Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


servation about Mores KnowL ge ina V De

and livet Sense of lealare, and Ho- est Recreation V ut these Four, asin the Body, si in the Mind seldom meetali together. For it is eas to observe, that an have Strength of Wit an Cou-

net ther an Ornamen to thenaseives, norus eiu to the Publicii : Others, ho per-haps are aster of three of them, ut


Sadness, an Stupidity, practis indeed the Actions of Viriue, ut have non of the Ρlealares of it. An i it hance that of these Four, Tm o Three meet, et a Wassaid a Concurrence of al Four ver rare-ly appens.



De Augmentis ScientiarMn. Lib. 8 Cap. I.

ONVERSATION certain lyought nota he affected, ut much les neglectes; ince aprudent Overninent of it, both carries incit eis a certain Gracela ines of Manners, andis of huge Service ONard a leve Management of Business, as et Public a Private. For a Actio in an orator is se much regard-ed tho it belut an ut inard Qua lily thati is preferr' even besere thos e ther Paris, which seem more grave an intrinsic . in the


theriam manne almost, in a Manis a Civii Practichilla, Conversation, and the Regimen thereos, tho ille conversant about Exteriors sinds, tho no the chiesest, et certaint an eminent Place. For ostio great Importanceis the ver Countenance, and the Compolarethereos The Poet says weli: -- Nec vultu destrue erba tuo. FO a Man may undermine, and ut terlybetra the Force of his ords, with his Coun-ten ance. Na ou Actions as et as

war as et a the Height, id diligenti and serious advise Cicero, by a Leiter ouchingilie Composing of his Countenance an Gesture to Dignit and Gravity. No ii the Mana gement o the Face an Colanten anceatone, beii suci effect ho much more, Familiar


Scenam in vitam transferre maluan be amore deform' Spectacle, tisana transfer hebcene into ur common Gurse of Life j v

ther, tho the falliso by an means into that victous Extremeri et to much Time is consume in those mali atters, and the Minyis depressi'd an bow'd to the Stud of them, more than is sit. Anytheresere, as in the Universities, oun Studenis to muchaddicte to kee Company use to e ut in Mindi thei Tutors, Amicos esse fures temporis, That Frien is are thes h Loes of Time rSo certaint this sanae continua Intentio of


Mind, po the Grace of Conversation is agreat illare o more serious Meditations. Αgain, lach as are so exacti accomplis id in Urbanity, and seem, ascit ere, forin' hyNature for this hin Latone, have common lythis Qualit to pleas themselves in that only,

and carce everrio aspire aster more solid and higher Viriues: hereas on the contrary, thos that are conscious to themselves of a Defect this way see Cometines frona a good Reputation For here a good Reputation is, almost ait Things are Becoming but herethat fatis, in lacti Case, a Suppi must besetch hom Exactnes of Behaviour, and Urbanity. Again there is carce a reater ormore frequent Impediment of Action, than an er-curious observance of this iam ou tward Decorum And that other Attendant of it,


of his omn Fortune And ira attributes thes amerio Cato the Ide In his Manahere reas suo a Stretatis dersandret, and Natura Endoetomenis that hereseυer his

mari his omn Fortune.


Dextra mihi Dens, ct telum quod missile libro,