Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



is frona his consideratio that Phave putour patient, o meret on the use of ne medicine, ut os severat.

I conside the present diseas estote chief-l produce by the state of the vestet atthe pari and for the remova of it, place the principat confidence in the mercuria lotion his, Lexpect Wil operate, in consequence of the peculia stimulatingpower hicli it exert on the esset towhicli it is applied But i by this means

there inouldie a fudite restoration to asound state, it is necessarii followed by a conriderable change in the balance of 'circulation, an at the fame time illithe retentionis matte which before used tot disicharged. Mence there are instances here it has ive riserio apoplexy, dropsy, orither dangerous assections Toavoid an harari of these, hile an attemptris madesto cur the eruptio by externa means, missicio increas the disse

charge nother uitets. It is illi his vle that I have put hi on the se of crude antimony, a medicine hicli I have osten



osten employed, and Pthin with successe, against culaneous affections and whicli probabi operates by givinia permanent increasse of disicharge froin the surtace. Itis, farther, illi the intention os producinga disicharge rom the system, thates have repeatedi exhibited refrigerant purgatiVes. Froin these, obtain although a les permanent, et a more certain and more immediate disicharge. And by these means Pliope to avoid an dangerous consequen ces,hicli might otherwis result seo the externa applicationis the mercury. B continuinithis course foris properlengin os time, I am opesul that this patient may be perfecti recovered Andperhaps, in the reatinent of the case, nothinis arthe willie requisite, than tori creas the strength of the solution orother iste regulate the medicine accordingio circumstances. Loowever, it althe found ineffectuat, e may try, Othexternali and internalty medicines of

different hinds And is the disse e proves obstinate, Phave thoughts of puttinithis patient



patient on theis of the vitrioli acid a medicine, hicli, o late, has been particularly recommended for the cure os Psora.

The Ungtientum Vitriolteum used a the Edinburgh Dispensar is prepare accordin to the following


Acidi itriolici i axungiae porcinae L Terentur optime simul.


Fsto the use of the solution os corrosve externalty, and of the antimon internalty with the repetition of the salis at prope intervals the eruption on his face continue graduali to decline; ut oonaster, a dry scaly eruption os a simila nature, appearedin the hair scalp. Astersiaving the head this was treate with an externat application, nearly of a similariature, the corrosive ein applied in the fori of oiniment. Tythis it soon ielded. His recovery however, after his, Wasno uniform for hen the eruption onhis head disappeared that o his face returnen to a very considerable degre. andit even extended to different paris o the

the use of the remedies atready mentioned, it was aestast entiret overcome and on



vember II. 776, a married oman, o a brown complexion and lo stature,

is assected illi severe aliis in the hip, knee, and anklerioinis, particulari of the right fide Theseiain are so violent onmotion, that heris unable to alta; et-therica me stan upright. They are particularly severe When ine eginscio gro warm in bed. The paris affecte are no in the east degre inflamed, o fore to the ouch, utare alwaysiainful on an motion of the joint Pulse 96; eli regular appetite impatred but he oes no complain ofthirst. Her menses are regular, and areat present flowing.


hea and re ines in the paris, hichiis Happeared oon after the application o abiister, and lood- lettin by means fleeches. he no complain os a sense fcoldnes in the ankle and oo chiesi aD sected. She imputes her complainis to sud lenexpostare o cold by teppinifroni a vesse vel o tepid water into a runninistream. She has usedio ther medicines but those mentioned bove Capiat elixi gubacini

volatilis femunciam omni nocte hora somni, ex quovis vehiculo.

December I . he has continued theus of the elixi regularly sincerit,as fir stordered Her ain are much relieved mace saei egan it. hecis no De Domthe excruciatin uiaeasines o goin tobed and sit can walla illi tolerable ease, so that sit has been abieci come to the Dispensar on oot rom a considerablestistance.

Elixi gua jacini volatilis, uncias duas.



8rupis sis ingulorum unciam Ioam. M. capiat emunciam omni nocte. December a I. Sh continues o wallamith much more eas e but is stili affected with ain in heriach, hicli is most severe during the night Coruinuetur mixtura

tis Iae.

OssgstvATION deli re December 23. In the case of this patient, erare Presentia illi an affection whicli oes notseem tote os a complicated nature an itis, at the fame time, ne illi regar towhic there an e very litile oom fordoubi It caninardi be matter of hesitation that the patiis to hicli his patientis subjected are of the rheumatic ind. Her affection, however, by no means Correspond with the definition of rheumati mus, a giVen by nos logica writersci forthis patient is no only at present entirelyhee ro mos of the sympionis of pyrexia, but has been si eve since siue came

nnderisu care.



allowed that here are No ver disserent states These are mellanown by the nameso acute and chronio rheumatis . Howfar this affection, in the two different states I have mentioned, ould reali have different generi names, I cannot preten tosay I apprehend, however, that in thenature of the two, there is a very considerable diversiity; et notWithflandinithis, in an particular the are ver strictly


I ouldie far ro pretendinito assert, that a rheumati affection, of the chronica hin i, never ahes place ithout pre-Cedin acute rheumatis and there areianquestionabi man instances of this lat- ter diseasse, hicli are neve succeede byan chronical affection. The mos common casse, o ever, is that thesare connected, and that the oneris a seque of theother. his appears o have happened in the instance be reis; at least e ma inser o, rom the wellin and inflamma

tended. But



But, haleve might e therars state of this affection, here cani litile oubtwith regar to iis conditionis the timewhen his patient came Under ou care; an perhaps a litile that heriiseas derived iis origin from the cause hicli heastigiis for it that is, the sudden changeo temperature, by passimis rom,arm tocold water Such sudden exposure to coidis the cause of various morbid affections. Sometimescit induces ne diseasse, ome- times nother These varieties are probabi tot ascribe to peculiar eahnesso the paris, o some simila causes: ut ofali assections the mos common hichil induces are of the rheumaticlind. Andthis effect it has evidenti ha in the instanc besere uS. With regard to the terminatio of this diseasse, there is, I hink, no reason to apprehend fata consequences And we ma remark, that rheumatis , even init acute state, is ne of thos affections whicli is more ainful than angerou3.5ometimes, indeed chroni rheumatis haS


has a fata termination, by induciniother affections and Do the long continu-ance of patia, illi the want of exercisse, the constitution ill at ast e brohen. With ou patient, o ever, it has neitherbeen offuch duration nor so violent, that an thing of this hin is to e readed. On the other hand Pwould hope, that the progress toW rd cure, hici has atready been begun, a be continued and that this patient may, in no long time, e restored to tolerable health. O such a

with certainty, depend anxit must beobserved that this patient illiso bemuch more subject renewal of hercomplainis, Dom tristin accidenis, hanis me had neve before been affected with


The plani cur tot followed in ali affections obtaining the nam os chronicrheumatism, is by no means the same: and indeed the probability is that thedisease, in iis nature, admits of very conrsiderable variety. Chronic rheumatism, in iis