장음표시 사용
Asia, .st, si Minor, in his eas includ in Syria. Sic. . . . celebra urer, hi arrivuls ero much aike of that the expectationis destre Oi seeing th Aian exceeded the fanis of his talenis, and his o vn comiti 'cit eli, and the admiration heexcited surpassed the expectation of him, V i. e. Whicli his comitighad occasione l. Adoentus, plural to indicat his avriva at the vario us laces. Famαnὶ objectis Superaret. 5. Italia, outher Italy, o Magna Graeciari s also in the
Studiaque, libera studies. Vehementius oppillis, vere culti vate more arduoiasty thanthenaremo culti valed in these towns. Non neuliuebrentur, and the were o neglected, V i. e. theywere caretuli attended to. What figure 3 Tranquilitatem Rome had rest ironi agrari an ii OubleS, B. C. 121 and was notbet disturbed by the sociat war, B. C. 90 so that both a Rome an iis dependent cities there a a chanc fortiterary Ursiliis.
Absentibus, lit., to thos absent, V i. c. before the fa him. Absens has a wide application in Latin tha in Englisti, and ma referri either of the parties separate froni acti Other. Mario Catulo, quali Mario et ut tuo consulibu8, alii abs.),
against the Cimbri and Teutones a celebrate ira Archias. Alter, the ther, V i. e. Q. Lutatius Catulus, lio, si soldier,shared in Iarius victory ver the Cimbri res Iosias and as amari of letters was abierio urigem literar Productions Helico studium atque aures, a love o letters and an PPreciative ear. VPosset What subjuncti ver H. 48 9.
Luculli, wo brothors, Licinius and IIarcus. The forme wasnt this tim absent in Sicil W; hi sons ere S et quite Oung. The reception referrei to must, herofore, have been by some of the les consDicuous member of this fami ly. retextatus, a mere Outh, V earing the to να pro texta, thegari, of oyhood, lai disside a se venteen, hon the Θα irilis vas assumed. Stricti speaking these term could e appliedio non but RomaniOys. Sed etiam . . . . inuenit, but his, e ma adit, is a roos notonino his natura abilis and literar acquiremenis, ut also fhi good natural disi osition and morat Orth. V o account sorias of instenti H. 402 L, supplyitig ea ut. Eadem H. 45l . . Domus, i. e. that Of the Luculli.
mon was added formis victorie ove Jugurtha kitigii Numidia, D. C. 107. Pio filio, son of this N imidicus, urnam ei Pius, rom his earnsis enti eatio sor his ather' releas froni exile. D. C. 108. On his occasion the ori PPenred in Ourning.
NOTES. ιM. Emitius Scaurus , conAul D. C. 115, and n ea ter os liearistocraticiari duringorellias 'irs visit ora Oilio. Vir bat cum, ut associaled illi. Q. Catullo for Catullo, vide ante. Tli son, a tri minentu olitici an and supporter o Cicero against Catiline. Audiebatur, he was listene to. V lebatur, he was hi lily esteenae l. V L. Crasso, the celebrated orator Consul B. C. 9 3. Drusum M. Livius , a tribune os ille Deoplea illed in his ownhouse, B. C. 91 am id ille agrariau disturbanops of thi lieri Od. Octavios, the two Octavios, aeneius and Lucius. Catonem, Drobabi M. Porcius Cato, fallier o Cato Uticensis. Hortensio uiu, Lucius and Quintiac the alter Cicero' rival
Devinctam consuetudine, inito xto him by ties of triendi in
Acimitte. to the franchise of Heraclea , his citiaenshiphere proved by uniλupea chable testimori νοῦ his ameso nil in the istos L. Metellus, the mos accurate ii intorso his residerice a Rome could e prove d
Suium auctoritate et Histione et riue, of the ighest credit, the strictest probi ty, and the mos Scrupulous integri ty. V or
Se non opinari, that he does nota merely th in Cit was so, butthat he knows it tot so that he did notra eari it fr imithei s), but that he retinesse it that he was no present me rely), butthat he accomplisheu it. See auctoritate . . . Luctuti aboUe. Cum mandatis, etc., with fuit credentials and the officialtestimon of thei cityi.' Gratius havini lenied that Archias
was a citigenii Heraclea, the witnesse ironi that Citu, nable tobring the original documenis, at the suggestionis Cicero brought such othe writiei testimon as a lihelyrio confimn the clatuiso Archias. Hic etc., here unde the circumstances Fou require the Dublic register. -the certi fiexlistis citi gens. Tabula pubia State recordS.
Datio bello Calle Dalso th Socia or lio Marsic ar, B. C. 90 88. The Marsi legati it in thei attemptrio Secure the rightso Roman citi genslii p. Abl. II. 426. Tabulario, the registr Office, the depositor o Dublic recordes generali in a temple. Ea the testimonymi reli able men. Quin habere non possumυ8. Rese ring to the register unfortunatet burni during the Socia War.
Literarum memoriam vitare, to demand the evidence of the records.' Notice the wO mea inges ivei to memoriα 'St, the faculino memor 2nd the thin remem l)ered i. e. the record. Cum habeas, althoughbou have. Viri, o LuculluS. Relsionem, the teStimon i. e. the Solemia cleClaration.
municipii γα rom ciet ita foederata Notice the constructio of the infinitives uicere, qua2rere, repudiare, utatuerare, a Subjecisi, est ridiculum in. Quas uen dicis, ,hicli ou ourseli say; ' a remari inad by Gratius concerning the recordes o Metellus. Idem ipse fi lio ita tu, as subjectis uicis M. 51, 3. So quum reicut ne να idem, thou9hie SSeris, et he the fame
ti iam Gratius. In Italia, as i ven in Chap. 4 aDPears Inore in harmony illi the evident re seu remseritis the la in question.
