장음표시 사용
o time, I mat orde it to e performedei the with il or,ith sonae ostio dei but ithout expectin frona these any other effect than a lea linito the continu-ance of the frictiora.
Soon after the this December, esides the continua race of the cream os tartar and squilis, directions ere iven that his vatient ould have her eli caret utly rubbed very eveningior the pace of halfanio ur. And, a the repented evacua tions by too seemed to in luce debility, the purgatives ere ordere 1 to e intermitted. ut o long after his, on ex pos ure to accidental old the Nellingo her abdomen a very considerablyincreasse and as, at this time, herbelly was ather ound the squill-pilis
mere omitted, and the cream os tarta re
fect of diminis hinis mewhat the welling; hiat, even after me had conlitiue i it for a considerable tength of time, the wellingwas by no means entiret removed. Upon his siue was ut ii thei se of a miY- ture, the basis of hicli a the tinctura Amara Aster the se of this mixture, there oo place a considerable discli argeos in i in the way o flatus, and theswellinini a litile. It didior, hOweVer,entiret dis appear. ut a sine continued, in other respects in good health, and was no longe affected illi the hirst, antos appetite, ain f her belly, carcit ofurine, oriother sympionis hicli eremost distres iniat the time os admisson,
she was disinisse about the id die of
III. A CuΤAN Eous AppΕcΥ1ON, reate bibe externa Application in Corro e Subi mate, Ierminatis successuib. aged ight years, admitte the eighth of November has ove his hole face a red scat eruption, of hicli there is also a litile on the abdomen This eruption is neveriainfulioritchy unlesis hen e stan is besere thesire, o is heate by any other means. At present i is dry ut the eruption on his face osten dis charges matter Pulse and heli natural and in ther respects heis re fro complaint. This eruption is of nine monilis stand-ing and no cause is assigned forcit, excepi that os fleeping in the ed illi a person, bout two ear before, ho was afflicted illi simila eruptions. He has sed a lister and ome thermedicines, ut his parent do notano what
November I 6. The powder sit eas ityon his stomach. and the ruption on his face continues much a bes ore, ithout an fressi disicharge of matter Kepetimurdo i on momi ter indies; et 0 Mercurii corro υ sublimati grana duo. Solet e in quis unciis quatuor dein adde
spirisus lavendulo compositi unciam unam. M.f. tutio, qua accurate LVentur partes sectae omni nocte November 3 He continues thelowders without an inconvenience, and without
any sensibi operation. The eruption ontiis face is ver considerabi diminimed since elegan to aut it illi the solution; ut, rom ome particular spois, there is no a figli dis charge of matter.
Pulse an bell3 natural Continuentur medicamenta, et capiat cras mane salis Luberi drachmas ox, ex quae ferventis unciis octo, more solito. November
November o The salis operated ell, und the eruption on his fac is no conu-derabi diminimed. At present i disse charges ver litile. Repetatur si salis
GLuberi, ut antea, cras mane; et continuentur olla medicam M. Ops ERvAΤION delivered December .
This patient is subjected ora disease,
in practice and it is farther a complaint, almost ali the symptoms of hicli are ob violas to the senses. et in in opinion, there is a connderable dissiculi in amxin a prope nam to it And, indeed, this is an observation whicli applies o cu-taneous affections in generat forcio histribe os disienses the case of ur presentpatient is manifestly to e referred. Icannot hel thinhing that culaneous disia eases are not hitherio distinguished illi sufficient accuracy, ithe by nos logicalor practica writers Some, indeed, avemultiplied the species to a very great X'
tent. But froin thei description it is osten impossibi e to anto hicli an particula instanc cani referred. It would I apprehend be of great consequenc in practice, could distinet genera os
io ne offour headsieitherio a morbidiondition of the generat massis fluids a morbi affectio of the utaneous esset. adepraved secretion by the sebaceous glandsof the hin or a morbi affection of the bulbs of the hair These I ahe t be thegenera cause of the reater par of cutaneous affections and a the diseas pro ceed fro one o other of these the cureis, in an respects varie l. df, here- fore, prope marks couldie discovered for distinguis hin these rom acti ther, I should conside it asin alter of impori lance But fuch marks es apprehend, have not hitherio been potnted ut and We an Only fori uncertain conjectures
fio the appearance, and ther circum
At fuch assections a the present, re, in his par o Britain a least, vulgarly
known by the nam of the curvy. Butthis terni, as employed by medica writerso science, is sed to expressi an assectiono a very different nature And amongat the chronical culaneous affections is we exclude thecitch and linea capitis Ιknow ut two genera distincti marhed. These re lepra and herpes one orother of these genera I must Wn thar, in common language, I a disposed torefer ver case. in the fame time, hereis, in s me instances, such a manifes diseference, that am satisfied the generaciliouldie more numerous, provide theycould e properi distinguis hed The
are osten synice, haesit is frequently very dissiculi toria to,hicli genus a particular caseiugii tote referred. pon the whole, however, Pran unde the head of herpes, those
thos instances here there is the reatest inflammation the mos considerable a tery disicharge, and the least stat appear-ance and I refer to the ead os lepra, thos instances in hicli here is litti orno Obviolas inflammation, litile risim bove the scin but here the paris affecte sare covered with a white scily matter. On these rounds, then, I am ei toconside the present instance as an exampleo herpes an Plook upon it to proceed more rom the state of the culaneous vesset a the pari, than rom an other cause. How far his diseasse, a the patient parent suspeet, may have derived iis originnom his having lept in the bed with oneaffected with a simila complaint, I cannot pretendo say must, however, Wn, thato in ather inclinet to suspecit thecontrary although am by no means soclear in his sentiment a to dra an positive conclusion The distance of time atwhicli it occurred, rom that whenae septwilli the affected person, is indeed a strongobjection to t. ciet, ere there Ven
much more certain evidence of iis notbein infectioiis, very intimate connection, In ali suci cases, is unquestionabi to be
But whether e suppos the dis eas of the present patiens to have arisen romthis, o Dom an other cause suci suppositions ill have litile effect ither onthe prognosis o plan os cure or urjudgement respectin these mustio beentiret reste lin the present state of the patiens dis ense. And here I mustiwn, that in ivin a judgmen reffectingilie probabie termination of this assection, I cannoti very positive. Lam ho ever, disposed i liope, that w may be able tocure this affection, and that ou patient may et recove perfecit ealth. It is much in his favour, that his diseasse, comparati vel speaking, is no os longduration that it has on different occasions, ad the appearance of iel lingsomewhat o medicines Which have beenused that there is no reason to suspectriis
bellata hereditar affection and that bis
patient is et at an early period of is e. From at thes particulars there is greaterreason olopeior successe than there,ouldhe, in contrar circumstances But inould
we eveni dis appotnted in accomptishinga cure, I dolo apprehend much angerfrom his complaint; and Iam dispossedio hink, that frona continuance it ouldratheri troubles me han fatal. With respect to the cure, it is here toleremarhed that attempis to this purposeare not altogethe without d anger. Itis eliknown that the greatest viis have ome- time been attribute to the repulsion, as7 has been called, of eruptions and