장음표시 사용
o the continuance of lus dis eas alone maybe considere as an objeetion to the suppositionis phthisis Before he came underisu care, he had been liable to the haemorrhag for the pace of three years I however, the phthisica affection ad occurred hen the haemorrhag was realest, me ma conclude that, before this time, ourpatient,ould have been ut T. And itis mellanown that harmorrhagyio un- frequently occur frona the lungs, without
induciniphthisis for his astris the consequence of ulceration and suppuration succee ling the rupture of es , and suci a suppuration is ather o e considered asprocee ling roui a deprave condition ithe lungs, than followinias a necessaryconsequence rom the rupture os vestieis. When si h a habit does no misi, the rupture is naturali healedii by the fit strin
recoverycis unquestionabi belle than wemould therwis pronounc it to e. must, however, te the present case asbeing, pon the whole os a very angerous tendency. It is si in ver instance, even in the lightest; ut it is particularlydangerous hen it has continue for solonia time. Aster his has been the case, we an hardi expect o prevent a return, even rom the ightes accident; and the ulmos that ca be ooked for is, Limagine, to give a temporar reliς to the patient. I am much ahaid that by thi aD section, o the consequences of it, Ur patient ill et e cui oss and although Iat present suppos him to e re Domphthisis pulmonalis, it ma nevertheles
It is however ou busines testahe such meas ures a may serve to remove his present complaint. The genera principi onwhicli his is tot esse 'ed, must, in such Cases, ver much turn upon the conditiono the patient. Even where the harmorrhagnis of a passive hind, and the quantity
tit of blood in the system no morbidlyaugmented, it is et omelimes necessaryto diminiin the impetus o circulation. For, in the ordinar impetus, me a havea cause capable o supporting the armorrhagy and fro the reductio of this
helo the natural standard other remedimisit operate illi greater successi. Where, however, the state of the genera impetus is such a to preclude an meas ures Withthi vie it ma be necessar particularlyto diminim the impetus at the lungs, and that eithe by restraining the actio of the vesset there, ori promotinia determination to other paris.
With thesedisserent intentionsio mentioned, lood-letling, cathartics, listersii ues, melics, an various other articles are accordinito circumstances employed with ad vantage. In ome cases, hOwever,none of these practices are admissibie particulari in cases here the patient, as in the instanc he resus, is much exhausted. The farther diminutionis impetus, evenallowing that a morbid augmentationis it mouid
s1ould e demonstrate by an increased quicknes of pulse, is nota be attempted by evacuants. The ulmos that an bedone is to moderate it by the use of refrigeranis. In fuch a casse, the great objectio he i med at in the cure, must e theconstrictionis the bleeding esself, and theremo valis ever circumstance hicli cangive risest a fressi rupture. It wasin these principies that I expectedio give a least temporar relie to this patienc; and I put the hie dependenc onsuch a medicine asci thought ould haves ome hance of produc in constrictiono the essetf. With his intention Imight have employed an disserent astringenis utri considere non a preferable to the infusum rosarum. io notsupposiecit poWerfui froni an great essicacywhicli it derives rom the roses althoughthese, it must be allowed do posses anastringent quali ty, and enter his formulato such an extent, that we ma expect the
that we posses other vegetable astringenis stili more powerfui and I conside the clites cssicac of this medicine as arising romthe vitrioli acid enteriniit composition. While, however, I exhibited i as an astringent, I wimed also to emplo illas a meanso alleviating the cough Andrit,as,iththis intention that Phere unite the infusum rosarum illi the mucilage of gum arabic simple syrup, and hyssop-water. These articles, of themselves, would have formed a mucilaginous mixture an although the were conjoined illi astringenis, et I di no thin that his ould diministi thei power of lubricatin and sheathin paris against irritation Pho-ped therefore, that by this means the severe cough, whicli I considered a the clites cause giviniris to the rupture might bemitigate i. But hile I forme these expectations froin his prescription I id not thin ita luis ableto trust to calone And although
could not here ventur on evacuant as
a means os restraining the impetus os cir , culation
initation; et, hile our patient' pulse continuet to beat an hundred strokes in the minute, I considered omethinias necessar with his intention. With hisviem, then, Phad recourse to nitre a crefrigerantis and that it might 1 more asillyon the stomach, I combine it illi thegum arabic Dom hich also I expected som good effect as a demulcent Theforme of these medicines, his mixture, item in a great meas ure t have been attende with the essire effect for after theis of it for sonae time, the cough was notini mitigated, ut he had noueturnofilood expectoration. The alter pre- scription however, id not seem to have had much influence on the state os circu-Jatio, and astu patient imaginexi had the essiectis producinigripes, Pthought it advis ablesto omit it. During the continu nce of the mixture fortabout a forinight he remalnei perfecti free from the spitiing of blood Stili, however, the cough a severe, and partist larly solabout bed-time. While, here-
forem a no farther immediat occasionfor employin astringenis, I rechone themeans o mitigatin the ough stili more necessary anxit was illi his intentionthates omitted the infusum rosarum, an lintroduce a proportion o an anodyne. What effect this prescription has had, however, Pliave not et earned; ut 'ope tmay have had ome influence, as diministi in the ough an is this e the case, there is at least a belle chance that he illnoti subjecte to a retur of tho temorrhagy. his, hoWever, I imagine, shardi tote expected ut is itio return, utiles the circumstances of his case emuch changed, I hali probabi have again
recolars to the fame meas ures a formerly.
This patient had after ard sem returno the litemoptysis, ut o a stigii degreeonly and without theis of an other medicines than hos bellare directed hewas dis milled from attendanc a the is a pensary
pensar about the egi nning of August. His strength a the conssiderabi recruited an alliis other symptortis muchmitigate i.
XXV. Λ in Ghios Alen, in in the Stomachian Bomeis, ari viromi tulence, ere
of inii, ither pward or omnWariis. And he observes that after ever mea hedischarges in i in great quantities byerinflations. Heris osten also assi 'ed illiborborygini attended illi loca distentions of the intestines rom,ind. When the patia is ver severe, e is a sected illi violent headach and stight stri
Verings. ut although these symptomsoni attend ver violent attack of thepain, et the uneasines about the cartilago ensiformis is in ome degre constant; and in the ornings, even ithout very violent patia, he has also soni degre of
His pulse beat about severat strolies in the minute his bellycis regular and hesleeps wel in the night; ut his appetiteis impatre l. He has been stillae Redio these complainis. to a considerable degree, for these three years past. The are omeritia easiae during the winter but the always returnwith increased violence in the pringseason. He asst ibes his assection to a
jaundice, to whichie was subjected about eleven ear ago; as, ance that time, helias neve been entiret free Dor some affections in his boweis, although itie onlyssince the period mentioned above that theyliave appeare in the present forin. He has a times sed different medicines. and particularly, he has latet tahen Anderson' pilis for ome tength of time, but without deriviniany relies Dor them. R. A foetidar, Aloes colorinae, Saporis Hi ani, singulorum drachmam
Syrus simplicis . . a massa, divi
denda in pilulas granorum quinque. Capiat grana decem omni nocte hora somni. June 24. He has in generaline or twoloos stool every a from the pilis Heis no les affected illi flatuleiaces; buthe stili complain os uneasines a the scrobiculus cordis. Me thinhs, however, thati is nowHower eated than formeris and he has been es assecte mitti ineadach; hut he stili complain of wealanesis.