Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings, and other measures, resorted to by the British government, and numerous private individuals, to overpower the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights

발행: 1836년

분량: 293페이지


분류: 미분류


siclor that ho ought to refuso granting the delay Sought by the Crown parto , and thus tho judiciat liparing of my cause cannot take place bes ore November. Is may bo thought oestra ordinary that Ι 8hould preser laying my cassehes oro tho public in iis present State, to watting the result of pro eo lings


duc od in Enoland nihil Scottanii, chi es y to the formor circulation os pamphtot son illo subjeci, whicli contained much that was objectionabie, and that wasonly calculat sed to do me injury; While, On the Other hanii, my Onomios hseptativo the pari y spirit and groundless projudices they had creatod, and mado

loud vituperations os my Calumniator S.

Novor came under their Consideration.



mercenary Agent, .......... 33POStSeripi, ............... 40 Seeonii POStSeripi, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

V. Chartor of the Lordship of Canada, 2d February Ι628, . . . . . t 22VI. Instrument of Seisin os the fame, Sth July Ι 83l, . . . . . . t 32

LOrd Stirling, . . . . . . . . . . . al 58

guSt Ι 83l, . . . . . . . . . . . . at 73





NARRATIVE OF OPPRESSIVE PROCE EDINGSostentation and vanity of a se v lea ling families, who at that priste Will intersere in savouros the oppresse l. But the sui est and best Suppori is alWays derived frona persons possessing, with titie, Wealth and influence, generous and enlightened miniis, and determi- ned to strengthen the other i se seeble emoris of the susterer, by taking up his defende. I liantis to Providen ce, by Whose means a present missortune is frequently made tobe pr0ductive of the great est ultimate g00d, certain procoedings in Scottanii, which weruresorted to at the buginning of this year by my bitterest private enenates, in the liope ofellecting my destruction, have been Wondei sui ly conducive to my advantage. I xvisti th0se malignant buings, and the arch-traitor With Whom they are leagued, to know how much, Without intending it, they have servuit me. One of the happi est conseque iaces of their schemus is, that chance has led me where I have so und ne v frientis, Who have both the vili and the power to reniter me assistance by their influentiat connexions. An0ther advantage is, that I have ali eady had One must important d0eument gi Veii up to me, and through the hiridia ess of a person hight y gistud, and aceti stomed to resea reli, have traced the existence of another pro of long Withheld, and that Will bo os inestim able bonost tome. So much I have pleas ure in Stating, because I can Sasely do so; but I have nointention os grati sying the curiosi ty of the evi minded. Ν0, thoe may ait illi time shallunt avel, sor their instruction, What, I trusi, Wili mal e them Wisti tu av0id hereas ter anover- indulge iace in Wiched and unjustis able persecution. Mean hile, ho ever, thlymay rest assured, that I seel both the confideiace and the energy Which my siluati0nrequires, and whieli are always in creased by undeviating rectitude of c0nduet, and a g00d

coui aged to b0liove thut it Will obtain, by their hi nil ness and geat, an extensive circulation in Europe and America. Should that be the case, I may venture to liope, thatthu et auiis Which have so long obscured my prospects Will be entii ely dispersed, and that ali Whoso projudices have been eXei ted against me, by calumnies Or false assertions respecting my evidenue and procvedings in Sc0tlanii, Will seu and acknowlsedgo their error. My Englisti readurs espectat ly, having onee disinissed the erroneous opini0ns they have formed under such circumstances, will have no dissicut ty in admitting thatthuy had dra n their conclusions as to the muriis of my casu too hastily, and without having any just reason for undet valuing it. To numeroris classes of his Majesty's subjecis, but, in particular, those Who are connected by their commercial establishmenis, bytheir possessions in laiid, and othei Wise, Willi Canada and Nova Scotia, and to the Canadians tironiselves, at this crisis of politica ermentation, my case Oright to he in Ost intereSting. Their happiness, pr0speri ty, and Secure et Dyment of property and li se, n0W en-d angered by the violetice of parties there, might be protected, and a Separation of the provinces si oui the m0ther country be obvialed, is my hereditary righis Nere uel noWledged,



3and an 0pportunity gi ven me os using the po vers granted by the royal chartei s. Insteados dis regariling my clainas, it Would be sor their welsare anil interest to join their strenuous advocaly of them to my own best exertions. Let it n0t be supposuit that I hagard these assertions without having sufficiently reflected ora a subject os sueti vast importance. I do n0t meret y Wisti thereby to adit Weight to my pretensions. Genti emen Who arebetier able to give an opinion than I am, have deliberalely arrived at the fullest conviction, that a revoluti0n in Canada, and ali the sad conse luences of a civit War, Or,as no do tibi it w0uld be, a War of in depende iace, might be stayed, and ultimately pre-Vented alt0gether, by the G verriment determining to avail thenaseives of the entire alteration of circumstances, Whicli an immediate achnowledginent of my rights Would Occasion. Placed in a siluation to effeci, as his Majest y's lieuienant, and the la sui propriet0r of the Soli, sonae salutary changes in the institutions of that country, I c0uid effect them by the fuit authori ty given to me in the charters, in a manner calculated tomesti b0th tho Wishes of the Canadians and those of his Majesty's Govertiment. I am qui te prepared for the fori os ans er that persons in the interest of Govern-ment, Or of my private enenates, are lihely to return to the above rem arks; but I b0ldlyteli that whatevor they may be pleased to thinh or say respecting my elainas, asthose clatrias are supported by ali necessary eviden ce, and ample pro0f is given, in subsequent divisions of this W0rh, of my just hereditary right tu be put in possessi0n of the American territorius, and of the dignities and po vers which w0uld enablu me to reali se what has been hinted at ab ve, I shali n0t the less confidently rely on the march of evenis, and the force of public opini0n, to obtain me the justice I demand. But besoru entering fui ther into delati, let me Shortly explain to the reader on What


NARRATIVE OF OPPRESSIVE PROCE EDINGSΚing inc0rporaled the laniis of Tullibo die and Tulli cultrie, 0n the Euri's resignation os them for that pui posse, in to the Earidom of Dovan, With disserent limitations '. Further, onthe Pth December 1639, the Eari, having previ0usty resigne d ali his tities in to the haniis

of the K in g, obta ined a charter os novo damus, re-grant ing the fame to himself, and the lilii s- male of his hody; whom fuit in g, to the oldest heirs-semale, Without division of the last of sueti heirs-male, and to the heirs-male tu be procreat id of the b0dies of Such heirs-female respective ly, bearing the sui name and arnas of the filintly of AleX- ander, Whieli they shali bu hoiden and bound to assume, V Ac. Although this important charter do es not applar ut the present day in the Register of the Great Sent of Seotland , the eviden e r specting it is complete; and besides, ithas recent ly been ascerta ined, that duly authenticatuit cupies are stili extant, Which have been ali these years purp0sely Withheld by the persons Who have them in their Leeping.

heirs ; Whicli circumstance, adde d to the loss of property, and other reasons Whicli mysumi ly had for permitting the tities to rema in some time in a State Os dormaney, must sussicient ly account for the non-appea rance of an Eari of Stirling at the elections of