Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings, and other measures, resorted to by the British government, and numerous private individuals, to overpower the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights

발행: 1836년

분량: 293페이지


분류: 미분류


No , let me ash, Are Brit isti subjecis fruem en or flaves 3 Have we a constitution to assord iis protection froni the rod os tyranis, and the oppressui 'S c0ntum ely and violenue ;

How littio ground thoro was Dr Lord Goderich's frivolous objection to the recognition Os ni y peerage status has been fully shewn in another part Os this Narrative.


riches, fami ly connexioris, and political influenee, enable them to wield arnas Whicli eventhe ministry cannot long resist. ASSured, at present, of generous co-Operation frona sonae of these individua is, and si ona others Who, though not Englisti, have power toserve me, I pro ted With my Narrative. Aster mali ing my overtures, in the manner state J, to Lord Goderich, and blings0 rudely, 80 imperiousty dented a hearing, a question arises iis to the legatis os refusat, On the part of a minister of the Crown, to allow a Britisti subject to state his case tollim. Is not a ministry formeti s r the administration of the assairs of the nation 3 Wasnot the eX position of the most extensive and valvable chartered righis cunea Ped undunea tinguis able, as is clearly shewn in the c0ui se of this Work, while a larifid heir of Sir William Alexander is in existendo,) truly a nati0nal aflair, and a subject for mature

dei gning to investigate, and me rely bucause he was prompted tu d0 80 by his prejudices


the plenitude of their po er, Will be able t0 shelter thenaseives si ona the animadversions whicli a salthful expositi0n of their tyranny, and of the paliry means more than Once re- sorted tu, by them or their agenis, to accomplisti the destruction of an honoui able sumi ly, will eali sortii. Even those Who s i in their parties, Support their generat meas ures, and ply them With adulation, is they bu honest anil sincere in their destre to res rin abuses, cannot approve of the manner in Whicli I have been treatod.

Ir Buria, dat est 24th of the fame monili, any one accusto med to sulli a mode os veri- fying hund writing Will be satisfied, as m0re than a dogen of genti emen in public ossides in I 0nd0n were, that the fame individual Wro te both letters. In consequente of the observation more than Ouce made to me, that Alr Burn's account did not go fur en sugh, to enable an impartiat reader to furna a corruet opinion os the part whicli I 0rd Ripon's

secretary is accused of having tahen in it, Ι have yiel ded to the advice of my si tendes, in publishing fui ther the i hole correspondonee 0n the subjeci. The Eari of Riponhimself as no doubi ignorant of the aet done in his name, and , Ι dare say, it Wash dea usu his I 0rdship could not bring himself to belle te his protege capable of such a



The nexi aet tracod, liho the former, to the Coloniat ossice, Was one of obstructionto a sale of laniis in New Bruns victi, which, as Sir William Alexander's proved heir, and BY LAW in possession, I was fully authori sed to esseet, on the plata that had been recommended to me. This salu Was tu have talion place on the Pth of November IS 32, but Was st0pped by the insertion os a demi ossiciat advertisenient in the Times ne us- paper 0f that date, and by preventing the insertion of another Whicli I had sent re-6pecting the sale. Ν0W, With0ut entering here into arguments, aS convincing aS they



Suthei lanii, the Mai quis of V est minster, or any other Puer Or Commoner in the reaim, to prevent the sale of any of their estatus. I denouneo thu interferen eo as altogetheruit Warrantable; and equully so the directions sunt to thu locat authorities in the American pr0Vinces, to oppose any en try that might be madu tipon the uia occupiud laniis there by my grantees. I indoeil maintain, that the lalter abuse of their po ver Was adirect violation of the special clauses in the royal charters of grant to my anceStor. But these are solitary instances, among many, of the manner in Whicli Govertament influendo as misit sed tu bius public opinion ut the fame period, With the evident intention of bearing me d0wn, and inflicting such injury as might anni hi late me and myclainas. It would he waste os time to notice particularly these minor acts of oppression. I shali only mention, that Govertiment, and numeroris individuals who have, frona interested motives, seconded their vie s as much as possibio, seem always to have been a are,

that is I obtain ud the command of large pecuniary res urces, I should also obtain, in eXaci proportion, po ver to resist their tyrannical proceldings. Hunce, one of their clites objecis ali a long has been to prevent my obtaining money; and the Stabs given to mycredit, by the sWindling transactions os agenis employed by me in the years 1829-30-31, rendered the eXecution of their plans comparatively easy. Circumstances having obligedine to attempt the negociation of loans, the parties applied tu for that pui pose, th0ughcautioned as to the inevitabie consequence of go ing to the Govertament ossices for informati0n, invariably did so, and by that means amor lud the opportunities destred, in th08e quarters, of eXpressing opinions Which When reported to me, Would have roti sed my ut m0st indignation, is I had not felt that such conduci Was w0rthy rather of silent

