Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



prehend that by neglect there is an dan

geris it hecomin habituat. There are indeed cases of this affectiondallin for the mos powerfui remedies. These are ometimes necessary with a vie 3 obviatin violent inflammation, and Gometimes for res,aining an excessive dis Oharge of blood a b evacuations in his Nay the patient a b cut os L either rom inanition or froni sonae superveningstiseasse. In the forme case, the imperus

at the rectum is to e diminis hedi genera and topica biee ling, b antiphlogistic purgatives, and by emollient applications. In the lalter me must attemptio in luce constriction o vesset by dis ferent astringenis, hether externali orinternali applied. In the instance, however, hicli eliave here had occasion to reat, sa noneces Mit for either. Although suspected that he hemorrhag was frona the eins, and considere it a being of the passive hind, et iis extent a b no means sogreat a to require fuch a doubiful medicine



cin a astringenis Although there assoni evidelice of a lethori dispositionyetieithe was there an genera affectiono the habit, nor an loca inflammationrequirinia diminutionis impetus. From

ed it sussicient to obviate the principat excitin cause of the emorrhagy. his I

I put the patient heres ore on the use of agenti refrigerant purgative. Froni his Ιhoped that wes ould nolint remove compression, ut produce a genti depletiono the system. his, together illi thedail labour in hich he musti enga-ged, and is no the low, at least the moderate diei, hicli is probabi the ulmost bis circumstances an afford, I hopedwouldie ossicient for the remova of theplethora. In his, it ould appear, myexpectations ere not dis appotnted and froin the time that helegan the electuary, whicli genti loosened his belly, he hadno more of the lood disicharge. Be- fides, during the continuarice of it, thepain



determine ho far the cure was completed.

But for this purposse, it would have been requisite, at least for the ahe of forna, toliave persisted in the se of soni medicines. hile, however I considerei nothinias helter vitexto the natur of his complain than the electuar o whicli had ut im I as unWillin even to

continuerit an longe for rom render- in purgatives habituat, the inconveniences produce are by no means mali. considere it heresere a the preferable method, o recommen it olim o re turn here pon the recurrence of his complaint. innixi heloes not, e ma Pre sume that the benefit,hich he has received is os a permanent natUre. SEQUEL



This patient id not after ard applysor aidis the Dispensary and after severat monilis had elapsed he continue sperfecti fre from an return of hi formercomplaint.



tili the interva o a monili, hicli isso metimes the case, aliae complaint in Creas in violence, and me is asseeted illiflyin patias ver her holeiody. They,

however, o the mos pari, leave erwhen the catamenia again appear. Her pulse beat lo strokes in the minutes her et lycis regular, longue Clean,

and respiration asy; ut her appetite is much impatred, and she complain os

great hirn. The immoderate lux of menses cameon about three ear ago, immediatelyafter,eanini child which e had suckled for fifteen monilis. For his affectioniue can assignis cause: ut o it helat- tributes ali her ther complaint most ofwhichiegan abolat two ear ago. She has used a reat variet os medicines, and among ther the Peruvianhai k; rom,hicli sine hiulis that he has derived the greates relies. Capiat pu eris corticis eruet iani semi-

drachmam quarta quaque hora.



dis charge froni the vagina for two weel spast ut her ther sympionis continue

much a before. Continuestur cortex Peruvianus, ut iantea.

December et I Sh continue tolerablyeas for omelay after the last repori; but her menses appeared agi ian abolat twodays ago, and the disicharge is stili very great. It was, o ever, prece led by ra-ther esse ain than usual Pulse ighty appetite omewhat mendex belloratherhound Continuetur cortex Peruvianus, ut

antea et capiat elixi vitrioli acidi gutias viginti ex aquae cyatho omni nocte. December 28. Aster sie ad ahen the elixi for two nictis, her menses topped. Since that he has been much assected illiswelliniinae stomach and in the under

re utar. Intermittatur elixir serioli. Continuetur cortex Peruvianus, ut antra.

Januax 4. The patiis of hicli siecomplaine are much easter and the



swelliniwas much dii Dinis hed oon after last report. It continued si tit two daysagon ut since that here has been omeretur os t. Pulse oon eli naturat.

Continuetur Cortex Peruviantis.

Januaryo . he was tolerabi eas tillwithin these three days ut the menstrua disicharge then appeared, and the evacuation has ahen place to the fame extent a usual The disicharge stili continues and sincerit began the patia thro' heriod have been much aggravated, butwithou any welling of the abdomen. Shecis again affected with hirst, an herappetite is omewhat more impatre than before. Pulse 9. heat moderate. Continuetur cortex Peruvianus, sed capiat drachmam unam tertia quaque hora.

OBsΕRVAΤION debet ered Januam 8. To the diseas of this patient there is litile dissiculi in assixinia nante. Ille is indee afflicted illi various complainis, whicli are attendant of severa genera of



dis eas . As Xamples, e ma mentioni the sympto in os debili ty, nausea, flatule iace, and the like There an e nodoubi, o ever, that ali of these in thepresent case proceed rom the fame origin. The are here the esseclis of a debilitate lsystem rom excessive emorrhagyci formith his patient the menses retur atsiorte period than usual. When his disicharge oes return, it is continuei foran unu sua tength of time an duringilia period the discli arge is excessive There an e litile dolabi then, in pronouncinithis case to e an immoderate flow of the menses or, in the angvage of the nos logists, a casse of menorrhagia. Belides the complaint ali eady mentioned, this patient is frequently flected illi transitor patris These, froni the history, are evidenti connected illi the distemper hicli, have mentioned for theychiesi occur revious to the menstrualCVacuation, and are oni remarhable whenthe dis charge oes no tali place at theusual time. aliis of this nature, OW'



ever, frequently attendis enorrhagia, insomuch that by sonae, the are introdu- ced amongit the diagnosti symptotos. But without considering then a essentiat, the a re at east commonu an in place of giving oubi, corroborate ur Opinion. As to the nam of this affection, here- fore, there is litti ambiguity.

But in orde to ive either a probabie Prognosis, ora lay own a rationa plano cure, e must o farther. These areoni tot derive fron the peculia natur of the caseiefore us for unde thegenus of the enorrhagia very different affections are included and above ait, it is particulari necessar to determine whether the emorrhag be of the activeo passive hind. In the alter case, endea-Vour to restrati it are osten indispensablynecessar : In the forme case they,ould osten e attended illi the wors consequences for there the emorrhaghis toti considere as a natura cure. In thenaturei uterine emorrhagy, hoWeVer,

there is omethin peculiar and we an

L et not



no disjoin the consuleration rom that os menstruation. of the theor of menstruation, have in other lecture had occasion to treat. While ver physicianwould explain the dis eased states o,hichit is subjectedin his own doctrines. mustbe leave to proceed on the supposition of the truth of ha I have delivered.

In his vlew. must consside ali increa- sed discliarge, unde this form a pro- cee ling rom one of three causes

Froni an uncommon determination ofhloost to the uterUS.

Froni an increased actionis that viscus, oris iis esset s. Or, astly Dom,ant of due ressistance to the impetus of the blood a in uterus. It is ur usines to inquire then, o whicli of these causes the disicharge here isto e referred, o ho far disserent principies may be concerned Theirs maybe considerexa givin hemorrhag more purei of the active hin y the last, more Particulari passive while that hicli Proceed froni increased actionis the ute