Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류


DEDICATIO N. iii read his publication mitti the sole vie offinditi fauit, ill have no dissiculi in detectin ample foundationsor criticism, evenwhen it is no presented to the public in athir edition, and after repeated corrections But I trusi, that hos who perus itfroin the opes of receivin information, ma sind me compensation for thei la-

Is y essoris, however, have an effectos ini hind there is stili greater reason toliope that oui exertions in bellais of the Dispensary, ill have more obviolas and more extensive influenc in promoting the public good The active part whicli ou have alien in forwarding the erectionis abuti lin forciis se, not ni furnimesit,ith many conveniences bH may Probabi ais have the effectis iving perpetuit to the institution. Is it salutar insuence mal thusi extended to posterity, the ought then illi gratitude to remem ber, that hos who receive aid a themisse pensary, heri oppressed illi the accumulate Deviis of overty an dis easse, a re priam







XVIII. Amos of Hydrocephalus of the

Cranium, 29 a

XIX. A Case in .hic there occurria a peculiar morbi Sensibilit of One of the





M HEN I introduce his volume o the public it is no my intentionto say anythin respecting the motives bywhicli I have been promptet to publissicit.

But it is necessar briefl to explain thenature of the wor laself. Tu reader ill earn rom the generali ille, haesit consist os medicat cases selected rom the record of the Public Dispensar at dinburgh, and of remarks and observation delivered in lectures, of whichthes cases,ere the subjecit. I was in consequence of a fuggestion froni severat student os medicine at Edin- burgh, and in compliance illi their equest that Psirst undertook o delive lec-



tures a that place on the cases of patient gsubjected to chronical disereses. 'ith his vlew, Pthen propos edo give medicines gratis to a se patientsint vilio might bethe 1ubject os lectures But the numbero indigent individuals who made atly application tot admitte i to the benefiis of this institution, oon led to the sta-hlitiament of a Public Dispensar at Edin Burgh this means, sonae cases sopeculiar and important in thei nature be- came the subject of these lactures that Iconcluded the might be of no inconsiderable use, as assordin medica instructionheyond the sphere o whicli the were originali intended. And with his ieis the present selectionis cases and observations is no submitte to public exami


The cases and subsequent reporis are intended as a faithful record o facts. Some render Will, o doubi conclude, that ne ther the singularit nor importance of these facts is fuch as to merit great at



Lention It has osten been aid, particularly by those ho prefer theo retical reasoninito praestica observation in medicine, that thepublication o solitary facts whicli ead tono genera conclusion cante of very litile

consequence and on his account, it

ma be thought of equali litile se topublisti singular cases, a to relate hoste whicli must ait occur to very practi tioner. ut he who Issae to regulate his practice, no by What a warm imaginationaria suggest, ut by hat has atready happened, ill prefer air analog to mere

siastic theoris must allow, that while facts are the basis of his opinion, it is by these ni that his ingenious conjectures

cani fuit confirmed. Pracstitioners of every secit, then, must concur in ishing, that facts hould e accurately recordedand generallyanown Andri cases haves metime been obtruded on the publicwhicli hardi deserve notice, there is certaint much more reason for regretting,


ΡRE FACE.might e materialty improved are Veryda tost, frona neglectisn the par of thos et whom hey have occurred o that, at the ulmost, hey have served ni t instruct a fingi individual, and the limite lcircle of his acquaintance, hile, by publication the would have proved muchmore extensivel useful. heia, here- fore, I presen to the public cases hichassorded instructio. o myself, y OH-duct necdsis apology, and the intention,

at least merit approbation.

Tu facts contained in the followingvolume consist principalty o minute de scribtions of the symptonas and progresso diseases, and of faithful accounts of the effect of medicine. IT is ut sal to mention that he hi flories of the cases, ahenis the admissiono the patienis, ere not rami up bym7self. For thesed have been indet ted othe id of three gentiemen, M William Bromne fromaork hire, Dr Samuel Byam
