Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류


O the usi urs of the

The Practice. Tu generat He ad tot followed in dramingit themistorie of Cases. I. An account of the conditio of the patient.

g. Temperamentiq. Condition in life

II. A description of the symptoins,ith Whichthe patient is assected a the time os draminiupthe history. 1. Evident symptomS. u. Feelings of the patient. g. The state of the principat functions.

a. Pulse. b. Heat. c. Respiration. d. Excretions,

III. An account of the progress of the dis easse. i. The manne os attach. a. The sympionis,hich have atready dis ap

a. The duration of the present sympto mS. IV. An


IV. An enumeration of the remote cause, itam a be suppos exto have had a mare a inducing the affection. i. The patient' conjectures respecting these. u. The accident to hicli the patient may have been exposed previous to the commenc ement of the dis easse. q. The patient' forme state of health. . The diseases illi hicli the parent ornea relations of the patient may have been affected. V. An account of the influence of the remedi esu hichiave atready been emploJed. I. An enumeratio of the medicines hichliave been used . et The effecis hich have resulted Do these. g. The regimen and siluation of the patienthoni the time of the attacti. . The essecus hich have resulte from

i. The obvious effect froin the medicines that have been employed. et The condition of the sympionis.

. The state of the principat functions. 5. The prescriptioni medicines. The



Th. Lectures.

genera vie of the case of each patient ontheleginning of the reatinent of the case. I. Some account of the nam an natur ofilia dis eas . et Conjectures respecting the probabie eventos the dis eas e. 3. A briefvie of the intended planis cure, and of the method in hicli it is pro- posed that it aliae prosecuted. . An account of schemes hich may after-wardsi adopted mould that whicli strie atirst prove unsuccesssul.

Practica observations o the case of ach patient after the realmen is terminated. I. Observation con the vie which was iveno the case when the reatinent was be-

2. Remark on hos paris of the planisscure then propos ed, hicli ere aster-Ward prosecute during the ourse of the dis easse. . Observations on the effect resultin Domparticula remedies used in the casse.



III. A particula consideration o cases in thei nature singula and important, after the are terminate d. 1. Nemaris on the histor3. a. Reflections ori the narrationis sympionis introduced into the register. b. A vie of such sympionis as indicate an particular assection. c. A comparison of the histor of the casemith that of the dis eas to hicli ithas the great est resemblance. et Remaris o the Theo . a. Observations o the actioni remote

cause S.

b. An attempto investigate the proximate cause. c. An explanation o soni of the principat sympton S. d. Observations on the round of prognosis occurring uring the course of the di se ase. q. Remaris onube practice. a. Observations on the genera plan f

pa Indicaritia. bb. Indication8. cc. Indicata. b. Obseris



b. Observations o the particula reme- dies employed. aa. A vie of the principies on hichthe were expected to operate. bb. Observations on the obvious effectis resultingaroni them. cc. Remari con the changes hicli theyproducedin the dis easse.



Cuprum Ammoniacum.

mitte November . 776, of a fair complexion, spare habit, and lende mahe, is at Sected ithinis, hici generali attachinim once in the pace of a weela, ut whicli dolo observe an regula period. In these is, he hecomes insensibie is assected withiron convulsive motions of his leg and arms, and oam a the mouth. In his stat he usuali continues for nearliat an hour. He then awahes a is si om




These sit hegan about four ear ago; and had froin the eginning, early the same appearance: at present But, at sirst, the were es frequent, anxies severe. Heanows no particula cause o,hichthe can e assigned But he has lived coni iantly in the samelous withiis mo-ther, ho has been long affinen with si mila complainis an he has ali longsep in the same bed missi her. No medicines have as et been employed with a vie to remove this distemper. Copia situlam aera eam unam omni nocte hora omni .

Novem The pitulae caeruleae mere firmintroduce into the fixit editio of the Edilaburgh Pharmacopoeia, and redireChed tot prepared in the following manner. S. Cupri ammoniaci grana sedecim Micae panis frupulos quatuor Spt. salis ammoniaci quantum satis sit. Fiat massa dioidenda in iliis triginta duas quales. In



November I 6. He ad sonae siclinessfroin thetari doses of the pilis, ut theyneVer occasioned vomiting. He has ad butine fit sinceae began the pilis it was,however, ather more severe, and of longerduration than his fit have usuali been before Capra situlam crerideam mam omni mane invespere. OBsERVATION on this Case, deliυere November O.

Tuis bosis ou patientior a complaint in many respecit similar to that illi hieli his mollier is assected who is also, at present, underisu care. e have litile he sitation in pronouncin the assection, to

this almos fussicient evidelice is assor led, Dom hos convulsive motion occurringin paroxysms ith whicli hecis a times affected. It is indeed true, that in hyste-

In the evenili edition o cur Pharmacopoeia, thetam formula is stili re taliaed. ut in place of thenam Ofillulae caeruleae, that o Pilulae e C pro is noNWith much greater propriet emptor ed.



ricinis, hic li unquestionably, constitute

an Section o a very disserent nature, appearances ome ha simila also occur;

and in ome instances the distinctio be- twcen the w diseases is very dissiculi. But in the case efore us, there is, think, litile oom for doubi It ives sonte presumptionis epilepsy that our patient is a male. The male sex althoughit omelimes happens, areaut raret subjected o hysteria. Besides his, many of the symptom commonly attending hysteria, particularly the affections of the alimentar canal, are here absent. Our patient has neve been asse Red illi the senseos a bali risinito his throat, the globus Θ- sericus, scit has been called whicli many rechon a pathognomoni symptomis that affection. His fit are attended illi Oaminiat the outh; hicli, although it may

seem tote a circumstance butis litile im-POrtance, et ery arely, is ver occursin prope hystericiis. But, have here symptorii Tordinia stili stronge distinction than an os hos ali eady men'