Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



the tenesmus he dis charges a sim mucous matter. In the state of his urine there isno preternatura appearance. He has no been affected illi thesecomplaint for bout the pace of three weeks. His mollier nows no cause towhicli the can e assigned an he has used no medicines, exceptinia singleiose of rhubarb.

Calomelanos granum unum,

Conservae rosarum quantum si it satholus fumendus hora somni nec non Tincturi Palappae emunciam, Drusi simplicis uncias duas M. Capiat

Iemunciam cras mane, et repetatur omni

hora donec supervenit catharss. June 3. The bolus sat asil on his stomach, and the purgative operatediri&ly During the operation oscit, e dis-charge two large ornas, ach about teninches in tength. Repetatur holus, ut antea vespere die Solis, et catharticum mane die Lunae. June 7. He has noteto his medicines a directed. mo more Orms have been observed



observed tot dis charged since las repori, and he stili complain much of the patrios his belly. Habeat medicamenta ut antea praescripta. June et o He has ahen the olus and purgative a prescribe ; the ast of hicli operate loris lily, and he has disichargedone large orto. nothe was observe la the anuso ut it again ad it wayinto the intestine. Repetantur holus et catharticum ut antea, bis in septimana. Jul i. He has ahen his medicines twice since the last report. Fron the sirst purgative he discliarged sive ornasu romthe last, fix Al of these were about eight inches in tength. II does notio Complain f the gripes; ut heris sonaetimes observe Ito pic his nosse, and to rind his ieeth during his fleep.

Repetantur medicamenta ut antea.

July II. He has ahen his medicines twice since the last report. Froni the fit stpurgative he discliarge two ornas; ut the last id not operate.



Repetantur medicamenta ut anica iJuly 9. He has discli arged three ornas by each of the Iast purgatives one of themmas about eleven inches in tengili, theother were ather maller. He has ahenno medicines for these eight daysiast dii

ring that timeto ornas have been observe l. Heioes notio complain of ripes, and his ther sympionis are considerablydimini med.

Continuentur medicamenta ut antea.

OBsΕRvATION delioered Augus 1. In the case of this patient, me have nexample of a diseasse, respectiniwhicli,ecan, I imagine, entertain no doubi Theprincipat symptoms,hicli here occur thepain of the breast and belly accompanienwith a tenesmus, are suchos may arisiesrom dii serent causes. When these howeVer, re accompanted illi picking of the nosse, it ives presumption that they may originate stom,orms. ut this presumptionet



tion, in the caseie resus, is put beyondat doubi froni the disicharge of worms by stool. When, have thus certain evidence of the existence of these animal in the alimentar canat, there cante no hesitationii pronouncin them tote the cause fati the symptoms. And the present caseasford an instance o litti dependenceis olei ut on particula symptonas a di- agnostic o worms, hicli soni are disse posse to conside a affordinicertain evidelice, hether the be presentis not. Ofthese any particulari the wellinios the uppe lip on whicli sonae are dispos edto ut si much confidence, are here anting. Anyas in cases of scrophula, i may ostenciae place when there are no Orms, socii appears also that it ma be absentwhen thesesare reatly present in great number in the alimentar canat. A giviniris to Orm in the presentcase, o particula cause is assigned; ema conclude, however, that the ova orsirit rudiment of the have been accidentally


dentali introduce into the alimentarycanal, and that he have been generaled there in consequence of thei findinia prope nidus it is froni the circumstance of the more ready introductio of the ova that worm are particulari apto occuras a cause of diseas during the priniseason, hen undresse vegetabies are muchlaen Andrit is probable that fuch a causema have operate here. Respecting the termination of this case, there are, Pthinh, round for entertaining favourable expectations Although, from,hat we have atready seen, e may conclude that he have been present in the bowel to a conluderable number, et the have induce no severe symptoms; and while these symptoms were of no longcontinuance besere e came under urcare the have so far at east, tready yielde to the medicines sed. hope

there re that in acilior time his presentcomplainis may be brought to a favourabie termination speciali a the worms, whicli are the cause of the present affeci tion,


tion the Teretes, or, as thers have called them, the Lumbrici, are, os ali the disserenthiniis commoni present in the alimen tary canat, the most easit combated.

In the case before us, unquestionablythe great objectis the cur is the expul-ssion of the worna them selves, and of the Ova. While, however, the a re alive and vigorous, the exert est oris for retaining thei place; ence it is of great ad vantage, he fore employing the means os expuliston, to eaken an debilitate oriris. Withthes intentions various remedies are incommon use Andri might here have employed, as a means os diminis hinior destroying the vita power of the wornis the decoctiora os abbage-tre bark, Dother

articles suppo sed tot of the highest eff-cacy. Bus was uia illinito ventur on

liad heres ore recourse to caloniel, illi thevie of hilling the worni o debilitatingi hei power and to the tincture os alap, combined illi simple syrup for the X- pulsion of them . In these medicines et have



have uniformi persisted ince his patient came underisu care and in thei operation, for the ostiari, e have no beendis appotnted. very different os hasbeen attended illi the discliarge of severat Ormsu and nowae appear tot in no degre affected illi symptonas rom

froin thei se of cathartics, Pssa allio thin os discontinuin his medicines. ut Iliope, that for effectinia radica cur in the present case, I hali not be obliged tochange his medicines and that he maysoon disinissed froni an further attendanc here. SEQUE L.

This patient a continue Mon the medicines atri st directed foris me time long



symptonas, he was then disinissed, and continued in perfecit health a the end of severa monilis after his dis mission. XXVI. Cose in qu hic a Morm, bou, 0 Inchesin Angli, of that lini Dich is denomina sed the Taenia, as di harge fro the δε-

1Va third ear of her age, admitted September 17. 777, osten observes that inedis charge byinoo living orms, hicli, on examination appea to e portioris ofa senia The fragment disicharge areos ver different sages. Some of them areno one-tenthis an incli in hi eadth othersabove three-tentiis. The thichnes of ei




ther oes no exceed one- twelfth of an incli They areis different en gilis ut the are seldom ess thania is an in ch, andrai ely exceed an in ch. The are ali flawhite colour, and manifestly consiti os different ointS. She compla insis patia in her right fide, whicli frequently his thei situation anniue is asse Red illi great debilit in herright-leg This debilit is si, far constantas to occasion a hali in allaing. ut it somelimes increasse Tud leni t so great adegree, that he falis down in the street; and previoris to such attacks, me is affected with great ichnes a stomach. In mori time, however, siue again recoVers, in sonae degree, the strength of the affected leg, si a to e able to alli, al- though no without dissiculty. he has a times the sensation os temporar localfisellings in the est id of her abdomen, whicli do no seem to hercio aris si om

Her pulse, eat, and appetit for ood, are in the natura state; and her longue is a clean;


clean; ut her est is in genera bound , and herileeps it in the night. She has no been observia to dis charge portions of this ind of worm for thesethii ty ear past and duriniat that times1e has been affected illi ome of her present symptoms, particulari the patris in herletly but he was first affected with

monili ago.

She has formeri applied to severat dis

ferent pracstitioners, and has used manymedicines, particulari powder of tin and tincture of rhubarb. Fron thesectast medicines me has a different times passed three wornis, of the sanie kind whicli hedis charges at present, hicli ere eitherentire, or at least very large portions Oneo them meas ured about an hundred and sorty-eight inches in tength another se-Venty-four inches and the hird bout eighteen inches. ut after these ere Drought way, he oon again came to disse charge mali portions in the sanae state s