장음표시 사용
The agenis I deputed to ri ait upon the secretaries or directors of Other trading an demigration C0mpanies, described the reception they met with as alm0st insulting; and in stiori, though qui te unaequalia ted With my case, or the proposais Ι Wished tu malle, it selmed t00 evident that projudices of so violent a nature had been imbibed, that there Was no disposition to listen, for a single moment, to my frientis or deputies. For a series of years my minit Was hept in a state Os irritation, and my spiriis Vere jaded even to a certain degi de os disco ut agemunt; si St, by the uia remitting persecutions of the parties Who h ad conspired against mu ; second*, by 80 much di Sapp0iniment in attempting to negociate With Companies, wh0, by their pursu iis, and the property
tinetly reser to sueti assistance as sonae of them might have offered to reniter me, by upholding my righis in the Senato, at C0uri, and in society. Such martis of interest in my favo ur, under the circumstances of Oppressi0n that have been detallud in thesepages, W0uid, neverthel ess, have done hon Our to any members of Britain's aristoeracy. Tlion Why have no sueti instances bestii soland 8 Have Ι ever dono any thing ianw0rthyos my character as a gentieman, a man Of honour, or a Christia 3 I am sui e that nomati, uniess he bo as rechless, maliciolas, and unprincililed as are sonae of my dastardlycalumniators, would risit a similar charge against me, stili tess against my fami ly, whoare deserved ly my hope and pride. I know that erroneous vlews have been taken by many respectabie individuals of my conduci and procoedings ori various occasions; butthey must be infatuated is I do not convince them, and ali Wh0se respuet anil esteem Iam an X totis to deserve, Os the purity of my motives and intentions, froni my fit si comingsor ard to asseri my clainas, to the present ho ur. When I shali have obtained posses-
serve as the best stimulanis to continued exertion.
οs commercial arrogando and seisistiness, that I have found support. They possess inuehthe largost share of thusu amiable qualities of the listari, th0se graces 0f minit anil pers0n, that good faith and g00d seel in g, that love of virtu0, and th se nolite and honori rabie sentiments, Whicli, in days of yore, used also to distinguish so considerable a portionof the higher and loreor classes in Britain. It will bo my pride, as long as I live, toachnowledge, that many of the persons to whom I allude have assisted me to the sullest extent of their limited means, and have heightened the value of such timet y succ0ur by
When, to the cause of delay in acting justly, Whieli is truly set 0 ut in the preedding lines,
39 Colonies, peopte are beginning t0 be a vare that the tities to recently purchused laniis there are incomplete With0ut my c0nfirmation, and are lihely to he disputed. Helicem ueli disti ust, Whicli, coupled With their uncertain ty as to the conseque iaces of my procodilings, and With the great p0litical agitation in Canada, Uili more anil m0re expandilio ideas of Coloni ut proprie tors, and furia isti reasons for mature reflection on the merit sof my case. At h0me, What has G0vertament gained by sueti tyranny and injustice to ards
and enective exertion in the cause of JUSTICE.
Si NcR the foregoing Narrative was Written, I have made important disc0veries both in France and America. One most important document sor establishing my descent has been restoreii to me ; and in addition to these advaritages, I have had ille satisfaction to hear that the miserable and inglori0us attempt of the advisers of the Crown, al- ready sufficiently descanted ii pon, to impugii an Oid assidavit anil other papers, formitigpart of the ovi deiice si si produced in support of my righis, has proved a total fallure. Th us, in the shori space of a se v monilis, I si nil my position 80 much strengthened, that I cann0t but regarit as a visibiu interposition os Providelice ali the eXtraordinaryoccurrences by Whicli the Very endeavours of my onem ius to ruin and disgraee me, have been overi u led tu produce the opposite est ecl. I undet stand that oue vindictive, treaeherous heing, Wh0, during eleVen years, to0k an
ilio correetia ess of the information that has been conveyed to me. What he was not
ad0pted, and introductions frona persons os rank and reputati0n in the w0rid ; and Ιhave been informeli, that nothing can equul the rage and di sappotiatinent of th08e beings, and that their hatred seelis to revelage iiseis, s r the fallure of their plans, in the most horribie calumnies. I am greatly indet, ted tu sonae frientis for the disclos ures they have made is me, in referetice to the person I have chi est y liud occasi0n to n0tice ; but 1 could
have Wished that they, despis ing the ordinary Π ny of the worid, under such circumstances, had bo id ly come forWard at the sirst, and declared his true character, insteados leaving to me and my fami ly the uia certain task of ascertaining the dis reputabie ordan gerous clualities of a man, Whom ali by their timid Silenee applared to appr0ve. Ιhave heard now, indoeii, though late, that my empl0ying hina was considered at the Publio Oifices as certa in ruin t0 my case, and it has been also considered Konderi ut that I could have extricat ed myself fro in him ; and when I look bach and compare his corresponden ce of former years With the informati0n sine e conveyed to me, I see a thou Sand mysterioris circumstances expla ined that it never Was buforo in my power to account sor. Itecent proculdings in Scottanii, to Whicli suis cient allusi0n has ali eady been made, and the exasperat ing conduci of this vindictive person, Wh0, it seems, is closelyleagued With the partius or their agenis, and the cottia Sellor of their obnoxioris meaSure8,
compei this longi hy notice of him. I should have infinite ly preferreii consigning hi mand ali his acts sor ever tu oblivion ; but sueti extraordinary reporis continue to be madeto me of the treat ment my fami ly in my absenee experien ced, e Deu in Scottanii, arisingo ut of the standers caused tu be spreud by his correspondenis, that I could not restatus rom mahing the state ment. He has been heard to eXpress the bitterest sarcasm S, and
of Session last terna, as one of the causes Whieli influenced me to suspend a hile thepublication of my present Work. So much, ho ever, required to be done in a Sh Ortii me aster the resto red document Was received, for the perfeci verification of the signatures up 0n it, that my frientis completed their lab0urs rather tuo late in the monili ; alid the conseque nee Was, that On moving the C Ourt to circumduce the term for pro vin g,
ment, ought to be submitte i to Some examination.