The gate to Caesar: by William C. Collar

발행: 1891년

분량: 169페이지


분류: 미분류



riacas, 16. Mailaaot: noldad deeided, but should deeide No mistineis of tener made by begionem than in the rendering 1 apluperiret subjunctis of indirect discourae representinga future perfectis direct discourae. Such a subjunctiveis to e rendered by the auxiliar should notraad. Totei Mether a pluperfeci subjunctive representa a future perfeci, thin What form a speaker' morda movi take, remembering that the Romana commoni uaed the futuroo futuro perfect of thinga reali future, hile me ery





11. -PPIlossicio a public religioua festiva of thankagiving, decreed by the senato. The fifteen lays rejoicingm ha the constant fear of the Gaula hic ha ha ted tho Romana Ver since tho die Alliensis.' ranerremare that in longest supplicatio tili his hau beenone of tmelve dvs for Pompeius succea againatium


1. Caesar mas in hither Gaul. 2. Reporis ere brought into hither Gaul. 3. Whilo Labienus mas in Gaul, the Belgae made a league. 4. repor is rought that alie Belgae are conspiring. 5. Therare aliatd that our armmis comini' against them. 6. The are exed Mahat our arm remains in Gaul. 7. Caesar feared that the Belgae ere conspiring. 8. Letters hept coming, While the were conspiring.


. 1. In hither Gaul there oro tW legiona. 2. Wo ne legion Caesar levies. 3. The two ne legion are sent into the interioris Gaul. 4. Caesar senda his lieuienant to lead finem. 5. Pedius a sent to lea the ne legions. 6. The Senones repori that the Belgians are gathering.'7. The Senones informe Caesar bout the Belgiana.



2. Caesar asked Whence ery many of the Belgae sprung. 3. What states are in armi84. Caesar ashed What states ere in arms.


1. The euem forme a testudo an invance clos to the wall. 2. The onem hining hurled stones ' made a testudo. 3. Since there ere so many, they underminet the wall. 4. The easti cleared the walis of soldiers. 5. hs Belgas hining oleare the mali made an attach.' 6. ming made an attach the threm missiles againstitis Wall. 7. Since the missiles ero many no ne a abi tostan o the Wall.


1. What calthe enem do by thoi valor 82. Caesar tries has the valor of the enomyris cap teis. δ3. o much domu me dare 74. Caesar mahes trial of tho darint of his mon. 5. o much apace can Caesar' arm occupy 76. Caesar explaina' ver o much spado the illextende in front.


4. Divitiacus cannot e persuadet to advince to anun favorabie place. B. The AEdui mere persuadedri return to thei homes.