Ante civitatem utom. H. 580. Rerum ac fortunarum, os ali his effect and fortunes. At . . . proferauS, 'ut syou may say he id not mali his elaim. Cicero hero anticipales an an Swers a second Objectiora. Quin soloe eae illa, ,hicli alone, ut o ali the declarations osciti genslii Ρ, and con nocted illi the oard college of pro tors, have the authorit o public records, V i. e. of at the recor is made at that time by the severa praetors, hos o Q. Motellus alone ere trust orthy. The register of sepius and Gabiniusare nex contrasted illi thos o Metellus. Nam cum, etc., for hile the abies of Appius ero aid tobelopi too caretessty, and whereas the dis reputabienos. frivoli ty)o Gabinius, a longin he was uncondemned, and his ulter ruitiaster his im90achment took way ali credit rom his abies; Metellus on th otho hand , a man the mos jus and ostscrupulous os ali, a Characteri Zed by o uel carofulnus sin his officiat uti es , thatio eam to I. Lentullus, the Praetor, and
the udges, and suid that he was uel disturbed affectedi by tho
Appii probabi A. C. Pulcher Mather o Cicero' ensem V P. ClodiuS.
mreatiorem Gabinius a condona ne i sor extortion in iis Dositionis Praetoris Achaia, II. I. 88. Rest 'nasset, referrinito the removingina seu ironi a docuitient. Veii erit. FO tense H 482, 2. His in emphatio contrast to thos of Appius ando; at,inius. In nomine Or, in uo/uen , te , you See n erasiare in ille nam o A. Licinius. V
record evidenti his enrolinent at Heraclea be in thought sufficient to estabiisti his claim. Mediocribus multis, in many persons O moderate abilities, eithe with no specia qualifications profession at ali Or else
Arte, abi asterii ceditis H. 419 III. Soytoria bolow.Gr ecia, Outheria Italy, as PDears rom the context. Credo, etc., d am to belleve, I suppose, that the inhabitant of Rhegium, Locri, Neapolis, O Tarentum, ere not illinctobesto that privilege oti his individual, though enjoyin a very high sputation for talenis, hici, the were accustomed o
fession histriones, Διονυσιακοι τεχνῖται), were notaeli in very high repute by the Roman s. Solebant. Uli indic. 3Quid hat V Expressin astonishment at the thoughto depriving Archias of a privilege grantexto his inferiores. Post ei Pitatem datam, alter the right o citi genshi Wasgiven V to tho allied citios in. 9em Papiam, B. C. 65, hicli anished aliens fro Romo.
Man foreignera, however evaded the laway secretly registeritis in re towns. Ori up magistrates, in certain cases, Permitte ithe irregulari ty.
Illis tabulis of ther cities. For case Η. 41'.
22. Census nostros, Uyouishis formur censu rotis.
Scilicet, ' and n wonder, Vis fors oth. V Cicero has to admitiliat the namomi Archias ould notae found On the regi Ster. Est enim obscurum, foritis ot known it seemsin; V irony, it is ollatio n. Proximis censoribus, at tho time of the last census, ' D. C. 70. Archias at this tinio as apud exercitum in attendanee PonLucullus , against i lithridates.
itsoli stabiisti tho right o citigotistit se. VSit census, subj of ossentialiart. V H. 27, 2, 2 . Ita By the factis his registoring Suppi ut censeri po88 t. Eis temporibus, etc., at thos ver times hen in hicli 3 ouallogo that he LV suppi Deum. The readin eis temporibus Vtice isgi veni sonae, here quin quoad, in reserenue t which.
Aulit hereditates, succosede to inheritances,' tho legat ternasor tat in Dossession fir Dert tofi by ill. In benesciis, etc. ad been recommendod to the troasur sorroward o Promotioni. V omana, vernor usuali r portet thenaines of 0rsons ho ad speciali distinguished them solves beneficiarii). The fac that Archias a thus Oticed was an admissioni his citi genslii P. Pro consule. The term of tho consulfhil mi Lucidius ended B. C. 4. Lut he romained ns Droconsul illi. C. 66.
Cieero forini in the congenia societ of Arctans th intellectual ref eshment 'hic he needeu for his reor . His own literαry pursutis greatly conduceuto the value arid successis his adnoea cy. I liberale lueation is no essentia i real iriue but among the mos perfeci character are those hose nn tures ha*e been refued by literar an philosophie l
Contentionem, tensii,n,' a figur borrowed rom th bondinuos a bow, and suggestin reluaeimiis, uni end V whicli Ollows. Studiis, literar Dursuites. VS ita litteris abutuerunt, lavo o ui ted thenaseivos in Studies, Vir books More commotily, in litterias se rabuere Litteris, abi. of instrument of seclusioni though omo rogar it res dativo se in hicli V thes student findes et Ose. Ut possint auferre, etc. as O have been abierio contribute
Vivo, res. Deri. have live l. V H. 467, 2. Ut a nullius . . . . abstraXerit, a regard O leisuro has nevorkept me rom defenditi an ono in Dorii, o protecti nihim in his rights. Tempore danger, erisis Peculia circumstanee at an given me Iis meantii in Cicero Often determine Moni L context. Here in antithesis to commodo, interestes rightri. 23. t/is est iti reprehensiat, te. Or Dod se pudeat above Au suas res, fori lebratin festa days V- lay dodicatecito the go is devotodo religious Services, ames, easts, etc. Notico the gerundia construction H. 562. Tempestivis conviviis, Ut Drotracted anqueis, ' Ometimes commenein beiore tho usual oues three in summe and fourciti