues, heret the aspire, especialty illi Vehemen ce an Perseverance;

by the ite and Distance of whicli Ends, a Directio and Scale of the est of thei Ahions may be taken an diade , ,hicli sine of the chie Causes, that thei maris a the Scripture prono unces ,re inscrutabis But private Person a re like Tra vellers, hocin

himself out .strippedi Petronius Turpilianus in adminiit ring an suggestin Pleas ures tol ro, searob'd into Nero ' Pears, a Tacitus says and by this Means rohe themec oflii Rivat. A se theano Ning o Men' Minds, at secondi in M'. nam ely by the Relations fothers . it mali surice to si this in hori. Defect an Paulis are est learia 'd rom Ene mi es ,


perior uncert in The t uestra oris comes

sist in three Thingses The First, o have a

solid Information, and good Intelligence in every severat ind. Theraecondris, o heepa good Mediocrit both in Liberi os Speech, and Taciturnitys In Most Things Liberty:

to carr On the alter in and and a thes me line, to observe other Thing that s. li