The gate to Caesar: by William C. Collar

발행: 1891년

분량: 169페이지


분류: 미분류


CHAPTER XIV. 1. Ablative of eans 409 248 8 c, B. 218 Η. 476 420ὶ H-B. 423.2. Ablative With utor, etc. 410 24st B. 18, 1 H. 477 421 I

1. Divitiacus intercedes for the conquered Belgae. 2. Divitiacus beg that Caesar ill alio. clemen . .


1. Tho territoris of the Nervii bordor o tho Ambiani. 2. Tho Nervii blame the Ambiani for having surrendered. 3. The Nervii have' great influenco among the Belgae. 4. They usemo inhaecauserit,eahens ' character. 5. hos men thin mind los energ through,ine.

1. Thomsrvii mere distant a three dvs march. 2. Caesar finda out that the are te miles distant.


1. Certain of the Belgas en by tot to the cam offlio Nervii. 2. Caesar says that certain men ent' to the Nervii. 3. any of the prisoners found out about the legiona. 4. The were sent to thei friendito repori the matter. 5. orio trees is a mattes of no dimouit at all. 6 en ere seu ahead to selec, a suit te place.



2. The followed themis from the leti part of the line. 3. the attempted δ' crosa the rivor, a great par of them mere pudito the sWOrd. 4. In another pari many of the Belgians ore hilled. 5. O tho front the Belgae pushed for the camp. 6. ut at last the were putrio flight.



1. Caesar saW that the soldier of the twelfth legion merohard pushed. 2. Caesar feeing the soldier of the twelfth legion hard pushed, en to the right Wing.


NOTEs. - another: bring the wo forma os uua together. 3 uarie in baggago mino a disserent tum η leave nothingundone a strange Latin idiom.


NOTEA. - their: no auum cloing omit reduceuci participio edis an adjective in tho neuter pluria. Nervii genitive.