장음표시 사용
it most pure state, probabi depend onan atoni condition of the paris inducedi, precedin inflammation Osten, however, it happens that this state is compli cated illi soni degre o remaining inflammation. It is hiefly in the firs of these conditioris that benesit is derived fron tonics, stricti si called such, forexample, a colit bathing, and the eruvian arE. In the alter casse, however, these remedies are inadmisuble, and would even e rejudiciat. Nor, o the therhand is the affection duriniit intermediate state, or ha may be calle the stageo irritability, to e reate a in acute rheumati sim, by leedin and weating. Such means o cure might indeed, tendio remove remaining inflammation ; et, by these the atoni stat wouldie aggravate i. It is in suci instances that thegreatest benefit is, apprehend to exeaped rom the use of mercur an electrici in and rom the remed whicli eliave ali aloniused illi his patient, thevolatile elixir of guaiacum These reme-
dies, hile to a certain extent thenae' agevacuants are also stimulanis an in thi Way, probably, he have influence, asouercoming the tendencyrio both assections the toni condition, and the in
of this intermediate in I supposieth case of ou present patient tote, and Ithought it a prope instance for the use of the guaiacum his medicine has longbeen emoloye both against rheumatican arthriti complainis, and it has heengive in an disserent forms. There cante no doub that the activit of guaiacum depend on a gummy, or rather a resinous substance, hicli the wood contains his gum has ometime been X-hibited in substance, somelimes in materysolution, and in both ways it has been attende with good effect ; ut, o at theform under hicli it an e sed that whic is a present mos frequently employed is the volatile tincture, o what me ma conside a nearly the fame hing, the volatile elixi of the Edinburgh Phar
macopoeia The volatile elixi has oflate been rendered very fas hionable in therheumati affections by the publicationos D Dawson, intilled, Cases in the acute rheumatim and the gout Although, in histreatisse, the author has notorealed me with at the lenit I could have is 1ed, yeto an have o hesitation in recommendiniit o our perusa an haveat least the satisfaction to thinh, that is insome respecis, e differs in opinion romme, he has reate more eminent names with much greate severity.
Doctor Dawson, affectinito desipis alltheory although, at the fame time, ouwil find that he has himself employed not a litile oscit in the book I have mentioned recommend the volatile tinctureo guaiac, of the London Pharmacopoeia, as an alios infallibi remed in cases both of rheumatis and out and hedirect it to the quantit os a least halfan unce orta dose either meret dilutet with mater, o in the formis a draught. This remedy, since I read Doctor Dawson's
cases, I have osten employed, and ome-- times I hin it has been o Ver considerable advantage A the fame time, fio an experience hiches have had Icani no means conside ii as entille toth very igh character hich he hasgi ven ii and in recent rheumati cases, have ometime been suspicious that ithad reatly a ad effect In the presentitistance, employed the volatile elixiro guaiacum of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, hicli differs ver litile fron the volatile tincture of the London College in the sirst the spiritus alis ammoniaci vinosus beintemployed as a menstruum in the last the spiritus volatilis roniaticus. This medicine, in the case of hicli,eno treat, seem to me to have been very
useful; andes have nothe with an casse, in my practice, in hiches hin it has done more. I hallie happycio in thaliis reputation is confirme by farther ex
While this patient continues o recoxer,
mon dose, hal an unce of the medicine: as, however, after the continuance of itfor some time, our patient Was Ver considerabi relieved Phave since diminimedine quantity by givin her the volatile elixi o guaiacum combined with therfluid ; and is cie continues easy, I may, perhaps, in Ghor time, lay aside theguaiacum altogether, o tr ho me illdo without it But, a I wissicio see ho far a cure an e effected by this medicine alone, Pinal not unles fro necessity thin os employin annother active substance, ei ther externali or internalty. am in hopes that no other remed willbe necessary or at least that we,il onlynee to direct with theis of the presentremedy such cloathin and regimen ad te to the disease, a the fatuation ofour patient Will asti d.
B ut is these meas ares ould in theend be found ineffectual, I have thoughis of tryinithis patient illi electricity. lectricit is ne of those remedies hichriformeri potnted out a suiled to rheumatism, in iis progress to the atoni state. And indeexit is in opinion of s me very able physicians that, etween chronicrheumatism and pals y there is a very great assinity. In the lalter of thes affections however electricit has long been highly celebrated henc there is reas nto ope, that it a b os considerable service in the former. must wn, Iam incline to conside ii as a remedyo greater PoWers, an more extensively
shocks, froni forminia communicationbetween the positive and negative sides of thebar, by chain leadinito the patient'sthigh and ankle. Should the electricit alsole found un- successsul,
successi fui, sonae benesi might, Pthinh, bercaped froni different externa applications And on the recommendation of gentieman, of hos accurac in observation I have a him opinion, I have thoughts of tryinianiintinent formed by uni tinia mali proportion of the vitriolicacid illi Ogs-lard. have on different occasions suggested the use of such an
Ointinent against culaneous affections; but the gentieman o homes allude inform me that he has osten used it illi successi in rheumatis , whichae imaginesis orae ascribe to iis operatinias orae of the rubefacientia.
Continuation of the REPORT8. December 8. Heriain continue mucheaster. ut sincestas repori, there has oc- curro l
curret a stigii ulceration on the back- parto her leg Continuetur mixtura ut antea; et aliquantum linimenti cerei parti cruris j fectae imponatur. Januaryo . The ulcerationis hercleg, mentioned in the last repori, is nomineat; but a sight ulceration has appeared at another pari. he has had soni retur os
Januar 23. he is re fro ali herpains, and the ulceration is entiret heaLLet herie disinisse l. OBsΕRVAΤ1ON delisered Februar y I. of the dis eas of this patient, after Whathas atready been aid, litti no remainstote observe l. During the whol courseo her affection, I have ad n reason to alter ither my opinion or in praetice. Except the ight ulceration in her leg, whicli occurrestoward the conclusionis
her disease, me has ad meret a conti nuance of the symptom mentioned in thecale; and these ulcerations, hicli ereentiret superficiat, ere ardi an ob ject meritin attention The progressi orecover here has, po the whole been more regula thana expected. Mur re diction, heres ore, that in no long time inowould evio tolerable health, has a leastheen ut filled. How far our assertion thaline might againie subjectest a rene alo her complaint mali appea tot wellsounded, et remalias to e determined. mali noti displeased to learia, that in this respect ou fears are found o be
Aster,hat we have atready said respect-ing the lan os cure, nothiniis no tobe adde l. Viewing the case tot one, in whicli, illi a disposition to the atonicstate, there ere et ome remain os inflammator diathesis, Pthought of tryinga medicine, hicli, in some degree, combinei stimulatin and toniciowersci andit as illi his intentio that I had re et course
coui se to the elixi of guaiacum An al-houghes have osten efore employed his medicine, Pthinii illi good effeci, et aseter the terminationis this case, I may eveniore positi vel than formerly, assert, that have sed it in no case in hicli it hasbeen productive of so good effect a in thepresent. in the time lienisu patienthegan the iis offit, heriain were so violent, particularly on one fide, that he was unable either o standis Walla and theywere increased illi si much severit onher goin tot ed that me a osten de- prived os rest during the night. From thetim that helegan the elixir, her complaint were much alleviated and I persisted incit ithout employing any other medicine, ill he was si eas that rec-koned i unnecessar for her o continueher attendance he was then disinissed, after exhibitin to us in m opinion, noweali proo of the effect of guaiacum, in this formula, against rheumatisnam a particula state.