장음표시 사용
this Word with a bono than a cleaver. It Signifies an equat, orsellow. There is much dissiculty concerning this Word. Somedram it Dona mari, martee, hiisband and wise in French, and they, at least, have made a malch, is they do not form one. Jamieson traces it to the Suio-Gothic, masser, a relation. It is
Toit. When we cannot speah to a caller at the moment,
to prepare, and 8ometimes to Succeed.
I dare. O88 seems to come froni this laiter Word, and means to
convulsioris are osten Strongest in the moribund state, we are
Conceit is a standing Word with us. We do not speah it ofa cOXcombicat, but a perverse, man. Obstinacy and conceit arethe fame thing. There is nothing wrong in this, it is rather themore Philosophic use. It may bo strangoly disclaimed after all.