장음표시 사용
proachino, and in urbich he recommended me to pursve luat coui se, and lik0wiseupon the representation made to me by my agent, Wh08e arguments appeared the more
What is past, however, cannot be recaliud ; and as the course I did pursue alters notthe correctia ess of the position I have to maintain, I hasten to resume my Narrative.
When I arrived in Edinburgh, the particulars of my descent, and the faci that I didnot appear there in the character Os a claimant, or as the representative of Generat Wil
instances of collaterat succeSSion.
sexu instances Where conveniente Was consul ted, or Where there axere competitorS ; butI thinh I have susticiently shewn, sor my present pui pose, that 0n the bare gr0und 8 Ofancient custom in the Scottisti puerage, and of precedent, Ι am entit ted tu e piat favoni in the enj0yment of my righis and privileges, with the existing Peers Who are similarly circumstanced. But is my p0sition On th08e ground 8 be 80 Strong, it certain ly is rendered inexpugnable by the vario iis acts I have n0w tu mention, of the highest authorities in the realita ; and although sinister attempis have been subseviently made bysome of those very authorities to cancel What they s i mei ly did, I maintain that such injustice has only exposed their disregard of principie, Without destroying the validi tyos thoir si si recognition S. My litto has been recognised by the acts of
NARRATIVE OF OPPRESSIVE PROCE EDINGSU The Lord Chancellor presenis his compli ments to I 0rd Stirling, and has directed A the Great Soal to b d am xed to the writ certi sying his Lord shil 's having takon tho usual ouilis. Th0 L0rd Chancellor Will regi et very much is the delay has put I 0rdo Stirling to any inconvenion Cl. orge citreet, Eoth August 183O.VThu recognitions of his Majest y's ministers are contain sed in numero iis ossiciat letters, during a corresponde nee with them in the monilis of September and October 183l, and
pi 0n0unc ed judgment, aster hearing the arguments of counset On both si des, in an actionthen pending at my instance, and sussa ined instance in the nam Alemander, Euri
SQVCn years ago, and then only upon consideration of the si si steps I had taken, accord ing to the ancient custo in of Scottanii, Will, I thinh, be particularly valvabie to ens reeand conclude my arguments on that branch of the subjeci.
Ι am os opinion, that, by the service and retour in the preceding page, the clatria ant has established his character as Dearest heir, &c. and acci ii red and vested in his per- son the dignities possessed by his ancestors. Having so clothed himself, in the s rui required by law, with that character, the peerage rank and dignity of his ancestors di Op on hi in by descent. Hu dues not require any fui ther or ulterior proceed ings for the purpose of completing the investiture of these hono ui s. I See no auth 0ri ty in the law of Se0tland sor requiring that a cluimant to a Scotch peerage must, in Ordero to complete or perfect his righis, apply to the Ilou se of L0rds for alio vance of digni ty. Νο person disputes or challelagus the right and titio of the clatinant. On the con- trary, he is known and recognised as the Eari os Stirling, has publiely exercised the P privilege of a P00r by voting in the olection of a Representative Pler of Scottand, and his vote has been received with ut dissent by the assembled Pesti s. In my humble opinion, vere he to go to the Hori se of Loriis by petition for alio vanee os dignity, he w0uld be consessing a doubt of his οwn character, surrendering the rights of the Scoteli nobility, and recogni sing a jurisdiction in this particular not made imperative by the Treaty of Union. Stili, a party claim ing the dignity 0s a Sc0teli peerage may, is he choose, try the experiment, Whether the H use Will entertain his claim and de- cide ul)0n it; and there are instances in Whicli the party has su applied and the Ho usu so acted. But, as far as Scotch authorities en able me, on principie, t0 judge, Ι consider sueti applications, excepi in casus ulterly distinet anil different frona tho present, to have been mei ely optional in the party, and pr0bably res0rted tu front
NARRATIVE OF OPPRESSIVE PROCE EDINGSU objuet for vhicli the charters Gere originalty designe l. Is y0ur L0rdship shali be of