장음표시 사용
tioned in the tota abolition os sense, whicli occur during his fits Aster heias recovered froni hi sits hecis no conscious of any thing that has happened to him. Onthe ther and in hystericiis, although patient be unable o speah, et the see
what passes around them, the hea whatis sald, and can recollect what has happen-ed From ali these circumstances ahen to-gether, then, I pronounc the patient o
It wil naturali occurras a question towhat cause the epilepsy, in the present in stahce, is tote attributed Thespresumption is that this patient derives his dis eas fro his mollier. he had long la-houred unde simila complaint besorehe was subjected to them But althoughthis ives a probabilit that his affection, in s me meas ure, originaled rom thato his parent, et there is here room fordoubi respecting the anne in hichthis may be supposed to happen. It is onali and allowed that epileps is an hereditar assectiori. An there re many Who
who contend that it is ne of thos disiacasses hicli a be propagate by infectiora. t alis, heres ore, to e inquired, whether the diseas of ur patient cante ascribed to any of these causes, o whether there is reason to conclude haesit proceedsfromieither. To the supposition Diis depending ona hereditary disposition in the present instance, there are many objections. e re assured that, excepi his mollier, noone eis of his relations has eve been affected with fuch a complaint. And with his mollier, the dis eas is sal to avearisen froni violent agitation os ind, occasioned by the sudden death of herhumand an event hicli id not happen illi severat ear after the birth of this
That epilepsy is a dis eas reatly of an infectious nature capable of hein communicate ii contact, is an opinion, in sup-por of hicho no no probabie argument. But it is et known that, illi ver delicate abiis, diseases hicli can
noti sal l tote instetious, are et catching, rom the principi os imitation Ofthis, have cremat Labie instanc in hyteria. 'hen severa patienis, subjected xo his affection, are lodged in the sanie ward of an hospital, icis osten observe i, that the sit of one bring on that os nother And what, in this respect hold of
hysteria, a be readily supposie to holdwith pilepsy, where the appearance of the sit is much more terribie. Ι oui then consside the dis eas of this
patient, noto the consequence of infectionfrom sieeping illi his mollier, ut asproceedinifro his havinifrequently had occassion to se her subjected o sits. ema theresere, I hink, conside his dis eas a proceedin froni ear, or at east from a stron emotion o minit Andthis is no the rst instance have metwith, heres have rechone Di probabie, that, illi delicate habiis, pileps was obe ascriben to the fame cause Not many monilis ago, in praefice in the Roya Infirmar furnis hed me illi a casse, hich
considered to e a strihin instance of
The prognosis hichatam disposed togive in the present case, is les unfavourable than in most instances of epilepsy. Imust wn in ieed that I entertain novery sanguineinopes of recovery For epi-lepsy, even in iis sightest forni, is always assubborn affection At the fame time,' seeno reason to read an immediate angerin the present instance. It is indeed true,
we an neve be certain that a patient
subjected to epilepsy ma not be ut 1 Teven by the ver nex fit. ciet, pon thewhole, it is ne of thos diseases,hichris more terribi than reatly angerous Andit,il even continue illi greate violencethan in the present instance, during the whole ourse of a very long is e. ema farther remark, that, hile it is a
lleve, that his dis eas arises fro any fixe lis irremovabie cause And, as urpatient is et at an early period of ise, his system must necessarityi subjected osevera changes. arom these even ithout the id os remedies, e ma expectsonae effect a tendinito diministi homobility of the system and I am notwithoutiope, that by proper reaiment, his dis eas may be alleviated is no re-
The removat o fit os epilepsy is, Papprehend clites lycio be expecRed pon oneos two grounds; ithe by the remova of the excitin cause, ori induci nisuch achange in the state of the nervoUS POwer, that the excitin cause,ill eas to have iis forme effect. On the la of these ootings, I have hegu an attempta cure,ith the presentpatient. Andes have prescribe for imone of the mos powerfui tonics withwhiches an acquainted I mean the cu Prum ammoniacum This remed has,
of late been muchised in epileps and
many are inclined to thin k, that it hasbeen employed in disserent instances illigi eat successe . a isti, heres ore, in thepresent, hicha conside to e a favour able instance of epilepsy, o give it a fullani fair triai and that w may be more certain os iis effectis, mali no conjoinwith it an other medicine. aike other preparations os opper, o ever, it is a substance of great activi ty. It requires, theres ore, tote managed illi much cautiona ni it is necessary that e mouidbegin illi a mali dose: et to obtain iis ut effect the dos musti gradually
tient is able olear. Should his remedy, after fuch a triat, fati in producing the effect whicli, eX- peet rom it, I mean o conjoincit illi a medicine, hich imagine is in ome1neas ure of the fame nature that is, theslowers, o more properi the calx, o Zinc.
such a conjunction, Where cach of the remedies, aheni itself, ad falled And, What a b considered a sonaewhat singular, he found that this conjunction didno require a diminution of the dos ofelther. Accordinito his observations a patient ill bear, ithout sichness, asmuch of both aken together, as of each separalely Should both these remedies fati, would notae des patris a cure in this case. Even the fame remedies, at a laterierio os life may have the effect of removing this complaint. in 1 inould the at present ait, after a fair triat, ema have recourse to Peruvian har and coid baining Inal these ive no alleviation, must own Pinal tosessiopes of he-ing, at present, o service to this patient. Yet I would not a that he ma no af terward be recovered. For, a far a Ica judge froni, own observation, Ithin there cani litti doubi that epi lepsycis a more frequent diseas at early than a advanced period of life and that
taneoussy. ut of the termination filiis case, e mali exhaps e able o speakwith more confidelice lien, have madesome of the trials proposed. Subsequent REPORT S. November o He has liadiso sichnessfrom the continuance of the pilis. His sit aremo les frequent, and do no talae place on the fame accidenis hicli for meri inducet them C in pilulas reruleas duas omni nocte f. i. et pilulam unam
December I in He has lia no fit sinceth last repori, although he has ahennone of the pilis for soni days. In ther respect he ei oy good ealth and itis observed that he is no no at Tected with tartings during his seep, whicli erebe re frequent illi hi m. Continuentur silulae reruleae sed capiat solummodo unam
December 21. He has ahen a pili re gulari ever night, an stili continues
free rom an return ossis. Cout inuenturpitulae ut anica. December 28. He continues re si omeven the least appearance of his forme sits. But he was affected illi vomitin after his ast pili and since that he has complained of the want of appetite. Hermi tantur silulae curruleae et capia su eris corticis Peruviani scrupulum unum, omni mane et vespere. Januar 4 He stili continues re froman return of the sits andi has had nosichnes since he omitted te silulae coeruleae.
mollier, in the fame manner asither nervous affections are communicated by the principi os imitation, o by tronimentalaffections Since the reatinent of this case was eguia, I have found no reason to
alter in opinion illi respectri it. C must,
must, however, observe, that he termina tion hicli has alien place has been more favourable than I expected. Ianowno remed on hicli e can et withan great degre os confidence, for theremovat of this affection. In ver case, theres ore the event must e ver uncer
I observed however, that, rom the opinion I ad formed respecting the cause
looked opon it tot a casse in Whicli there was a belle chance of cur than in monothers and Dwas led to entertain opes,
principali froin the supposition that this complaint a no supporte by any locat affection These opes have o been more than fuit illed For his patient has obtained is nota perfect cure, at leana suspensio of his diseas much oonerthan I expected. He has no only been freed rom fit at the period when theyformeri occurred, ut even he helias been subjected to thos excitinicauses Whicli formeri induced them, he has sitf- fere l