장음표시 사용
at present; and she was neve entirelysreed froin the patiis in herletly. Capiat cras hora septima matutrna, pulveris radicis sticis non ramos drachmam unam,
ex aquae purae cyatho nec nun Glomelianos,
Cambogiae, utri que granatria. Pulseris cremoris tartari sescunciam, Sympi simplicis quantum jussciat. M. diligenter subigens, ut sat electuarium 'capiat circiter partem dimidiam
cras hora undecima ante meridiem, et
posea capiat drachmam unam omni hora donec supervenerit catharsis. September 3. A the medicine directed could not be immediatet procured medidio ge ictili esterda morning Thepowder occasioned ver considerable sacknes a stomach; ut it either induce lvomitin nor loosenesis. The cathartichegan to operate abolat two our after twas ahen and during the operation me disicharged severat fragment of the worna.
tength, and early bout three-tentiis ofan incli in readth: the horte fragments were mos of them much narrower; andone of them terminated in a poliat nothroade than the fige of a thread Thewhole fragments ahen together, a far asthe could e collected meas ured abo ut
fift in ches. his orning he has disia
Repetantur medicaraenta . . cras mane.
September o The dos of the powdertaken on the orning of the 4th occasione ver considerable sichnes a stomach and Dona the catharti mea ad se vera loos stools: ut o fragments of any orm ere observed tole disicharged: nor has me observet an in her Oolstinc that time. he has been or omedays entiret free frona the patris inter abdomen, and a present me complain onlyof the weaknes of her leg; ut me haso late ad n attach of that udden lose offrengili froni,hich he was efore in dangeris falli nido n.
Intemnittantur medicamenta, et illinatur 6 um camphora tum femori dextro omni nocte hora somni. October o She stili complain o weakness, and of soni degre of ain, in herright te and nee but me continues fre froni the patiis in her abdomen and no more fragments of the seni have everbeen observe iri be disicharged cithe bystoo oris other time8. Continuetur oleum campb0ratum ut antea.
Octobero . There isto farther appear-ance of any portionis the senia hut theaffectioni hercle continues nearly in the
fame state a be re. Continuetur oleum amphoratum nec non
accipiat quotidie dius electricos quatuor adgradum tertium, et eliciantur sintillae elim ore femore assecto.
recovering the natura vigo ur of hercleg. As in his saluation me id not expectioi farther benefited by the electricity, sae gave ut attendance at themispensar :but during the whole cohars of her attend-ance, after the remedies for the expulsionos the senta,ere ive her, me continued re from ali her ther symptoms, excepting the assection f the eg. At theend of severa monilis after me ad dis-
continuet her attendance at the Dispensary, Phad an opportunit os seeinther; and was happycio find that in stili continue fre frona an symptonas indicatingili presence of aenia in the alimentarycanal, and that inea d never during that xime observed an portions of it tole dis charged by the rectum.
