An oration in defence of Aulus Licinius Archias;

발행: 1881년

분량: 106페이지


분류: 미분류


Expressas, Hrawn to the lite V an expression horrowed rommodet ling. Non solum ad intuondum follows expres8 dra n not


Im itandum By What genera rule an thoiseruiri e distingitished rom the uerulidive ' hich have, in administranda H. 559, 562.

Dce te subjeci' Cicero is nolint aclos for an ansiuer. Animo. . . . Tirtute, hat abl. H. 428. tunc . . . . uicino, by tho ulmos divine characterii heir naturalii sis themselves. VModeratos et Iraves, menti Prudetiue und Character influe ice .

Au laudem et uluisse, has liene been effectual in attaining glor an virtve. VAtque idem euo, and at the Same timo I. V nouem, H. 151, 3. Contenuo. Solect iis d0Dendent clauses. tio quce iam doctrina certain systematic 'rainins and moulding of the Power through earn in V lit. Ut leari,

26. E. hoc numero, of this number,' i. e. O thos, whylia eadde culture t great natura abilities. Africanum, the ounge Scipio; Africanus, 'circini his cou- quest o Carthage. otio the forcem hunc. C. L sitim, a triend of this Scipio, and colebrated in I sAmicitia. L. Furium, a Contemi Orary also devote est Gree liter tute.

Consul Cicero' ' De Republica.


Il sacriporibus unctissimi Di, very leuitio mancior in those times. M. Catonem, the censor. e Coininenced the sti id of iroeliliterature hen quite adurencsed in ear aged ighty-1ive atdeath, hetice senon. Ote the Orcem ille. Subject i Cicero s 'Cato Major. VQi i pro ecto, these, certain ly. VAu percipiendum irtutem. Whicli ord is Overtie by audi In comprehendin and practi sin virtve. Adjuvanti r etc., had the no derived continual aid. V hy

This of itfε .hould entit te hima citizensh, especiallyas e has pro Ped his devotion to the and of his adoptiori, by celebratin Roman victorie in his


29. Humanissimos homines, men of th highos culture,' in Contrastato nulla barbaria. Poene, Η. 39i . . Maera et o tudines, etc., Urocks and deseris respondo his Volce. V The referone is probabi to Orphous, ii is credi ted With hau in notini charmo wildaeasis, but even illi havinguiovsed trees and rocks by th power of his muSic. tophonii, tho citi gens o Colophon,' a cit o Ionia in Asia Minor inii, citi gens o Chios, Viso Scio, an istand in the

Salamis, an istant in the Saronio Guli. Smyrna, in Ionia. The ames of the cities thias latining

Homer are gi ven in the verSe, ' Smyrnu Rhoctus, Colophon Salsimis, Chios, Argos Athenae.



Olim atroad sor a long time. V

Studium. . . . t Uenium, cieat . . . . talent.

Cimbricas res attistit, me attempted the subjoe of the Cimbrian War, i. e. the campaigni Marius and Catulus against the Cimbri, B. C. 102. Adolescens H. 363, 3. Ipse Vi C. Mario, to the celebrated . . himself. V Notetho circo os illi H. 450, 5. Durior ad, to rugged Or,' i. e. incapable os appreciatingitioso literar DursuitS. 20. Q ii non . . . . patiantur, Uris nos rea lilyrio allow. Proeconium literat ly th herat ling. Themistoclem illum, Uahat celebrate tali semistocles. Athenis Case H. 21 Quod croama, ,hat agreeable ound , V i. e. Performer. Ex Greel ἀκροαομαι, and in balin more frequontly used of thesinyer than the ony. An indirect question heroa sene subj. What theme or hos voice e listen et to illi the greatest

A quo ... y3 edicaretur obj. Os diaeisse , iis by liom his own merit Wore best proclai med. L. Plotinum an orator and rhotorician, ho it is suid, sta lished tho ipsi schoo ibi rhetori a Rome. 22. Mithridaticum bellum, etc. the whole Mithridatio ar has been doscribed in verse by in triendierse. VTotum, the whole of the war in hicli Lucullus a engaged D. C. 73-66. Qui libri, Utheso books,' of the poemii Archias. Lucullo imperante, Mith Lucullus a commander; V abl. abs. Pontum, a countr in orbh-east artis Asia Minor, solath i

Natur et restione vallatum, though defende by the naturalcharacter of the districi; V literalty by natur hersoli sin tho


Cyzicus, a cit o Mysia, in allianos illi Rom0 est ego by uitliridat0s, ut reli eved by Lucullus. B. C. 73.

Ore ac faucibus, etc., and irona the devovi ing aw of the entire war. V Notice the spiriis referetice in these OrdS. Strα. . . . Predicabitur, , ill e reporte an celebrate aqour s. V Construe nostra illi puyna, subjectis feretur ani pra- die ibitur. Pussu navalis Lucussus here destroysed the fleet o Mithridates B. C. 73. Tenedum, ea the sit oi ancien Troy.

22. Africano superiori, Africanusmajor. In sepulchro, in the tomb. V li tombis tho Scipio is stillio b seen ea the Porta Capenain the Appian Way. Hujus proavus Cato, Cato, great grandiather of this Cato.', Hujus ould ea licto suppos he was in Ouri. Omnes These nam es are ali prominenti connected illi thoseeon Punic ar. Maximus, calle the hiel o Ronas: VMarcellus, 'A the wor os Rome. V



Achillis hero of the Iliad. A mound is stili potnted ut asthe tombis Achilles.


fonnil H. 19. Obruisset for subj. H. 10, 1. Noster hic Moonum nostet in contrast to ille above. PomPey, who a thse time of this tria was in Pontus, is referrexto. Theophrastes, an intiniate friend of Pom9ey, whO Pote a histor of his campaigia in the ast. Civitate uontiuit H. 384, 1. Rustici ne milites, of rustic habiis, and more soldiers Vienceno likelyrio care particulari sor literar il istinction. 25. Credo, I supposo, ' both here an in the folio in son

peopleiad presented a petition to him, hecauseae had composed

an moram n him in his prat se , ni in alternate verse Some-what long to haverat Onc ordered a re ard to e given,' etc. The merit of the iece ascit metrica regulari ty in alternate hexameter an pentameter it was no true poeti V. Quem subject of jubere. This construction notis commori in Cicero a in Caesar, for exam Ple. Qui . . . . e eti88et, the antecedentii qui scis, subjecti e et isset. Tamen, Uyet,' refers to mali. 25. Per Lucullos. . etsi hi Piu was fit si Ousin i, ille

place of Lueari an the two Seneeas.


54 NOTES. Pin tu quiddam ... perestrinum, though aittet in f sounding somethin rude duli and provinciat.

Aures, attention. Τ

Hoc, this V i. e. ou love Dianae. Sed ferendum, tu tote peninae knowledged by s.' Optimus quisque, ete , the obter a naan is th more heris in fluoncedi fame.' H. 4. 58, 1. Libellis Whymotu ιbra syra eo ipso, te in that ver instane in hicli the procli imthei contemptrior panegyrio an notoriety the destre t havethei fame and nam Preserve l. Predicari, sed imperSOnalty. 2 . Decimus Brutus, grandialiter of the Brutus lici ai de in

Templorum Pli ny Dealis O a tetit l,le utili by him in lio uoro Mars, ear the circus Flaminius. Mart id, meton for belli.