Passing si 0m allusioris to petiy acts of malevolenee, I now return to the considerationos that must malielous and vindictive coui se of pro eoding in Scottanii, Whicli I have ali eady notieed, as site in g, by the instructions that were sent to the Crown agenis



his expectations os an early and favori rabie decision Should be blighted, and his ossoristo prodestit in the exercise of his p0 vers be paralysed, by having an infam0us, false, an dabominable accusation os forgery alleged against hi m. irtu0us and h0n0urabie men iit, I am fure, an swer With indignation, Assuredly not.VThe in si serious consequences of this charge have been, si St, protra sed litigation, at

sigias against me, have dono their ut most to secund those of the Crown party, were enabled, by such an occurretice in Scottand, to circulate their calumnies With more success than was possibist bes re that time. Their sinister object Was promoted by the praetico in Seotland of printing papers f0r the Couri, by Whieli means the chargesbi ought against a defendans, and the knowledge of Whicli, bes re triat, is confined, tu E iglaiid, to the parties chieny interested in the fuit, can, With the printer's assistance, bu madu known ali over the Lingilom, by multiplying the c0pies of sueti papers. Themon Who Oppose me had reco ui se to that expedient; and by seniling many of the papersto the Wretelles leagued with them in I 0ndon, their calumnies Were hauded abolit toesseet the ruin of my character. Frona ali that has bsten stated respecting the acts of Eari Grey's administration, therea ter Will perceive that an uia paralleled system os injustice and persecution Was organ-ised, sor the tyrannical pui pose of Overpo ering me. The members of that Governmerit ere ut Scrupulo us as to the means of accomptishing their objeci. Though I had nover


disregat ded by the lidads of G0vertament deparimenis, it is clear I could gain nothingby adhering to the former patient anil sorbearing System, in Whicli I have persistod t0olong. Ι must talio up a higher p0siti0n, and , by ali la fui means, determine energeti catly to resist both ministeriai and private persecution. Had ministers met, With but common civility, candour, and impartiali ty, my fit si over- tures of arrangement, made as they Were on the 80und basis of justice and good poliey, of liberal concessi0n, and respuet sor the rights of others, the ovils which have been the consequence of their injustice Would not have ensu ed. Even the present agitation in Canada w0uld have been unknown, hecause nothing could have arisen to give a pretextfor agitation. There could have been no discontent, and theres ore no spirit os revolt in that valvabie c0l0ny. But the fame statesmen Who professed to be the frientis ofliberat measti res, to wisti, by Wholes0me reform8, to Strengthen the great palladium ofEnglisti liberty, and to regard ait Britisti subjecis as entilled tu an equat dispensati0n ofjustice, scrupled 110t tu refuse me a hearing, When I approached them With confidonee, and a disposition to Field Whatever might be necessary, Under existing circumstances,


NARRATIVE OF OPPRESSIVE PROCE ED IN ISment to my cluinas. The sitamus ut attempt to rob me of the whole advantages of mysituation, as Sir William Alexander's heir, by a reduction of my services of heirship, and to gain that iniquitous en d by blasting my charaeter, Will recoli upon iis authors, as it displays the corrupi and abominable motives by Whicli they were actualed. Theleague With one of my private enum ies, whieli the correspondeiice bes ore reseri ed toestablishes, is perhaps as glaring and scandalous an aci as ever Was brought home to a Iovertament ossice. Is sueti conduet bestiing the members of an Englisti ministry Θ




NARRATIVE OF OPPRESSIVE PROCE EDINGSU Alr Stanldy weli enough to belleve that he is incapable also os refusing it, ei ther to the highest 0r the hvmblest individual Who appeals to his impartiality or his