A this patient did not mahe applicationat the Dispensar illi the eginning of September, by hicli time the summer
was terminaled, her complainis ere nevermade the subjectis lecture. ut a thisis the fit si case in hicli I have ever ad
occasion to use the powder of the feria-root against the senia, and a the practice has not a fartas I candearn, been common inthis country I imagine that the publication oscit might no b unacceptable orwithout ome ad vantage. needio observe, that in the treaiment
of this case, the practice whicli I followed was suggested by a publication whicli has latet appeared a Paris. This reatis eis intilled Trailement contre Taenia uter Suilaire, ratique a Morat en Misse, examine et eprouue a Paris. Publi parcitare duinoi
Andri is signed by the respectable names of Lassone, acquer, de la Motte Jusileu, Carburi, an Cadet. In thei publication, hesides an accurate description of the aenia illustraled by plates, and a particular account of the method employed by a- clam Nouiue in the administration flerspecific, werare presente Dalso with the historΥ
itor of severat cases in hicli it was used with successe est must, however, be obser-ved that the powder of the oot of the male fern whicli is considere Mas the article of greates activity, is represente tobe a specificini in cases of the solitary
ly useful against the senia cucurbitina orgourd-worm. On this authority then, Idetermined o have recourse to it in thepresent case, and was not Without expectation os successi. his expectation assomewhat increased Do the accounts
whicli Phadaeard of the use of the ei n-powder in Britain. Not long after therreatis whicli I have mentione had been publis hed in Paris, it appeared in an Eng-lim resis, hein translated into ur angvage by that ingenious an industrious physiciani Simmons of London. AndLWas informed that in a seconii editionos his translation, he intended o publimthe historie of severat cases transmitte tollimi praelitioner in disserent paris of
successe both against the Tarnia lata and Tarnia cucurbitina Such industr in the collectionis histories illi regard to the use of medicines, ither ne or revived, theciather merit pratse, ascit afford notoni the fullest satisfaction,ith regard tolli successe and af et of the medicine, ut lihewis lead to the mos effectua modeo administration. In the present instance, after thetreatinent proposed wa begura, it aPPears, froin the histor of the case, that our patient was for the time a least, reed rom
stressed for many years Two questions, howeVer naturali present themselves onthis subjec'. t ma occurras a matre Ofsonae dolabi, o far the expulsion of the large portions of the Tarnia hicli heretoo place reali depende Don hat Madam Nousfer ternas e specific the fern-powderit Arid it a be Med Whether therei reason to conclude that the
cure thus obtained ill e effectual and radicatqPerhapsis positive answer an e ivento nei ther of these questions. illi regardio the iust however I cannot hel 1 thinking that here is here reat reason orire-1umin that the fern-powde had ver considerable influenc in the expulsion of the worm Lam indeed fuit aware that good est ects may be obtained in the expulsion ofwornis of an Lindi oris an other foreignmatters homilie intestinat canal, by strongand drasti cathartics, although the posse sessis specific pomer. An evacuant offuch a nature, hoWever, is unquestionablyamorded by the purgative whicli Madame Nouine direct tot given after e specific. I consist of nocles than en grainso mercurius dulcis, a much resin os scammony, and rom seu to even grainsos amboge, Paris,eight. Each of these articles is directe to e separatet reducexto a fine po der, and then the wholet he formed into a bolus illi soni conserve Any one of these articles, ahen by
itself, a naturali be suppo sed a pomer fui cathartic. I must indeedi observed, that froni the cases realed and publi hedat Paris, it appears that the whol dose
may be ahen, even in ea habiis, ith Out inconvenience and although it osten produced a considerable number of stoois,as for example, to the extentis foui ieen orupWards, et the were in generat,ithout
patia, and didiot wealien the patient by the
evacuation. It is but natural there fore, to
suspect that somethinima dependin themere purgati velo er of this article. In the case here treated indeed, e didno venture to exhibit a purgative of such strengili Three gratias only of calo mel, and a much amboge, i thou any resinos scammony, mere here emplo yed These ere conjoined unde the formis electuary.with a quantit os cream os arta sufficient to secure thei operation. And his electuar was a the same time directed ob taken in repeated mali doses, si a toavoid ali ange of hypercatharsis. In his waV, howeVer, theis of t was followed
i, a very brici operation an conse quently it mustiave had cpnsiderable influence in tendi nito expe any thinicon lained in the intestines. But it a fartheri observed that itis no improbabi that one of the articles which entexed the purgative here employ-ed a melltas that o Madanae Novi Ter has
more influenc than meret as a Cathar-tic that is, the amboge There is evenreason or presuming that while the amboge in fuch cases operates S a purgative to the human system, it has also theessee o operatinias a polson to the Tar-nia. At least, it is no highi probabie, that amboge united to the sal absynthii, constitutes a medicine hicli has been much celebrate for the expulsion os te-nia rom the intestina canal mea theremed employed by D Herrens chwand. of the wonderfui successe of this remedy,
fome account a given severat ears ago
by the illustrious Baron an wietenci ut he mentions it asin remedyio then ommunicate to the public and Do his